'The drum beat of pressure': Labor claims interest rates have 'been worse'
'The drum beat of pressure': Labor claims interest rates have 'been worse'



@joycelynbennetts Says:
Labor ALP colour is red which says it all. Some of us relate the red to Communism. Is that where we are going with Albanese and Chalmers?
@LeighPennington Says:
Yes they have been higher ,that was also under a labor government
@russelstrahle2046 Says:
This Govt continues to show they are full of crap 💩
@rustynuggets Says:
RBA is the corruption
@rustynuggets Says:
i like how he ignored the low 2% increase in transport yet that is a key factor of inflation from the supply chain crisis. how about actauly being honest about t the reasons things are expensive now.?
@infidel202 Says:
Hey Jimmy is that misinformation
@infidel202 Says:
Australian citizens struggle under albanese and labors inept governance meanwhile they give money to terrorists and tax us more to pay for it
@John-gm8ty Says:
interest rates compared tot he value of the dollar, no, it's not been worse, it is the worst now. when 2x 200k jobs are required for the AVERAGE house?
@KevinFrampton-h4v Says:
Labor couldn't manage a chook raffle
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
So we can assume Labor/Greens-Teals are confident to get 32% of "Left" voters to win the election with this sort of policy mix. You can guess what they are saying to the rest of us. Socialism, the art of deception...when you get a chance, hurry to VOTE THEM OUT... FAKE & FUDGE aka Mr Pants on Fire & Grim Jim...
@jimmartin9704 Says:
This is what pisses me off about sky. Those 12 rate hikes were always going to happen because of the liberals economy mismanagement. Tends to happen when trillions are given away with no plan on how to recover from their great ideas during covid. In their last 15 months, they did squat while inflation rose from 0% to over 6%, more worried about the upcoming election than actually doing what was needed. So don't sit there and act like this is all on Labor. Sure, they should have done more like save the billions spent on a stupid referendum, but the damage was already done by the liberals
@PeteWest-fn9wr Says:
yes they have been worse under the Keating Labor Govt and we are looking to top it - ALbo out
@locomotion4118 Says:
Interest rates may have been worse, but it’s a struggle to find a worse Prime Minister. Who would have thought that Scotty from Marketing would look outstanding by comparison?
@SusanWillis-x8r Says:
Paul Murray for P.M. I wonder what the wife will think. We need you Paul
@peterjames174 Says:
less than one month after going into a new home, interest went to 17% , and I would love the current rate
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
RBA under Michele Bullock, Labor's Achilles heel
@jasonross8096 Says:
Leaving Australia its gone to hell, cheaper to live in Eurpoe
@davannaleah Says:
It can't be worse!.. That'll be 'misinformation' because it's going against what the government says it is...... Even if it's right!
@brettlougheed7708 Says:
18 per cent under keating and hawke what a complete twat
@michaelswonderfulworld Says:
Rates are not high, the amount borrowed is high because of stupid high housing prices.
@_robbo9053 Says:
Why must these people fark with my life. So frustrating.
@ytyndale3643 Says:
The problem isn't exactly interest rates its over inflated house prices. High interest rates is just to eventually force average people to sell, its all part of a global scheme designed to send the middle class into the poor class and create a rich vs poor world. The rich want seperation.
@TerryP-t3h Says:
This bunch of dickheads will bullshit you to death, This country is on its way to a recession and the bullshitters are saying the opposite....they don't have a clue about economics or how it is supposed to work .... Chalmers is as dumb as a lump of tree wood...Liars and first class jimboes and bimboes are in charge of the economic grief the Australian people are going through... This Fool Chalmers is worse than Keating and dum dum Swan put together.... and thats an obvious Fact.
@Wombat-y7t Says:
Any lateral thinking person can see lies and deception of the RBA and the central banking system.
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
YES THAT'S TRUE FOR A CHANGE ... but they were worse under Labor.
@Wombat-y7t Says:
let’s tell the truth Interest rates in the 1990s was because America cancelled negative gearing. Americans just handed the keys back to the bank. Australia had to increase interest rates to keep attracting the rolling debt . all the battlers had to pay off the debts of the gamblers and speculators .
@FlyOz-b7b Says:
Institutional Theft as Banks rep the reward and post massive profits
@8101nevermind Says:
The percentage is high for a million dollar loan compared to half a million witch a house used to be worth.
@shaunllewellyn6058 Says:
Under Paul Keating I believe. There are too many taxes in Australia. Maybe that's half the issue?
@tonyscrimshaw869 Says:
That’s all Albo dies is blame everyone ride. The incompetence of this government shows every day and it time they get sacked at the next election
@jimmyjack7884 Says:
This knob is a giant bs artist
@brothermaynard3200 Says:
Also under a Labor government 😂
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
The new RBA Governor can't be manipulated and bought off like Albo did with the new Governor General,,,, why don't Albo and Jim listen to the RBA instead of thinking Jim and Albo know best,,,,they don't!
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
So much for Albos plans to fix cost of living remember before the last election Albo said,,,, only Labor has a plan to fix cost of living,,,, just like the $275 energy saving,,,lie after Labor lie !!
@Warlowisnumberone Says:
I swear to god, if they change the rules to negative gearing just when I’ve finally started building a portfolio…
@glenh1369 Says:
The irony is the worst interest rates ever were caused by a Labor govt. fucking hilarious
@scorp2011hd Says:
Australians MUST WAKE UP to the lying incompetent Albo clown🤥🤡 …. destroying so many Australian lives 😡😡😡😡😡😡
@ShaneCook-s5r Says:
Dead set pathetic, referring to 17% when mortgages were 30k are we, the average mortgage is nearing 1 million? For every .25 increase that's $250, times that by 12 dumbo. 2 decent household incomes can't service & can't feed themselves? How many people are living in tents, absolute garbage government.
@daveid6244 Says:
Love urr program keep the presser on
@Bear197504 Says:
It’s the voters fault voting these commies into power. Sorry to say that, but that’s the truth.
@royalrea2507 Says:
This is a one term government. I wager.
@scottprice1943 Says:
Investment is not the reason housing prices has gone up, lack of supply, immigration (supply) but more about taxes, higher labour costs, much higher material costs to buy land and build a house. The cost of land and building is the 'replacement' cost for existing house prices which sets the base value of existing houses. There's no magic pot of money in building houses given the highest builder failures in 30 years. Only way house prices comes back is increasing supply, eliminate regulations increasing land and housing build costs, reduce taxes on land and building and improve material supply/costs to bring down land and building costs.
@easyz6654 Says:
Interest rates have been worse. Yes, 18% also coincidentally on Labor's watch under Keating's recession we had to have.
@pefrja1 Says:
Inflation is out of control.
@smartgoku9048 Says:
hope there is history made and they get booted out with only one term of government.
@jamesgowing3856 Says:
Snake Chalmers is always going to blame everyone else other than him, Albo etc. he has a fork tongue and can't tell the truth and adnit yhey have fucked everything up & Australia is on it's way to becoming a real banana republic lead by morons.
@chrisburnett4742 Says:
Stop pretending to understand the economy dopey. Your attempt to attribute housing costs to the current government is pure dishonesty and shows a complete lack of understanding of what has caused asset price inflation.
@chrisburnett4742 Says:
Murray completely misrepresents the housing issue in his desperation to shill for the LNP. I’s not the interest rate that matters. My wife and I paid off our first home on average wages in 6 or 7 years when interest rates were 17.5%. What matters is the price of housing. Where we live in Qld home prices doubled from 2020 - early 2022 under the LNP. So now our kids have to pay for more than two houses to get the same 1980s brick box house. The LNP mismanaged the economy. Tell the truth Paul.
@maxrainbow2321 Says:
Funny how no one blame the main cause of high housing which is pezoni immigration, I guess both partys enjoy the benefit of pezoni immigration!
@James19780 Says:
Labour are morons

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