Albanese 'out of step' with international community on nuclear with 'petty politics'
Albanese 'out of step' with international community on nuclear with 'petty politics'



@jennymills3147 Says:
Do the anti- Nuclear folk, realise when the Labor government signed the agreement to build our world class Nuclear submarines, at the Osborne construction site in Adelaide, that a reactor would also be built there to power our submarines. All arguments against Nuclear energy, are now Redundant.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Sharri Markson must be basically insecure and have a need to conform. She should not become a leader. 'Group-think' is dangerous.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Heaven forbid that anybody should be 'out of step', and not go along with the crowd. An unruly mob can never be wrong ? Nuclear waste is largely intractable, The Russians already have several small reactors from submarines, with no means of disposal. The reality is that future generations will probably inherit a massive problem with security issues.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
The fight for nuclear in australia is really a fight to keep coal for as long as possible because coal miners wont give up the fortune they mak e from coal.
@Rapture_Ready_Rabbit Says:
``` TIME IS UP !!! For God loved the world, so He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life - John 3:16 JESUS is the ONLY way! Admit you're a sinner! You can't get to heaven by works or being a good person! REPENT and call upon Jesus for forgiveness now! BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God, that he came in the flesh, lived a sinless life and died on a CROSS for you! TRUST that God raised Jesus from the grave on the third day! By faith accept the shed BLOOD of Jesus alone as payment for all your sins! Almighty God is about to pour out JUDGEMENT on this evil world! Christians born again in the spirit are about to VANISH! Accept the Gospel now - the Good News of JESUS CHRIST!
@locomotion4118 Says:
Albo’s out of step. Period.
@JustinSyd Says:
We can run gas fired power stations now with Hydrogen and Oxygen being burnt together as a gas fuel. Hydrogen and Oxygen can be produced easily on demand by using electrolysis. That is all we need. We don't need or want nuclear. It is not that hard to understand.! It has no pollution. The only reason they push nuclear reactors is because they want to mine all the yellow cake and sell it to make heaps of money. We have to stop worshipping money, it is very risky. The money worship in America also has caused fraccing to be everywhere and now whole water wells and creeks & rivers are being polluted in America by all that toxic fraccing fluid coming back up to the surface in many towns and it is poisoning the people and animals who drink the water. Look it up people even car companies have just announced that they will also make cars that run on water now. It is simply using electrolysis to convert water into Hydrogen and Oxygen on demand.
@JustinSyd Says:
Hey we can now power gas fired power stations for electricity by using a mix of Hydrogen & Oxygen gases burnt together. There is no pollutuion from it either. It is simple electrolysis that produces Hydrogen and Oxygen from splitting water, produced on demand, not stored. There is our answer to having heaps of electricity for everyone.
@ElarMack-ci1of Says:
The ONLY thing ALBASLEAZEY is EVER in STEP with is::::: TROTSKY COMMUNISM. Nothing else. He follows his MASTERS ORDERS everyday and is DUMB AS if asked a question not given to him by "THE" KOMRADE in the morning briefing. All in ouur government are COMMUNIST MEMBERS and have no EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING outside a Labor or UNION Office. Throughout history, LABOR has ALWAYS DESTROYED THE OZZIE ECONOMY. EVERY TIME, without FAIL!
@bigearz255 Says:
Potato-head doesn't have a's all BS
@ricky6864 Says:
Obviously albo the proven liar is not working for Australia
@ricky6864 Says:
Albo doesnt want his green money laundering scheme to end
@HODUYLUAN-h2r Says:
@HODUYLUAN-h2r Says:
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Tony Abbott famously said 'climate change is a load of crap'. I have a strong sense of foreboding - shit might happen ! - Reply
If china was to send a secret agent to destroy Australia, it would be albanese

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