Authorities lay out case against NYC Mayor Eric Adams
Authorities lay out case against NYC Mayor Eric Adams



@irisnicholas7532 Says:
Sound familiar? Who else had 20 year old charges, made up charges, etc. Play book the same but is being levied against one of their own!
@egads2 Says:
Does this apply to Joe Biden, Incorporated?
@kirungirichard Says:
But Biden did more nasty crimes than mayor Adam. And Obama more dark crimes....
@JustMe-dd5ou Says:
Yet Biden still walks free for all his crimes. Thatโ€™s what happens when you tell the truth about the Biden administration. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ That will teach him! Thatโ€™s what you get being friends with evil. He can bunk up with his pal Diddy. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@scomule98 Says:
The "Justice" system has no idea how telling it is that they will go after a Mayor and not the Biden Crime Family who has done so much worse.
@kat8838 Says:
Remember Hillary Clinton run to lead in New York once too? Gee I wonder what was her โ€œcalling โ€œ?
@jason42080 Says:
hmm! sounds and looks like this is a move on the New York high up Dems to go after their own Eric Adams as a sacrificial goat/lamb to make it appear to voters that they 'New York Dems" are fair and non biased...i find it funny that it took this long to do this when they could have done this a year or even 6 months ago but decided to wait until almost 2 months of a Election for POTUS. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” smells very fishy like they are in fear of being voted out of their positions
@SubieMayhem Says:
I wonder if this is just the swamp going after leaders for defying the swamps commands. Just a thought keep this in your mind the truth might come out.
@romulus3345 Says:
They're all corrupt, but Adams spoke out against his masters on the DemoKKKrat plantation and now they've come for him.
@DeMtn Says:
Why was he jet setting the world in the first place, AND while he whined about his city affected by 'sanctuary' choice
@davidpotts3844 Says:
They don't investigate these people until they speak out against their own co criminals
@Sun_flow_ Says:
So, Mr. Adam's going to jail and tarnished his name because he wants to fly first class up in the sky? Those Turkish people got more off of him๐Ÿ˜‚! Live in your pay bracket and be happy!
@journeybrook9357 Says:
Adams spoke up on the migration of birder crossers..O no!
@Utility-Bill Says:
And has the criminal been arrested? Taken before a judge?
@JenniferBarton-z7x Says:
Imagine how rich he is now. He right up there with the Biden s!
@NopeIDontthinkso Says:
I canโ€™t afford a weekend getaway!! Iโ€™m so sick of these jackwagons!!!!
@markmartins4260 Says:
What do you expect he already knows he got the green light from Joe
@Carniboarder Says:
Theyโ€™re setting up Adams
@Razor2048 Says:
Interesting thing is that these claims are also claims that house oversight made against a number of democrat politicians, in addition to providing evidence, including bank records and various other documents, as well as testimony from whistleblowers. In every one of those cases, DOJ refused ti look into it or push for charges. For Eric Adams, they knew about issues for a while, but took no action until he criticized Biden and Kamala.
@kevinhullinger8743 Says:
Another one bites the dust ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@elenamonteagudo9855 Says:
Another Diddy ๐Ÿ˜‚
@76691 Says:
Amazing. Sounds like an indictment of the Biden Family. Maybe Adams should have gotten pointers from Jim , Valerie and Hunter Biden?
@teshuva2623 Says:
FBI only works for the elite.
@judycrimando7571 Says:
This is so interesting โ€ฆ. What about the Biden crimes of bribery???
@teshuva2623 Says:
How come NYC Major is the only one indicted on this crime. There are many politicians like Hillary Clinton who receives money from China.
@lisabeam8315 Says:
They're eating their own๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@tangopapa3072 Says:
Guess Adams figured he could get away with what every other NY Demonrat is getting away with! Wake up people! Guess he pissed off someone higher up in the food chain or he would have gotten away with it!
@anthonylomonte3437 Says:
Hunter and joe biden ???? Hello. ?
@jefftaylor844 Says:
I'll bet the farm that poor 'ol Eric now wishes he never spoke up about that little 'population' issue NYC is having these days ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@thatthed1894 Says:
Here we come Gotham!
@georgecadriel4265 Says:
No one is above the law๐Ÿ˜… except biden administration ๐Ÿ˜…
@MM-ng6bi Says:
I hope he just starts telling on all his colleagues. Spill the beans mayor!
@jennahodde8601 Says:
Praise God for exposing this evil!
@robertquinlan9297 Says:
You know Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have been doing even worse stuff, but they have all the power and a broom to sweep their crimes underneath the rug.
@harriettanthony7352 Says:
Amazing! Just in time for the election--to make the DOJ look good. i.e. the mayor fell from grace
@AnnUnicornStarTarot Says:
how many other politicians are doing the same, I wonder. They really need to investigate everyone.
@davidpotts3844 Says:
Notice that many politicians, judges, Sheriffs City Officials are all getting caught for wrong doing of something
@AB-ri5ix Says:
2:55 They actually start talking.
@LeonardWashington2023 Says:
If you live in one of the battleground states we need help knocking on doors registering people to vote and chasing ballots please sign up for TRUMP FORCE 47 and help us win this election
@robertquinlan9297 Says:
There seems to be glitch in the diversity hitch
@kathybaity4587 Says:
He's been a busy man this week Mr Williams
@live_in_thejoy Says:
Is anybody else wondering who the companion is you might have a Fauni Willis situation on our hands ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@robertquinlan9297 Says:
Has he played the race card yet? Or has that card been worn out, invalid.
@lqueryvg666 Says:
Cenk Uygur - key figure - nothing more to say about this.....
@cgar8064 Says:
Exactly like what Joe. & Hunter Biden coordinated, but for cash, on much higher levels of favors than waiving some fire inspections. The Biden Crime Family will be held accountable for their actions. Like this mayor, has been going on for years. But WITH the blessings of the White House, with full control of all law enforcement & judicial systems. They had unabated free reign for years.
@Thomas-fu8vp Says:
Obama is behind this as usual.
@live_in_thejoy Says:
This Southern district of New York has been busy ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. โ€ฆโ€ฆ they taken down all the black men. ๐Ÿคฃ
@GuitaB888 Says:
This is nothing compared to what the Clinton, Obama, Biden has ever done. Itโ€™s all smoke and mirrors, distracting the people from what is really going on.
@shirleygrimm3977 Says:
@georgewchilds Says:
Fani Willis: โ€œHold my beer.โ€

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