Activists using Middle East conflict to push 'hard-left Green lunacy'
Activists using Middle East conflict to push 'hard-left Green lunacy'



@bevevans31 Says:
My dad fought in WW2 for the freedom we are enjoying 2day including these protesters. How ungrateful they are, if you don't like the freedom you have here find another place to live. Dad would be rolling in his grave. These protesters have no moral compass, shame on all of you. Politicians wake up before it's to late.
@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus Says:
We aren’t seeing them stepping up for Myanmar, South Sudan or the Uyghurs. This is just the new big thing and gives professional agitators something else to do. They’ll protest what they’re told when the next big thing comes along and somehow it’ll still be Australia’s fault! Gutless government isn’t helping either.
@mah29001 Says:
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Cultural Marxism Agenda at its core the Primary Target is Western Democracies UK USA Australia European Nations .. Anti Judaeo -Christian Values .. It all stems from Gutless Corrupt Leaders ..""The only thing necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for good Men to do Nothing "" The axis of Evil is gaining the Upper Hand Russia China Iran Nth Korea not to mention Irans Terrorist Puppet Hamas Hezbollah etc
@snOOziie Says:
This is disgusting and insensitive the far left known this is wrong and Australians will remember this in the next election.
@JuneCahill Says:
When we watch it, I think is this the Middle East or Australia? So sad what our country has become under Albanese and this labour government if these people care so much why aren’t they in Palestine fighting for country?
@Leftyintollerable Says:
Thoughs that hate this country can go buy a one way ticket to the hole they're trying to replicate.
@davidjohn6466 Says:
What more would you expect from this useless socialist leftist imbecile of a pm & his cohort the him/ her foreign minister, you both allowed & virtually started this with you socialist immagration fiasco of the visa,s & their now using their hatred in ( protests) in this Country to push their islamic agenda , !!!
@christopherspurr8717 Says:
As the size of Muslim population grows you will see more and more unrest grow. Just look at the UK if you want to see whats going to happen. Beware.
@Nathan-vq9ch Says:
Like Nelson says HA HA
@Madman_MS Says:
Send them home!!! They can pick any Arab country they want to live in!! They will run the other way…
@Firestarter-AU Says:
October 12th...who is going to REMEMBER them??, AUSTRALIANS MURDERED by ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!! Patriots got put down by government and our communities trying to get you to see the evil we're letting into AUSTRALIA. We are still here watching...too old to fight!! Where are the TRUE BLUE AYSSIES TODAY? STAND UP AND FIGHT, ITS TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR NATION!! DELAY and all will be lost!
@josephgee143 Says:
STOP PROTESTS IMMEDIATELY!. Boycott all products and services from the United States of Israel and their European countries of origin.
@josephgee143 Says:
Iran targets military sites whilst the lowies target civilians.
@radambrose7571 Says:
Albo has got planes to take people (mainly muslims I presume) out of the Middle East - many of us would prefer that he has planes to take terrorist supporters out of Australia.
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
Albanese would be right at home now. He';s just a grubby little activist. He'd be salivating at the thought.
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
SBS openly supporting these terrorist supports.
@Protectiontoisrael Says:
The labor party I knew, is now far left, there is no more moderate side. The Greens morphed into a hateful far left radical group. (No longer about tree loving gentleness). This has happened while we were busy working and keeping food on the table. I call this the lefty slide. The laws softened silently, to enable more criminals to be released back into our community without accountability. (Not just petty crimes). Murderers, rapists , child predators and terrorist leaders. The previous deportation laws for felons was softened as well. The incentives to be law abiding have diminished for those feeling helpless. People who were on the fringe are now falling into criminality to get by. Mental health has diminished, and our ability to self moderate has been reduced. People are panicked by the threat of low/no housing. We see that crime pays for many, patience is low, and people no longer have community around them. People have felt isolated especially since Covid lockdowns and there was no de-briefing for us. The plan for handling Covid was and is not there. Instructions changed daily, hourly, by state. Contradicting mandates were issued with feverish abandon, and we saw our leaders dissolve into children at the bidding of so called medical experts. We now see two tier policing, and self serving, shortsighted political interference in our laws. The “progressive “ soft sentencing messages from our court judges is that we are less important than the chosen radical, less important than disrespectful migrant groups that have been overwhelming communities. The world is no longer safe, we have locked our doors but still, criminals break in, and are protected by underage laws. I see the middle class being squeezed out of existence by the mega rich and the minorities riding in recognition and People have lost faith, lost that sense of well being and have been forced to apologise to past ghosts from hundreds of years ago, for crimes that they never were a party to. Self loathing, has been pushed down our throats, and until we say enough, and throw that toxic rhetoric back up and out, we may find that we might have to lose a lot of ourselves before we find that familiar smiling Aussie under that broad rimmed hat.
@dannydevo1888 Says:
Reminds me of the opportunistic refuse in charge in Canada. Australia's broadcaster, ABSick, also similar to Canada's CBSick. So much in common.
@kenmidge Says:
If these activists hold a visa to stay in Australia then it should be cancelled. If an activist is a resident or citizen then charge them with hate crime and give them a criminal record. There shouldn't be a place in this country for a weak government during these dangerous times.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
These so-called protesters should be grateful to be living in a place where they can go about their business without worrying about missiles, bombs, raid and any attacks of any sort, they've been able to afford a house, jobs and an education here, all these things were probably a dream back where they're from , so show some tolerance instead of spewing hate and propaganda. If you're so invested in Gaza, get on a plane or a ship, get there and stay there.Good bye
@dannydevo1888 Says:
Australia seems overrun with Islamist scumbags.
@dannydevo1888 Says:
No ceasefire, ever!
@dannydevo1888 Says:
Australia's useful idiots should be deported, including Wong.
@babayaga489 Says:
Not our problem. Not our war. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@Aileen-n1u Says:
Go Dutton for pm
@Billbob-kz7ev Says:
The greens need to be held accountable for their actions and be kicked out.
@Billbob-kz7ev Says:
They need to deport the organisers because they don’t follow or appreciate this country and our laws. They cause devision and cost Australia money. They hate us and want to take over.
@leeyoung4283 Says:
we should be scared our government has abandoned everyday Australians for the disciple terrorists spending millions Wong ignoring our struggles to push her hateful agenda at the UN ..THEY SAY THEY CAN'T STOP THE horrendous protests where we have terrorist threatening the murder of Australians our Jewish Australians l'm Australians but l have a mix of migrant heritage so they hate the west do not be fooled if the government allows them to call for the murder of Australians we can all be included in that .THE HAMAS LEADERS SAYS THE REASON THEY RAPED YOUNG GIRLS THEN KILLED MOTHERS THEY CUT THERE BREAST'S THEY MURDERED CHILDREN IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS THEN MURDERING THE PARENTS IN FRONT OF CHILDREN THEY TIED A FATHER TO A CHILD AND BURNED THEM ALIVE GROUPS OF SMALL CHILDREN MURDERED TOGETHER WHOLE FAMILIES BURNED ALIVE 1200 MURDERED HUNDREDS LEFT WITH SHOCKING INJURIES THEY RAPED THE DEAD BODIES OF YOUNG WOMEN AND THEY RAPED THE MEN those perverts say its to humiliate their enemy why BECAUSE THE LEADER OF HAMAS SAYS THEY WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW ABOUT THE LAND Hamas is a terrorist organisation we have given them thousands the hamas leaders are billionaires yet they let their citizens live in poverty ...and this is what the GREENS/ ALP are supporting they should be jailed as traitors this is why Albenese wants to shut us up they have cowered us over covid taken our spirit we were TORTURED yet they let these filthy terrorist run our streets and we aren't allowed to have a say they are spending millions of our taxes so they can spew hate and undermine our government ignoring our laws Stand up Australians before we end up like Afghanistan or Lebanon where they murdered the true people of Lebanon and replaced them with Islamic extremists VOTE THE ALP/GREENS OUT THEY ARE DERSTROY OUR COUNTRY
@hannahmondry4678 Says:
Well spoken! Thank you!
@AranzaMunoz-l8w Says:
I’m totally outraged and disgusted. The hard left are abusing the Middle East conflict to push their communist agenda with no objective to bring peace for the Middle East. Everyone going to pro Palestinian gathering on 7 October is a hypocrite and un Australian.
@pmoran7971 Says:
I am so delighted Newscorp have little or no connection with SKY UK, however sadly we do have Talk radio, which is owned by Newscorp in the UK, but never-the-less we are thankful for small mercies
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
When did we lose the war and sign the surrender?
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 Says:
They did same at Cenotaph in Britain but actually desecrated it with their flags on Remembrance Day. They act like conquerors.
@patriot388 Says:
Victoria's premier is an absolute disgrace! Vote this lot out asap!
@AdamGuitar420 Says:
MASS DEPORTATIONS.. everything else is soap opera
@philliplipple1799 Says:
Appropriate legislation to deal with this rising threat is needed. Take a hard line to quash evil activity.
@Aussie_car_life Says:
Its time for a strong leader
@gail9906 Says:
Albanese is not my Prime Minister. 🤬 ❤️🇦🇺🦘
@snappingclam8801 Says:
I'm an expat Texan resident in WA since November 1977. Oz is the best, end of story.
@SharonLevi-ue3zg Says:
What do they want ,,,not our war
@davisnicholls8714 Says:
Aussie c c.
@Dash829 Says:
Is the police force privately owned or federally funded in Australia?
@stylevsfashion Says:
Deport all Hamas supporters! Ban Islam!
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Votes over the safety of the country. Don't dare carry and Australian flag and stand up for Australia as you will be arrested. Protest for terrorists and you will be fine. Australia is screwed.
@tonymckay6556 Says:
ignore biden the reincarnation of neville chamberlain who visited hitler and kissed his hand.
@tinamercuri9319 Says:
Islam is finished gone with the wind
@kathleenryan8545 Says:
The only ones that have the right to protest this weekend are the Israel's to protest against this Federal Labor government and the anti-Australian Greens for not supporting and protecting them since the 7th October last year.

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