Labor is an 'embarrassment' on the international stage
Labor is an 'embarrassment' on the international stage



@AussieDanceBreaker Says:
Strap On Dong Wong for PM She has a bigger set than any Feeble Caucasian Male in any Australian Political Party.
@midnightteapot5633 Says:
Running away from the future of clean cheap and reliable energy, more interested in attempting the biggest attack on free speech in Australia's history, Trump must be shaking his head in disbelief !
@aberry2521 Says:
Labor is full of complete idiots, whatever else could you expect from Albanese 'Clown Show' not one of them is fit to hold the position there in; no wonder Australia is the laughingstock of the world, I can't see them doing well when they have to deal with Trump, what a combination Albanese and Rudd to talk deals with Trump. I'D LOVE TO BE A FLY ON THE WALL WHEN THAT HAPPENS, they think they're 'Statesman' don't make me laugh, if you put both their brains together, you'd come up with a HALFWIT; what an embarrassment they are on the world stage.
@russellthomas4587 Says:
Albo decides for all Australians what’s best for Australians. He might decide to allow china to run the show because he feels it’s in Australia’s best interest. He is always on about Australia’s best interest. Buckle up Aussies your way of life is about to change.
@conernedcitizen2898 Says:
Their on the TAKE!
@ismzaxxon Says:
Who keeps voting for these labour clowns. Deport them.
@BigGen222 Says:
Potatoes and carrots come out of the ground....
@Chad.H. Says:
Australia guru albo is giving gas for China and Japan for extremely cheap prices that they are re exporting half what they import from Australia to make profit. Albo is very important and economical saver for foreign countries!
@KellyLithgow-t3i Says:
Hes a fool Bowen needs to go play in the sandpit with his hard hat & tonka truck
@davidob1628 Says:
The way the Tosa was running after the world leaders was an absolute embarrassment notice no body actually wanted to talk to him
@eb2505 Says:
Albo makes me ashamed to be an Australian. I’ll have to develop an alternative accent.
@daveo3122 Says:
That should be any stage.
@PaniWeiland Says:
Hang in there Labour your doing a great job!!!!you have my full support
@bookertee3057 Says:
A humongous barro and they are too flaming galah to realize it.
@Brad-lt4lw Says:
Bowen is Australias most dangerous idiot...
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
And their supporters are embarrassing people. The cause of all your country's problems.

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