Businesses 'going bust' at nearly same rate as pandemic
Businesses 'going bust' at nearly same rate as pandemic



@caveyful Says:
So we take in their criminals thru immigration, and we send their home country money? WTF?
@caveyful Says:
Pay off for plandemic scheme.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Der hello!! No middle class. But we can send billions overseas to different countries though.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
Chinese property in Australia all empty, why is that allowed
@BretLoydREAL Says:
You were warned! And did you have any respect for the critics of Australia's approach to the pandemic? Working people who were experiencing hardship? People who busted their asses keeping the country running while you hid at home? People who knew THEN that this would lead to a disaster? No...and you still don't. Which is why, unless huge changes are made, your shitty country is going to go where it deserves: the sewer.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
Well Labor why the surprise
@nitronut7774 Says:
Here comes the media blaming the government for a pandemic that destroyed the ecconomy while they echoed the lies.
@davidhanak2767 Says:
Funny that
@HereAdventures Says:
My fellow Australians - it’s been an absolute privilege to have lived in this amazing country. But this country is no longer recognisable from all ends of the spectrum - Australia and unfortunately Australians will be extinct soon enough under this Government and technocrats.
@englishstark6100 Says:
Not the only thing that's going bust 💉💔💥
@tasleemahmadfateh Says:
Yeah, mate, that's what happens when we base an entire economy off of a speculative housing market. The problem is not the RBA or the politicians or China. The problem is our collective greed and our low productivity. Why work when u can buy a house that earns more? So what happens now? We wait till the math knocks sense back into us.

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