Concerns Russia may halt gas supply to Germany

Concerns Russia may halt gas supply to Germany


Fears Russia could halt supply of natural gas to Germany has pushed wholesale energy prices higher.




@hasanamir132 Says:
Stupid behaviour listening n obeying the Godfather Other go to war the people suffer This could be reckoning for a yr basis
@nbach2202 Says:
As it should . Russia should stop altogether supply of anything, especially gas to Germany. Let's watch the "greatest" economy , that was based on very cheap Russia gas, continue to be greatest, but without the gas.
@davinawilson9153 Says:
Question: Is it not because Germany had cheap and abundant gas from Russia that it developed its economy and living standard? I wonder how in western narrative they push the word "dependence" instead of "economic choice".
@nudawn110 Says:
DE has to lead the tech solutions out of this period. there should be an openess to fossil fuel such as temporary lignite, but a return to practical options nuclear, fusion, blH2. even a determination to re-invest in troubled partners iraq libya usa. do comment on euro investment in gas leases in the us and can. please go off the disinformation reset and nwo wef spin
@tomsawyer2338 Says:
A little bit of cold is good for you. I dress warm and keep my body warm, but I don’t use heat, unless it’s freezing.
@Spencerlayne Says:
Aah poor Europeans. Cold swimming pools
@martinoberrauch2842 Says:
Harvard University
@martinoberrauch2842 Says:
Das facebook System
@martinoberrauch2842 Says:
Das sind Spam Daten man muss nur die Stärkung und die Angst zu stände vergleichen
@hb19110 Says:
America is to blame for these sanctions and this is result. Remember what Newton said."For every action there is an equal Reaction". Russia are doing what Must be done,thank you.
@JimKoonz Says:
Not so funny now, huh, Germany?
@christopherrichardwadedett4100 Says:
Rational arguments that Russia will cut EU gas supplies enrich investors, not Freudian fears
@bagiraramah7560 Says:
Never NEVER bite the hand that feeds you fools.God bless Russia 🙏 🙏🙏
@collins1972 Says:
EU: we do not need Russian gas. We will stop buying gas from Russia in the coming 2 years. By the way keep supplying us as much as we need, we will now set the price at which Russia can sell its gas. Accept it now or else more sanctions. Putin: ok, China even needs more gas. Take your USD and Euro.
@theshadedshadow5993 Says:
WW3 will happen, early stages have begun. Good luck everyone. 🙄
@nomadiclapse Says:
Hopefully Russia cuts them off entirely. You'd think ze germans would have realized by now that you reap what you sow...
@fred4687 Says:
Luckily Germany has lots of windmills and solar panels to see them through this crisis
@debrafiske2233 Says:
Hope they do it🤗
@johnhonker437 Says:
Good. They should cut off ALL gas to Germany. Trump warned them, and they laughed. Also, if you supply weapons to the enemies of your main energy supplier, you might expect some problems down the road.
@hawaiianpineapple7303 Says:
Move to Australia
@kimmichelini8497 Says:
Trump called it. German politician dumb asses laughed at Trump. The German people will pay the ultimate price of their ignorant politicians
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Well done Russia, Let them freeze to death, let them collapse 🇷🇺👍🇷🇺👍
@Ad_Astra_321 Says:
They thought it was *so* funny, how ya like it now?
@rhyno1740 Says:
More good news.
@sadwingsraging3044 Says:
Who runs Bartertown?!!? Trump was right!😂😂😂
@lappo253 Says:
Winter is coming for those zany Germans!
@takwaiwong8507 Says:
Russia helping Germany to achieve zero carbon footprint.
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
Trump warned Germany. Germany laughed at Trump. Putin is laughing now.
@madddevil1 Says:
Russia should stop all gas supply to Germany. They have renewables it will be fine. I hope that idiot Chris Bowen is watching this is what he is wanting for Australia
@ellybell8356 Says:
First! The whole EU didn't wanted any gas from russia anymore and denied the rubel payment. The EU sanctions just taking place now. Not Putins fault that the EU authocrats didn't consider this sanctions will hurt mostly the population in europe. Don't poke the bear (0;.
@QuantumOfSolace1 Says:
Trump warned them - warned them all - long ago.
@swampfox8461 Says:
Some people would take Russia's actions as an act of war. How long will it take Europe to wake up?
@bobby-ov9qn Says:
Germany is the “enemy”, so why would Russia not withhold their gas supply? Geesh.
@Mynameisjeffffff Says:
I like when Trump told these nerds this would happen and they just laughed at him. Love it.
@trevorarthurson6815 Says:
Let’s hope Russia cuts them all off completely. Let Germany get their gas from their WEF overlord, Klaus Schwab.
@lukei6255 Says:
A bigger concern should be in Australia. It is winter there. And people are afraid to heat their homes due to rising prices.
@doubledoc7807 Says:
@Mr_Fancypants Says:
Trump warned for this...
@andrewo8356 Says:
If they cut it off in the middle of winter, many would die from the cold. Unfortunately the global warming ideology movement has brainwashed a generation leaving them unable to critically think for themselves and most likely still won’t learn from their mistakes.
@gw5436 Says:
The Europeans don't need gas! They've got renewables, and have been ramming their crap down our throats through our idiot PM, that'll save them!!! Just ask Klaus Schwaub... or is this all a bare faced like by an evil wanna-be dictator?
@georgepatsilivas6146 Says:
EU Nazi alliance Ukraine Nazi run Germany Nazi not ready for world naziism is high destroying Europe again grandchildren of Nazi illegal immigration natural resources
@serviusm9523 Says:
The EU is rationing gas because of Ukraine. The EU has forced an economic war on its people
@skagamnesia1972 Says:
Can't see the german people being happy about this. Gretta thunberg will be pleased though
@philippawesterman8843 Says:
Well the Germans had a chance to do something about it. The people need to call their politicians to account. Don't blame Russia!
@John-hu2gv Says:
Sanctions work both ways, fools
@markhayes1769 Says:
Wow Trump was right, how the wheels have turned.
@Horrible_Deplorable Says:
If only Germany had been warned about this outco... Oh, wait!
@havoc6_1_6 Says:
Lol, Germany said that they didn't need Russian gas, that went well, well done EU, you're driving your citizens over a cliff. 🇷🇺Z🇷🇺
@braxxian Says:
Its still summer in Europe. Wait till winter hits. Germany boasted about its "Green" economy while subcontracting its fossil fuel dependence to Russia.
@JGKingCrusher Says:
So Trump was right... again... We NEED him back. We could easily start our pipes up again and become an exporter (again). This is all Biden's fault. He has so much blood on his hands.

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