'Macho masculinity' in rugby league: Zali Steggall

'Macho masculinity' in rugby league: Zali Steggall


Warringah MP Zali Steggall says 'macho masculinity' needs to be addressed in rugby league as she noted the 'hypocritical' stance of seven Manly Sea Eagles players boycotting playing with a pride jersey. Ms Steggall said she personally feels the stance of the players is 'hypocritical' as they have 'no issue' playing with gambling and alcohol logos on their jerseys 'I feel this is not about religion,' she told Sky News Australia. 'I think this is about sort of a macho masculinity, which I think needs to be addressed in rugby league.'




@Vanderlayindustries Says:
Zack Steggall belongs in a bin.
@SuperMeanbeans Says:
Lmao the state of Sky News calling free speech toxic masculinity. You might as well be the ABC at this point.
@grahamsanderson8053 Says:
why havent these woke promoters of this rubbish been named and shamed. No consultation with players and coaches. Deliberate troublemakers i reckon
@johnnysmith3386 Says:
Roosters sang YMCA when they won
@blindtoby8967 Says:
Grooming. 👎
@ilzitek2419 Says:
You do not change macho masculinity by forcing people wear jerseys. It is such an ineffective and immature way to teach people inclusivity.
@gladiator3543 Says:
Perhaps she can explain what ‘inclusion’ has got to do with gambling? Her point is completely incoherent.
@PM-oq8dg Says:
There is literally not a single issue I agree with this Steggal person on.
@lisac4375 Says:
Ohhh, masculine men are yummy. Nothing wrong with that.
@opinion8ed Says:
Hypocritical because they have alcohol producers on their jerseys? How is it that she gets to label, disparage and stereotype these players as "macho'. How'd she like it if someone went on national television and called a crazy satanic bull dike?
@heintz8792 Says:
they dared to not support the 'current thing'? outrageous!
@carsyah6836 Says:
its a masculine sport FFS
@WHU63 Says:
Article 9 of the Human Rights Act... Freedom of thought, conscience and religion. I'd say that the 7 Manly players have just exercised their rights by refusing to wear something which is against their conscience and religion. Of course, gay people have the same rights and can wear their pride flag when and where they want. But straight people and those of religious belief don't have to do anything which is against their beliefs. The lady who was talking about Macho masculinity seems to think that certain people have more rights than others. She's wrong.
@waynemorgan6153 Says:
I do find it peculiar how the complaints of these critics many of whom are white liberals is that the people opting out aren't strident religious fundamentalists as if them being absolutely hardline would've changed anything. It's obvious homosexuality which is seen as an "abomination" in the eyes of god by many religious Christian denominations is maybe a bridge too far for them to endorse.
@laurencechesterman8411 Says:
Macho masculinity in rugby! Blow me down how amazing maybe she is confusing the sport with tiddlewinks
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
We need more men standing up for proper values. We even need more macho men.
@charleswiggins6684 Says:
I personally feel that the old lesbian should shut her pie hole. It's a bit hypocritical I know , but there you have it. How long are you guys gonna put up with this rubbish ?
@enlightenment6278 Says:
These people's opinions should be about themselves and not smearing the athletes. I will not be told what to think by a news outlet who do not represent the people's values. I would not accept drag queens teaching my children in kindergarten. Am I being a masculine bigot?
@LambofGodKnock Says:
Stop your whining
@Undies790 Says:
Real men don't fuck other men. Why support something you don't agree with.
Get your estrogen boys its going to be a long millennium
@aradecomate8261 Says:
What the hell did she just say?
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
Zali Steggal supports the Alphabet Community ATTACKING Women in League and Freedom of choice , what a DISGRACE !
@mickoz9389 Says:
''‘Macho masculinity’ in rugby league: Zali Steggall'' And she would prefer...what exactly?
@sterlingcollier6489 Says:
If media don’t object to female Muslim women Haneen Zreika choice not to wear pride jumper or play in AFLW pride round, isn’t that the definition of sexism to go against Manly players
@imperfectlump6070 Says:
Fans aren't buying tickets for flag rugby. It takes tough men to play it.
@uniblonder5606 Says:
Alphabet people... "we just want to be tolerated... down the road a few years... with a gun pointed at your head... bake the cake bigot... and while we are at it... we are gonna groom your kids. ..The rugby players should telltale people to sod off.
@bigbopper143 Says:
Who is dumber ? Zali Steggal or the boneheads who voted her in ?
@KurtBoulter Says:
Sodomy is a choice, which is NOT to be enforced onto others to accept! If they choose to do it, let others choose not to accept it! (Proverbs 16:18-19) "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. {19} Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud."
@johnrb9397 Says:
Not many people understand, these 7 men are honouring God with their decision. The applause or condemnation from men/women has no bearing on their choice to forego wearing that jersey.
@sadwingsraging3044 Says:
Why is it _always_ some un-fuckable lefty bint that gets upset about masculinity?🤔
@noelgibson5956 Says:
Politics does NOT belong in sport. It causes division between people who would otherwise get along. If you are gay, fine. Why not just keep it at home? It's not relevant or appropriate anywhere else. And given that Zali Steggall looks quite feminine (to her credit), why can't men be masculine? It's how we were made. Studies conclude that straight women like us that way.
@lupcokotevski2907 Says:
Zali is a mind reader. LMAO. The usual left ideological crap. Good, keep it up, and your irrelevance will come sooner.
@damo5701 Says:
Piss off Zali with your woke bs nothing to do with macho masculinity, indeed nothing to do with discrimination or oppression of LGBT or the actual LGBT community, just pure politics. Pride month like BLM is just another element of the woke political movement and does zero for the groups they claim to help. Politics doesn't belong in sport. Another point to note is what the slogan diversity and inclusion actually means in practices; If you have a different opinion to the woke you will be excluded. Wearing a pride jumper is virtually no different to wearing a jumper with Labor or the Greens (fill in whatever political organisation you like) emblazoned across the front and back. Given that Zali is in government I guess she could legislate against alcohol or gambling ads on jumpers, but imagine the hide to claim to know what the religious beliefs of others should be, what they should or shouldn't be upset by.
@tazbatik6537 Says:
heading to labor mean girl club
@angelwings7930 Says:
Ridiculous, more ridiculousness.
@snapon666 Says:
'macho masculinity'...she has no clue ..let her get her skinny old ass out on that field and stand her ground as a NZ all black comes charging down the field at you ...she would piss herself
@SaintKimbo Says:
She lies and libels at the same time. They are NOT taking a, "stance against 'inclusion'", they are refusing to endorse something that is against their religious beliefs. Accusing them of taking their actions due to 'macho masculinity', implies that they are 'homophobic'. This is a good example of the insidious, subtle hatred that these Wokesters spread in the name of 'diversity and inclusion'.
@AshleyJOsborne Says:
Zali you just don't get it.
@info88w11 Says:
@lucasglowacki4683 Says:
What are they supposed to have in rugby? Fairy femininity? That’s gonna take the team to the top alright🤣
@notafreespeechplatform4201 Says:
The hypocrisy of lying about the reasons players won't promote perversion.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Men playing rugby league is too ‘masculine’?. This dud is promoting the whole Obama identity politics farce. What a hypercritical bigot she is, you can be called ‘inclusive’ only if you have the same opinion as us.
@timothycyran7476 Says:
I look forward to her addressing it.
@robertheckenberg3440 Says:
Make male toxic masculinity great again 😜
@mksteinhoff9637 Says:
What’s wrong with macho masculinity? That’s what people like about rugby! Leftists take all the fun out of everything!!
SKY News will very soon be losing this reporter as a viewer if it persists in giving air time to unintelligent and vocal fringe folk like Steggle. The noticeable change and appeasement stance in SKY News's editorials is plainly evident and yet another reason SKY News is fast descending into journslistic mediocrity.
@lesgaal4017 Says:
Sorry useless pollatition not everyone likes this bullshit showed down our throats every day, there are millions of Australians that hate this LGANIMAL VILE CRAP WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE THIS INVASION ON OUR FREE SPEACH .AND NO FUCKEN POLLATITION CAN STOP US .
@jamiechippett1566 Says:
Babies don't come from arseholes! Zali
@diannemorris7103 Says:
If there's one thing leftists cannot tolerate, it is an alpha male. Hence why all the GMO modified soy, the future meat bans and the certain procedure that is having a drastic effect on mostly young male athletes.

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