'Failed policy': China locks down Wuhan after four COVID cases

'Failed policy': China locks down Wuhan after four COVID cases


The Chinese government has locked down a district in Wuhan, comprised of almost one million people, after discovering a mere four asymptomatic cases. Officials in the district of Jiangxia, which is home to over 970,000 people, announced today that they would enforce three days of "temporary control measures."




@lannguyenthi8775 Says:
Hay quá
@alextp8821 Says:
They lock up 1 city, but every cities in China enjoy more freedom from virus than all cities in the world. Right now only less than 100 active cases in China.
@TheKkpop1 Says:
Life is precious, Dead man has no dream.!!!
@leizhang3335 Says:
102 death in Australia - 26 July, just in a single day. What a successful policy! HOW difficult to wear a mask!
@niconico1665 Says:
Something here just doesn’t add up: how can Australia be both one of the most vaccinated countries on earth and also have one of the world’s highest COVID death rates? Adam Schwab msn 27/07/22
@saintmichael5814 Says:
The first case was in the US, admitted by CDC Director Dr. Redfield. Search Fort Detrick. When the media didn’t even mention Fort DeTrick, you know there was something fishy there!
@joshs888music Says:
But when chairman Dan and emperor McGowan's or any of Australia's crooked band of Premier's locks down over one to a few cases no "Government overreach".
@anarchytelevision8445 Says:
The time is now to awaken from the slumber in The matrix and embrace true freedom of true anarchy worldwide.
@-pji-649 Says:
I couldn't care less about china and it's people,l hope the whole place just crumbles.
@crawwwfishh3284 Says:
They going to push to far. Their real close to it.
@crawwwfishh3284 Says:
Hell this ain’t about C 19 neither are the shots. Something weird as hell going on.
@suphatrachaiyasit7531 Says:
Gee they take it very seriously for a virus anybody might think it's a bio weapon from wuhan maybe they know the real truth
@demisx Says:
I hope entire china shuts the fcuk down for good.
@BrittMcmahon Says:
Interesting that PM Trudeau wants to do the same!! Canada copying China, while Trudeau tries to gain more dictatorial powers!
@trhansen3244 Says:
China is going to make Nazi Germany look like Sesame Street before they are done.
@nobody6056 Says:
Dan will be reminiscing about “The Good Times” tonight.
@sandraashton868 Says:
This is just an excuse to gain total control of their own citizens fear is a great mind control tool and the CCP are trying to achieve something no other country has even Australia covid zero because they know damn well it escaped from that laboratory accidentally or on purpose and they are trying to save face and their fucking arses!!!!
@Ashkihyena Says:
No one would miss China if it was blown off the map.
@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 Says:
Them stokes happening to anyone at any age ads are becoming frequent now. Never was common before 2 years ago, especially the age part.
@mattingray5651 Says:
Lock down is stupid and does not work. Even if China manages to eradicate completely, soon, someone will bring it back from travelling abroad, then back to square one again. COVID will be here with the human race FOREVER. Learn how to live with it.
@wahbot Says:
Protecting the hearts, minds and the genome of their work force. I suggest all you people read the study that was released 2 days ago..
@junacebedo888 Says:
Maybe to avert a massive bank depositor protest. Or to stop bank depositors withdrawing all their money
@arroeducarlion4990 Says:
didnt dan andrews do a lockdown over 2 cases? dont answer that i live in victoria HE DID china is falling behind australia in every way it seems even in communism
@sarahlantto8913 Says:
Oh the CCP does NOT care about people. They Love having and excuse to fear-monger their people. Read up on communist China, people. It’s terrible for their people over there.
@merlinite- Says:
And the NSW government imposed home detention for the western parts of Sydney for 22 cases ..while telling the eastern suburbs the best place for them was to be outside ... Western Sydney must stay inside While the suburbs got to play at the sun & at the beach ...🤔
@acquasanta6676 Says:
Time to release the midterm election variant 🤡🌎🤡.
@ilzitek2419 Says:
It is schizophrenic to have a 0 Covid policy. Viruses are everywhere. It is futile to hope that you will have 0 Covid cases in your community. The body adjusts and learns to deal with it. It is called natural immunity. But that does not provide the opportunity to control and scare people.
@Jayjay-ji7ty Says:
Welcome to communism!!
@harrysmith8515 Says:
Without iron ore and coal export, Australia dollar will be worth about 50 US cents. Many families will find difficult to make ends meet as import goods will cost more.
@windsong233wong5 Says:
China is different than the west. China is a “ nanny state “. It prioritise social cohesion , unity over individual wealth and health. It is a funny mix of free economy , socialism and communism. If you let the individual right run free then you have gross income disparity like in India or Phillipines.The poor will remain poor and they have little access to healthcare. China government will look after the poor , frail, destitute, stupid etc…. In USA , the country is so rich but the poor, frail, destitute lived in tents and homeless. The rich are super rich. Same as in India. The individuals are stronger because it is every man for themselves. Dog eat dog world. In China , a lot of people depends on the government for help, guidance. Is it good or bad ? In 1949, China had the same per capita income as India ….now it is 5 times higher. It had alleviated hardcore poor and give universal education. As Chinese economy develops, the individual becomes smarter, stronger , more independent….the government’s role will be reduced. Singapore in 1980s was called a nanny state as well. But see where they are today. To mobilize the country , you need to move everything and everyone….not just the middle class and rich. The Chinese government is sacrificing wealth, economic growth over the lives of the old and frail Chinese . As a rich capitalist….I totally disagree. But I understand the reasons and I do not condemn it. I like America, where if you are stupid and bought tech stocks or SPACS at the high and lost loads of monies , it is your right to be poor. Nobody saves you. In China , the “ nanny government “ will probably clip the prices of stocks way way before it hits high. The Chinese government imposed a deposit of like 50% of the value of house if it wants to tame house price increases. It is draconian but the intention is to tame the speculation.
@trendgil Says:
The animation at the end xD xD what is this, resident evil??
@HenryBenedictUSA Says:
Seems like something’s going on… and it ain’t Covid-19 🙃
@kerrysavas7805 Says:
Are any of our politicians Mr Dan Andrews first of all apologising for their strict adoption of the Chinese lockdown policies? Remember the praise given by our nitwit pollies for Chinese style lockdown and destruction of our economy? If they got it so wrong over Covid policy is there anything else that’s globalist that that want to force down our throats now that may be regretted later? Maybe committing Australia to the most expensive energy costs in the world while we sit on a treasure of oil, gas and coal?
@MrSethamessiah Says:
This is all propaganda. The Chinese are doing this to influence us to ramp up the covid scare so there's mail in ballads again this election. In the US because the Democrate party is dying
@trentspackman3597 Says:
"Control" key word.
@victorgomes7585 Says:
Whatever ccp let’s out media/ info wise is purely narrative control to carry on with their agenda. Communism.
@mk1479 Says:
4 asymptomatic cases detected... That's an oxymoron in terms... They still going on with this asymptomatic spread which is total BS now, as it was in the beginning. If you have no symptoms you're not sick and can't transmit, the mechanism that gives you the symptoms is the same that allows the spread... So are you muppets going to delete this comment as well now, because it doesn't fit with your narrative?
@myquestionaskingaccount3252 Says:
If they didnt want it in their country they shouldnt have unleashed it
@eb2505 Says:
Notice 'asymptomatic covid CASES', NOT 'asymptomatic TRANSMISSION', which the CDC has said it has never seen an instance of. You want cases, yeh, we have plenty , based on this thingame bob, but nah, can't say I've ever seen it passed on unless someone was showing symptoms.
@mk1479 Says:
Oops.... Another leak... Bugga.. Let's lock everything down again... Ah, wait, you think I'm joking?
@myquestionaskingaccount3252 Says:
Chinas disgusting
@stevep9041 Says:
The CCP pare educating the world again. They did this in early 2020 and the politicians and health professionals fell for it. Not this time.
@eb2505 Says:
Errol Webber @ErrolWebber If you still need a booster after being fully vaxxed... and still need to get tested after being fully vaxxed... and still need to wear a mask after being fully vaxxed... and still get hospitalized after being fully vaxxed, it's probably time that you admit that you've been conned.
@Stikibits Says:
Sky and their lies have already gotten enough people killed, you'd have thought, but no...they're still at with their lies on COVID and China like the disinforamtion outlet it is, of course.
@philippawesterman8843 Says:
There are no such things as "asymptomatic" cases. China continues to fabricate reasons for its failed policies on Covid-19 and to persecute its citizens.
@Openeyesopenheart42 Says:
A symptomatic people don’t spread the virus 🦠 How come cv19 is the only virus in the history of the world to magically become Spreadable through people with no symptoms?? It hasn’t, never has and has NEVER been proven to do so.
@markcrook2089 Says:
Their getting ready for war
@turpinator7114 Says:
Good. Leave the whole scabby country locked up.
@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 Says:
They just need their 7th booster,don’t they realise It’s safe and effective.
@robertmuellerbillcallsmeBob Says:
Who fucking cares what China does yo its citizens. Pay attention to the tyrants running the west

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