Commonwealth Bank at the frontline of regional Western Australia boom

Commonwealth Bank at the frontline of regional Western Australia boom


Regional Western Australia is booming � from building and construction, to agriculture and resources � and the Commonwealth Bank is at the frontline of it. Sky News host Paul Murray spoke with Todd West and his family business GLASSco WA. "We're a 60 year-old family business, my father started it, at the age of 15 I became an apprentice and took over the business around 25," Mr West said. "We've got 30 employees we operate from Jurien Bay all the way up to Broome, delivering glass, delivering fabricated products in the Mid West but also up in the North West." Mr West said his business has been booming despite pandemic setbacks � praising the Commonwealth Bank for financing infrastructure and projects. "CBA we've been with them for the last 50 years � have been on that journey with us. We needed a lot of money to build this facility, to house it with quality assets and basically they were there and been with us all that time. "Can't speak highly enough of CBA." In partnership with Commonwealth Bank.



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