The war in Ukraine 'feels like one very long day': President Zelensky

The war in Ukraine 'feels like one very long day': President Zelensky


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says the war gripping his country so far feels like "one very long day". In a wide-ranging interview with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan, President Zelensky discussed how he is coping in dealing with the ongoing war. "I have this feeling as if it were one day," he said. "That is why when it was the sixth day, the seventh day of war � since that day I really have this feeling that all of this is one very long day. "I don't really see the difference between five months or six months. "The only difference is when we feel that at the battlefield the situation is stabilised, or we know that at some points, in some positions, we are advancing and I keep thinking about that."




@alaska3300 Says:
American all know what’s going on. It takes more courage to admit defeat and do the honorable thing. Courage Zelensky does not have while the world watches him destroy what is left of his country and his people. Russia has won the proxy war Biden got the US in. Biden will drag it out keep the killing going. Then he will leave like he left Afghanistan. Make no mistake. Zelensky is a fool. Russia is strong
@christophersmithsonian3350 Says:
Get a rope you're taking money out of my check to send to that punk
@SparkyJohn111 Says:
A war that was easily avoidable and no cares about.
@winstonsmith7801 Says:
So he forces the Ukrainian people to fight Russia on behalf of the US ; casualties and deaths are in the hundreds per day but he has time for Vogue Magazine photo shoots and meaningless interviews.
@145278459 Says:
J oseph Goebbels style propaganda !
@dboxers1164 Says:
That lad gets absolutely loads of interviews … and meetings with celebrities ..Bono, Branson etc etc etc… wonder where he gets the time to be fighting a war 😂😂😂
@vg9137 Says:
*Ukrainians seem all too happy to be cannon fodder for 🤡 Zelensky.*
@dboxers1164 Says:
If Putin wanted that lad dead…he’d be dead …simple. Anybody who thinks that this is anything other than pure theatre directed by the World Ekönomik Fôrüm needs head examined. This is to tax you, take your utility money, take your fuel money, take your gas money- it’s a transfer of wealth happening under the guise of a war that Rü$$ia could have finished in a week by wiping U6r4ine off the map.
@theGovernmentHatesYou Says:
Everyday is a long day when you’re strung out on cocaine.
@gravelrash4870 Says:
See the couple did a nice Vogue photo shoot, that should build the troops morale. Odd though how so many of the troops drafted are middle aged to old. Seems that canon fodder is being sent to the front to extend the government raiding the Treasury and shipping billions in funds offshore. Will he flee eventually to his mansion in Miami, London or Europe? Odd how the media never mentions Ukraine as one of the world's most corrupt countries. Odd too how so many US politicians are associated with businesses there. Nothing to see here, just keep flying the Ukrainian flag and enjoy that virtue signaling.
@jimjr6919 Says:
Remember to 👎 on your way out!!!
@manoftruth0935 Says:
You started this war Zelenskyy. You started it. And those who start the wars tend to lose them. You will lose.
@jimjr6919 Says:
Don't forget to thumbs down 👎 and report these videos as HATEFUL CONTENT!!!!
@richardwind2859 Says:
Nazi Ukraine
@richardwind2859 Says:
@DL-zl5tn Says:
So come a comedian can talk about corruption and you don’t
@bannedaccount586 Says:
Yes because the one thing you do when your country is heavily occupied by enemy soldiers is news interviews and vogue magazine shoots oh and nevermind about all of the actors and government officials visiting a supposed active war zone without any kind of body Armour just hanging out in the open
@tacticalcenter8658 Says:
More lies and propaganda
@AP-ei4jt Says:
Self promoting in the middle of a war? If this doesn’t make one puke, I don’t know what will.
@di4791 Says:
I’m so sick of this actor and all the people slobbering over him. It’s disgusting.
@truthwillwin8977 Says:
@baileygregg6567 Says:
@ZakiBannat Says:
Let him taste some of the pain he did to Muslims The worst yet to come not only to him but to all of those who killed millions of innocent Muslims including children and their mothers in Falasteen and Iraq and libia and Afghanistan and Syria and Yemen and Egypt .... with all that plus a whole whole more and yet you'll call us Muslims terrorists Hepoqracy at it's worst
@billmurray1431 Says:
What ajoke this channel has become
@onepom63 Says:
Biggest scam since climate change…
@RobertPeters04 Says:
Hopefully the truth comes out and Zelensky pays for his crimes
@rickydaley3347 Says:
They've now got millions! How?!!! Why aren't they spending it on on the defense of their country or helping their injured ukraine's soldiers /civilians?
@TheUsualSuspect2013 Says:
I'm with the guys fighting nazis and the nwo.
@vg9137 Says:
*Another day Sky News with the same rubbish. 🤢🤮🤮🤮*
@piarutland3435 Says:
How can you not respect him, his a hero defending his country against the Russian invaders , how many presidents who would have the guts to defend against tyranny? Putin has a sick fantasy thinking he is the tsar of Russia .One thing Putin has shown the west Russians have not got an unstoppable army, in fact he should be embarrassed. Russian undermined a country that will fight for the right to defend there homeland. Freedom and Righteousness will prevail, Long Live Ukraine so much respect for fighting for there freedom.
@TheSilentpigs100 Says:
I could care less about what your beliefs are but I believe this is a war of good versus evil and not supporting Ukraine to me seems kind of evil when Russia dictatorship invades a sovereign country twice in the fact. go ahead I want to hear you call out Ukraine for Banning opposition parties or their president that is a comedian but you all sound like idiots
@donnajocatlady3839 Says:
Nazis. 🤢🤮
@martytube821 Says:
Zelensky is a joke and who is really controlling this guy!
@tarabryant2909 Says:
So, he is totally fine with threatening news outlets who criticize his actions. He is the biggest scam Ukraine has ever seen AND he is just a plant. So, Zelensky, it must be nice to snort unlimited amounts of coke, get American taxpayer kickbacks and murdering your own citizens.
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Hope peace prevails
@marcela9126 Says:
Biggest Money laundering scam in HISTORY! Smh
@deplorableaussie6749 Says:
The cross-dressing, unconvincing , very bad actor , Globalist puppet Zelensky.
@michellerussell49 Says:
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Pier, is there anymore damage you can do for your credibility?
@ricky6864 Says:
A puppet controlled by the deep state
@yogibbear Says:
Biggest scam ever.
@GohAhweh Says:
Is this the guy that was dancing around in heels in a dress?
@Stikibits Says:
Free-market goons farking the place up, as usual.

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