'Horrific days': First Lady of Ukraine discusses Russia's invasion

'Horrific days': First Lady of Ukraine discusses Russia's invasion


First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska says for any Ukrainian the 24th of February 'keeps repeating everyday'. That date is the day Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 'You know, this is, the 24th of February, is a permanent condition in which we are living right now," Ms Zelenska told Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan. "As the circumstances are changing but we are just waiting for one thing � when all of that is going to be all rolled back and we will be back to our normal lives. "I wouldn't really want anyone in the whole world to endure these horrific days that we had to go through at the end of February."




@ColdWarWarriors Says:
The Vogue photo shoot from these two was disgusting given the circumstances.
@paristo Says:
I listened, I have problem to understand the point of this video. So I watched it second time, and still don't get the how this is suppose to be positive for them?
@juneshannon8074 Says:
We saw and heard so very little of the First Lady of Ukraine, now she’s everywhere, being portrayed as a super star!!!
@vg9137 Says:
*Ukrainians seem all too happy to be cannon fodder for Zelensky.*
@sempereadem5168 Says:
Reminds me of harry and meghan.
@carriemartin9400 Says:
🚩🚩🚩 WHY IS NO ONE BUT FOX NEWS REPORTING ABOUT CHINA BUYING UP ALL 🇺🇲 AMERICAN LAND 🤔🚩https://youtu.be/i_Mm4EOdXlo🚩by the way this war is a lie WAKE-UP FOLKS 💯
@ShewasIwas-biden Says:
@therealcnn5346 Says:
It would absolutely rekindle my love 😍 if the USA just gave us $50 billion
@brettthomas6823 Says:
Fk em up Putin!..🙏
@jenni0278 Says:
Jesus sky is laying the propaganda on thick...🙄
@tacticalcenter8658 Says:
More lies and propaganda
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Zelenska is already married in US, she'll sweep up everything & get rid of this little coward thug as she knows he's finished & he'll be removed by his US masters any time
@truthwillwin8977 Says:
@orionorion99 Says:
Zclown is being paid handsomely just bought another villa IN Israel and Zclown wife on the cover of VOUGE meanwhile Ukrainian fools support nazis and suffer HORIBLE cannon foder deaths for the nato regime plans against Russia and china
@ray7177 Says:
Sooo fake !
@billmurray1431 Says:
God are you people pathetic
@hellbound0086 Says:
Don’t worry I have to wake up every day and it’s January 20th.
@axiom21 Says:
The stupid war could have been avoided, but people that profit out of war didn't want that to happen. So now innocent people are suffering while other evil people profit from that.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Very stylish Mrs ZelenSKY, give your husband a few media tips. The green shirt is a little dated.
@thedropbear574 Says:
Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning Ashes where their bodies burning No more war pigs have the power Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees, the war pigs crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing, spreads his wings Oh lord, yeah!
@sgtmusic Says:
Sorry.. not buying this. Where have his suits gone?
@natalied7179 Says:
I can't stand this fake garbage... 🤮
@flash04252 Says:
Seems these two are more interested in their wealthy lives and privledged children rather than the people of Ukraine.
@marietheresa7866 Says:
Hope zalenski admits how he overplayed his hand by poking the Russian bear 🐻🐻 , thus selling out his trusting people at the behest of his foreign handlers. And these people have the gall to depuct President PUTIN as the bogeyman.
@jennyjenny4501 Says:
Apparently she has recovered enough to be able to be on the cover of Vogue. Lol!
@moirat9317 Says:
In between posing for Vogue 🤡 Besides .. Z is 🦄🌈
@donnajocatlady3839 Says:
Maybe they should stop bombing their own people and rid themselves of their Nazism. Just a thought.
@wilburgraham6260 Says:
Speaks and looks similar to Melania, yet no criticism nor send ups from the usual suspects
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Hope peace prevails

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