We 'haven't got to the bottom' of Morrison's secret self-appointments

We 'haven't got to the bottom' of Morrison's secret self-appointments


Former Liberal Senator Amanda Stoker says she was 'surprised' former prime minister Scott Morrison secretly swore himself into five different portfolios during the pandemic and thinks there is more to the appointments. 'The explanation that it was COVID driven makes sense in relation to some of them, in relation to some of the timing,' he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'I don't think we've quite got to the bottom yet of the motivation for some of the other portfolios.'




@mwallace2922 Says:
Why are they kicking a corpse ?
@scottgreen5824 Says:
I’m still wondering why I lost my job for 5 months because I was not vaccinated, Australia doesn’t know dick about science yet alone explain the difference between a vaccinated and unvaccinated person that catch covid
@elizabethbird5814 Says:
Morrison a man of many secrets. He didnt have leadership qualities he was the PM who didn't have the courage to manage the Covid19 instead giving power to the state premiers to rule over the citizens. Shows what a coward he is, adding himself to 5 ministries (2 ministers to 1 ministry) in secret. What does that achieve for the Nation? Dump him from the party.
@MarkConwayTheBurgerKing Says:
It's clearly Dodgey that's why
@jillstevenson9585 Says:
Did Scomo use any of the perceived powers during Co-vid? It appeared to me the Premiers had all the power....Stop the investigation and wasting tax payer money..Investigate the validity and success of the state implemented dracodian mandates enforced instead.
@Ted...youtubee Says:
2:47 He did not take on 5 secret portfolios. He took 5 portfolios in secret. There is a difference.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
When are we going to pay some, attention to the inflation problem ??
@edwardsianski725 Says:
Who was the secret understudy for Scott Morrison?
@brujonpatrick4779 Says:
Stoker is a real lightweight, joins Hollie Hughes & Anne Ruston.
@kenjohn487 Says:
despite the mistakes we came through the pandemic comparably well
@batmanlives6456 Says:
This clown is lower than a snake fart Get rid of him and stop his pension He doesn’t deserve anything
@lynnettethorpe5389 Says:
Won't the French President feel justified by his comments of what he thought of him.
@edwardrodgers9383 Says:
- and didn't tell the people! 🤺🇦🇺
@gregorygray3283 Says:
Just had a thought I wonder if same process came to Canada 🇨🇦 hmmm 🤔
@Silver0426 Says:
Did he get paid for the appointments? What was ScoMo afraid of?
@mjay6508 Says:
The only reason he took on all the other portfolios was to use his extra powers to VETOE the PEP-11 gas exploration. It would have been really obvious if he only assumed the resources ministry, so he assumed all the other portfolios at the same time, pretending he was the Supreme Mullah backing up his own ministers... that was all a BS front...... he only wanted the resources portfolio to BLOCK the gas exploration going ahead!!!! WHY???? Because he and his slimy dodgy backdoor mining mates want to get in on the gas exploration deals themselves. So we will block the PEP-11 and, being PM, I will get the deal for me and my shonky mining mates.... WHY??????? M O N E Y!!!!!!!!!! Millions could be billions and all at the expense of the integrity of the Westminster System of procedural laws that have served this country since Federation. So here we have, an unelected puppet PM, taking the pss out of the governments own laws, to set mining deals up for his maggot mining mates....... yep good Xtian fair dinkum honest boy our Scotty is....... makes me puke you lying thieving oxygen thief............... RESIGN NOW YOU PATHETIC SCUMBAG...
@muntee33 Says:
I can't believe some news platforms are turning public comments off for a matter of this severity and magnitude. Not to mention the court ruling his formation of the National 'Cabinet' as being INVALID.... So... Does this mean we have to go back and see if any/all laws made and/or altered, under the EXTRAORDINARY emergency powers that governments all around the world have all conveniently legislated for themselves, are actually valid or not.... And for sanity's sake, can we PLEEEEAAASE do something about the 'National Cabinet' particularly how State Premiers are allowed to hold ministerial positions in a Federal/National Government that operates in privacy and maintains it is protected by secrecy laws despite court rulings to the contrary. How are we, the people supposed to know exactly what National/International policies, intrests and agendas, are incumbent upon our our leaders?!?!? Do they action the bidding of the people's elected representatives, or do they oblige the potentially conflicting, secret interests of the National Cabinet they are also a party too. (If you ask me, if the IMF and/or UN wanted a political instrument for infiltrating a National Government and entrenching its own power infrastructure into the National policies, then this 'National Cabinet' would be a perfect fit....) P.S. Scott Morrison, speaking on behalf of Australia's National Government with regards to the court ruling concerning the newly formed 'National Cabinet' said, (I'm paraphrasing a bit here, it was a while ago...) "This court decision is a matter for the Commonwealth Government to decide the appropriate course of action it wishes to take." *Need any more proof that our Commonwealth Of Australia and it's Commonwealth Government are administered via a shadow government that has assigned itself the title of National Government. **The court ruling that Scott Morrison, as the Senior-Executive/PM of the National Government, had illegitimately formed a 'National Cabinet' meant that Scott Morrison, as the PM of the Commonwealth Government, would have the final say on his illegitimate and invalid actions that were put in place to serve the secret intrests of the shadow government. Not to mention the suspicious 'National Cabinet' operating effectively without any meaningful form of oversight was comprised of the leaders of the Countries State level Government..... Why are we not demanding answers from EVERY senior level executive and/or office holder? Is there NOT ONE SINGLE THING the people of the Commonwealth of Australia can do to free itself from a completely captured and corrupted system of Government?!?!?!???? Not ONE?!? I say we demand the liquidation of both parliment houses and the judicial system and we vote on a complete replacement and the repealing of all laws passed since The Australia Act 19(86?) that engage the constraints and limitations of the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1900 (UK) Hint: The only viable candidates for the PM and Governor General should be those who solemnly swear to discontinue our compliance with the Central Banking system and immediately disallow the Australian branch of the Central Banking system (the reserve bank of Australia - RBA) to operate on Australian soil and have anything to do with the Country's monetary policy and/or the issuance of any form of currency/tender/note/bond to the Australian Treasury. Any blind fool can clearly see and understand that all this BS comes from those who hold the exclusive power to control Nations monetary and fiscal capacities and policies... A global debit based credit system, facilitated by a 100% fiat currency determined and controlled by a private, centralised and extremely exclusive organisation.... What could POSSIBLY go wrong?lol Idiots...
@anthonyporens4983 Says:
We should be very thankful to the PM for his leadership in an extremely uncertain times. Nobody knew what the hell was going on. Than God somebody was looking out for people and trying to save lives.
@foed65 Says:
so the secret cabinet that was set during the last couple of years was just him??? we still have not seen the scientific reasons for what they did to us
@johnhome5872 Says:
Vote Scomo 1, for President of our future republic, at least he has some idea of the job 🤗
@nicholasgeorge4783 Says:
So what law has Morrison Brocken and what damage has he caused ??
@stevenfenton8137 Says:
They should be fined
@amirzaki7040 Says:
If the ex PM broke the law then he should face the consequences. If no law was broken then move on.
@Eyefillet1969 Says:
Its the still sitting state Premiers we need to investigate and Gunner and the twit that was in nsw
@jamo5468 Says:
Why is this news and who give a rats. Morrison is gone from office.
@micphoenix8200 Says:
We need a swearing at ceremony for our politicians.
@eb2505 Says:
Why did he have to do this at all? He had ministers in those roles.
@micphoenix8200 Says:
World Economic Forum policies...duh. Greg Hunt knew and he is a former director of strategy for the World Economic Forum
@jimmymcthunda5906 Says:
They make the rules to suit themselves and hold us in contempt .
@shawnbalboni4927 Says:
You mean the appointments that the GG swore him in for, on the grounds that there would be someone to manage the portfolio in the event a minister was seriously ill? Honestly, he gained nothing from it except an extended workload. First people whine about Morrison "not doing enough" then they feign outrage at him overextending himself. Of course if a Labour Prime Minister did this, there wouldn't be so much as a rumour, let alone a whisper. Then again, considering the PM we currently have is never actually around to even do the one job he is meant to, it would be nice to have someone in charge willing to take on extra responsibilities.
@mickdouglas5078 Says:
Morrison's a narcissist bully , a control freak and a liar nothing this man does or has done is surprising him being the "gods chosen one " and all!
@peterbulloch4328 Says:
I guess the word PRIME Minister doesn't mean shit to the left, Albo will just continue to blame Morrison and the Libs for any problems he faces as PM or any economic downturns he creates. The ridiculous way he's carrying on about this is just ludicrous, nothing bad has eventuated over these actions and Morrison got us through the pandemic and got the economy recovered.
@richards8718 Says:
Watch his face movements as he gives a little smile now and again when he speaks gives me the impression he is lying and this has been seen in the past many times??
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
A little Bird 🐦 Told me that Mr Morrison also Appointed Himself IMPERIAL TONG MASTER 🪄 & BBQ GURU of the LNP
@timh1645 Says:
Jail for the lying traitor, not a fat lifetime salary for destroying our country
@jaqalenabrooks8499 Says:
Hey Amanda, how's that revalation regarding the millions annually the Premier of Qld spent on her personal media team? What 900 mill a year? Have you had ANYTHING to say about her? Like anything?
@flyingpictures1100 Says:
Who told him to do it who asked the governor general to sanction it who witnessed it where is the document with the signatures. Was the leader of the opposition complicit why doesn't the leader of the opposition table the document with the signatures.
@nigelmorgan3449 Says:
Morrison are you telling the public that we didn’t have to pay the other clowns because you held there jobs that sounds like double dipping
@gavriloprincip1477 Says:
Morrison and many of our "elites" have been terminally infected by the WEF Virus. "you will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy." Yea right... Hold a Royal Commission and root out the WEF ring-ins.
@Howz_That Says:
The arrogant bully wanted to run the show on his own. He thought of himself as the "President" of Australia calling his wife the First Lady.
@wlove3838 Says:
Countries have cabinets not just to ensure that 'many heads are better than one ' - they are meant to discuss and agree issues and outcomes together, before AGREEING the majority consensus otherwise it is a DICTATORSHIP
@doneB830 Says:
We need every document signed in this capacity.
@Romeolmoore55 Says:
The Australian government goons are compromised, I'll like to see the list of names of the pedos in the ranks. How far we have fallen as human beings.
@darrenslawther9075 Says:
You have sky, you can't milk this story anymore nothing illegal move on.
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Scott single handily forced 12 unborn generations of Australian tax payers, to be born into crippling debt poverty. Will he forfeit his $300,000 per year, to help somewhat alleviate this misery, he recklessly bestowed on these unborn Australians?
@senthilsupramaniam2051 Says:
Amanda was the former assistant Minister to Attorney General..I'd be surpised if she didn't know..
@txyz6693 Says:
If scumo is not executed for tyranny then don't bother. It has now come to the point that politicians are the enemy of the people and must be abolished with their leaders executed.
@kelvinbamfield280 Says:
Scomo is a pathological egotistical seasoned politician. SCOMO went to the g7 meeting although we are not m3mbers, there he was given the road map for the WEF great reset. NOT conspiracy but facts that are coming out now. More to come. Overall stating it was an Emergency issue , well they made the pandemic as we can now see. The deaths and the 1000s he saved well they were dying already and stats show that. This was a desperate effort and 1000s of companies bust, families bust, forced vax but, forced mask bust. The figures and data is in and natural immunity wins. 1.2 trillion debt well that was man made and scomo for you god works in mysterious ways and so crossing at the lights won't save u
@tlb2970 Says:
Just get over it ffs, enough bs
@soundsoflife9549 Says:
Unfortunately nearly everyone who gets to these positions of power are usually narcissistic.

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