Govt will continue to use Voice as a 'distraction' from what 'actually affects' Australians

Govt will continue to use Voice as a 'distraction' from what 'actually affects' Australians


Sky News host Paul Murray says the government will continue to discuss the Voice to Parliament as the 'year-long distraction from having to talk about the stuff that actually affects 25 million Australians'.




@rewsan777 Says:
Albo's stupid statements of 'Achieve Change or Progress' What change and what progress is he talking about. We are a nation that is sliding backwards down a slippery slope. We do not manufacture much, now we find reason to stop our mining because of climate change nonsense. So that puts extra pressure on the economy to earn those export dollars. We have stopped exports of our meat and wine to China. Our gas and is sold off to the multinational companies who charge us more for our own gas when we need it most. So, what change and what progress is Albo talking about. Surely, cultural change cannot be put on top of the list of necessary things to fix at a time like this when inflation and interest rates are screwing the average Aussie. Please someone, please drum some Fu@#%n sense into these stupid politicians. Every Govt that comes into power tries the same distraction trick. First it was the republican movement, then refugees now the voice. C'mon give me a break.
@rhettcorbett3346 Says:
Albo. Australian version of Biden.
@peter12488 Says:
Sleazy BIDEN has already said all this quit PLAGERISING
@nomaddamon8545 Says:
Pwowgress ????
@rickman2267 Says:
Airbus Albo and his slow fake talking! We are not falling for that one.
@oldgolfer7435 Says:
Another stupid comment by Murray. Perhaps it was the Coalition that could not walk and chew gum.
@captainchokdee1039 Says:
Albo the 🤡
@williamchristenson5487 Says:
Labor lied to the people and that is or labor do is lie
@ianlansdowne8518 Says:
Ukraine $655m to support the War , why isn’t this money spent with in Australia, Hospitals mostly need fix help pensioners the people who made the country not the bludgers that come in to the country after paying money for smuggling rings
@aberry2521 Says:
When the 'voice' gets kicked into the weeds by voters, Albosneezie will have to find another distraction to take our attention away from the non-achievements of his party; although he'll blame the right wing media for losing the 'voice' vote, if he is so concerned about Aboriginals why doesn't he fix the problems in Alice Springs and not just fly in and out for a photo session?
@oldtimers6460 Says:
The term "Miss Information " was coined by the very people who peddled Miss Information ! AS to net zero ,garbage wont happen .As to Australia being 100% unreliable Wind,Solar ,Hydro that's criminal Miss Information. When 2030 arrives we will require Nuclear power as it is 100% reliable power . Seven years late .
@troybarrett3434 Says:
The mainstream media has already started there polls and guess what... Yes votes 63% No votes 37% lol who would have guessed fudged figures maybe ????
@4pmpm114 Says:
Its all a Lie people. All bullshit...
@patricelauverjon2856 Says:
Australia appears to be following the toxic path of America: woke having no real identity can change face and subject according to circumstances.
@patricelauverjon2856 Says:
@Pyjamarama11 Says:
I've been endlessly indoctrinated that discriminating against someone based on their colour, is racist So I'll be voting NO to the Voice, not that it will change the outcome
@robertthomas3777 Says:
319 billion dollars! Well, I saw a special needs teenager wearing a helmet with two support carers the other day - there goes at least $100 000. Plus, his class teachers and others. Taboo - shouldn’t comment. Naughty. Schools, because of budget priorities, are sneaking away from the provision of computers, (think Rudd and computers for students …. Not happening). Many parents/students are buying their own computers. Many schools are over administrated and have tiers of bureaucracy above - not teaching. Mmmm? Cutbacks and redeployments there might help. Here - WA, many government/public schools are termed independent. They were supposed to be cheaper and locally manageable. Look in to that. So much duplicity of services. Look at the Jobseeker/Jobkeeper money made by non-government religious independent and systemic schools, (they’re not ‘private’ as they’re recipients of Fed and State funding). Millions! The imperative is ‘WOKE’ - well-being, as opposed to the educational imperative of academic and skill based. SNAFU….
@timifumi46brown91 Says:
fuck i hate the left !!!
@gone547 Says:
Squeak, squeak!
@danabray945 Says:
Albo is I fkn useless mutt , an embarrassment to Australia and the country is sinking
@Nuffpatrol Says:
Can’t wait until Paul Murray’s heart finally fails
@sirstiffpilchard Says:
We simply cannot afford another layer of government+public servants. People are broke, Albanese the Voice is not our priority.
@roncolwell Says:
From Mr Division himself!!!!
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
The Left talk of 'change' & 'progress', which is a cover for their Socialist agenda. People just need to look at whats happened to Sweden, to see where the Lefts trying to take us.
@markb7898 Says:
All fascist governments use a single irrelevant issue to distract the population from the real problems. China has Taiwan, Russia has the Ukraine problem, Australia has the “voice”. This covers up the fact the the government has no idea how to fix the problems or cares nothing for the peoples problems.
@vemister Says:
ALBO is creating the DIVISION! With his bullshit voice crap!!!@ WHAT about cost of living prices an necessity! Bloody LIAR!!! What has he done for us! NOTHING!!! Except push the voice in our faces daily!!! SICK OF IT!
@robynhegwein1 Says:
Albosleezy is the one who has started the racists war...
@geoffreytoomey682 Says:
Yes, I now understand that the WHITLAM TRAITOR became the first Australian POLITICIAN TRAITOR to become a devoted worker for the International Economic Order of KLAUS SCHWAB, agreeing to the corrupt United Nations of bureaucrats that we never voted for EVER! But PM WHITLAM signed us up to the LIMA agreement to become imports of goods and food from 3rd world countries such as CHINA and Brazil etc to bring these countries up to become first-world countries, the result is our only real export these days in creating giant holes in the Ground! Because of The Betrayals of our past and present, POLITICIANS in LABOR and LNP doing the UN bidding! destroyed our industries and farms when we were a self-sufficient Country, manufacturing and growing everything that we needed, thanks to the hard-working Australian people, I was lucky to have been born in 1950, and grew up during our lucky Country stage and didn't notice the changes that were being introduced onto the Australian People until about 1990 ish then I got worried about my kids future under the communist type of Massive Government control that our POLITICIAN TRAITORS were taking us to! Ever since the evil WHITLAM TRAITOR submitted willingly to be ruled by the corrupt UN! Remember, the ruling parties of TRAITORS in all 194 UN Member Countries blindly or stupidly or deliberately continue to destroy democracy in the WEST! Following the dream of the (IEO) now called the World Economic Forum of Billionaire Megalomaniacs still run by" SATIN" (if there is such a thing it is this evil creature) calling itself KLAUS SCHWAB. I will continue to resist the evil TRAITORS for as long as I live, I know I'm not alone in my awareness of this evil CULT of rich maniacs wanting to depopulate the Planet, for easy control of their SHEEPLE, yes they are succeeding so far, thanks to their TRAITORS in the LABOR/gang-green party and the LNP party we voters give these traitors a turn at destroying us for their controllers. to my mind, our POLITICIAN TRAITOR's worst act has been indoctrinating the youth of our Country, and I found this years ago (pasting it) while looking at what has been happening in AUSTRALIA. Our POLITICIAN TRAITORS call it “Safe Schools”>>>>>>GOOGLE; Australian Identity Education & Agenda 2030 part1, the corrupt World Health Organisation (WHO) gives sex education booklets for your children aged 0 up to 12 years old? This applies to very young children. The insidious UN agenda 2030 aims to break up the family unit. Is giving your children more rights, than you have as their Parents, using “Prenatal Alienation 201” techniques. UNBELIEVABLE YOU SAY. Sadly not. Google, Australian Identity Education & Agenda 2030 part 3 - AHRC + Legal Analysis. I realize this is too evil to be believed, BUT in Australia Government supports Safe Schools and Gender studies ahead of the 3 Rs? How is UN agenda 21, Gender studies helping your child in any way? >>>>> We are in WW3 by stealth and Betrayal by POLITICIAN TRAITORS in the 190 UN Member countries destroying our democracy for the Great Reset of the West! We will need a huge WW2 stile Nuremberg trial to get justice for their crimes against their people, I seem to remember a few hundred years ago, the French People had a successful sort of Nuremberg trial for justice for the oppressors, we can only hope. Geoff
@geoffreytoomey682 Says:
Sadly most Canadians are ignorant of the time frame of their Politician TRAITOR's betrayals andThe Australian People are the same, still believing changing from One Traitor Party to the other Traitor party will make a difference in getting free from the Corrupted United Nations bureaucrats>>>>>understandably, our young Australian voters say---But isn’t Agenda 21 an old dead agreement from 30 years ago? No, it is not an old ‘dead’ agreement. It is an agreement being kept alive by all three levels of Government in Australia and all 190 UN Member Countries. Although it was introduced to the Commonwealth parliament way back in 1992, successive governments and Councils have been undemocratically implementing it ever since The Commonwealth considered AG21 of such importance that their commitment to this UN program was renewed in 2012 at the Rio +20 Conference, which was attended by then Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Details of that commitment were recorded in the outcomes document from Rio +20 entitled, The Future We Want”: When Australia signed up at Rio+20 courtesy of Julia Gillard, we also signed up for the next stage, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the post-2015 agenda which is both a continuation of and expansion of, Agenda 21: Who is responsible for implementing or enforcing Agenda 21 in Australia? As then Environment Minister Ros Kelly in the Keating government pointed out when Agenda 21 was introduced to parliament on 26th May 1992, the Commonwealth is the driver of AG21, and assumes ultimate responsibility: In matters of national significance, the States are required to comply with the dictates of the Commonwealth regarding international agreements. Hence various provisions of Agenda 21 have become firmly entrenched in State laws. As previously mentioned, this process was further strengthened by the introduction of the 1992 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment (IGAE) and the National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD). The IGAE, signed by the Prime Minister, all State Premiers, and the President of the Local Government Association of Australia, enabled the Commonwealth to consolidate its environmental powers over the States and local Councils. Is Agenda 21 a bipartisan issue? Yes. Agenda 21 has long been supported by both major political parties and the Greens. Unlike the ALP and the Greens, however, the Coalition did not declare Agenda 21 in their official policy platform even though it has long been supported by the highest levels of the Liberal Party. Is Agenda 21 democratically based, were the people given an electoral choice? No, it is not democratically based, and the people were given no choice. The Australian citizens remain ignorant of the depth of the betrayal by past and present Politicians over the past 30 years, the ALP and the Greens show their indifference to the Australian people as they increase their borrowing to spend on UN agenda 21 and UN agenda 2030 implemented onto the Australian people 8 years ago, to create a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT of the WEST by 2030 .>>>>>>> Don't believe it? (Find it for yourself on WEF and UN websites). UN agenda 21, Global Government, Christiana Figueres replaced Yvo de Boeras the Executive Secretary to the UNFCCC, the body responsible for the annual Conferences of the Parties (COPS). Christiana Figueres When Christiana Figueres, was head of the UNFCCC, she freely admitted that the goal of the UN was never about preventing ecological calamity. Rather, it was about changing the global economic model: And: “Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.” Figueres went on to say that democracy is getting in the way of the UN’s objectives. UNs Connie Hedegaard Hedegaard doesn’t seem to care about the thousands worldwide who are already suffering and dying because they can’t get access to an inexpensive, reliable electricity supply. She added: “I think we have to realise that in the world of the 21st century for us to have the cheapest possible energy is not the answer. Global Government is the key to Global control of all human activity” from the WEF to all UN Member country POLITICIAN, cowardly TRAITORS to their own people, they are Loyal to the WEFs Corrupt UN actually for the past 40 years, since the UN Lima Agreement, TRAITORS! >>>>>>> As Mark Twain said (whoever he is?), “it’s Easier to Fool People than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
@stevewiles7132 Says:
Every body has a voice in Parliament, they are called elected members, how about these pollies get on and fix all the serious problems within the country, like health, fire, and water policies.
@kidsoxoxox Says:
What about the 'little bush people' still living wild in the North Queensland tablelands? Are you going to give them the voice as well?
@keithmitchell3282 Says:
when the voice fails as it surely will the government will have another vote in twelve months time or until it passes, look at the mess the trade union party have created with this renewables nonsense , global warming fiasco , you voted for them now suffer
@vivrowe2763 Says:
You will never be Alan Jones mate! Talk about the WHO! Say Albo is a parasite!
@e4eleanor2816 Says:
Disinformation? Pot calling the kettle... tyrants
@bobburich1667 Says:
What has happened to Australia , PM sounds more like Stalin. He wants no freedom of speech.
@TasmanAbo Says:
Yeah And you dicks are falling for it. More we talk Voice more people get it. Lose lose ya brainy barstards 🖕
@danielsmyth5490 Says:
Hey Murry speak clear English .u sound like a uneducated idiot
@jameswhite7693 Says:
Albo an ignorant devious treacherous , arrogant fool, this government, fortunately for Australia will be a one term government, as usual the liberals will be elected, as in past years will have to fix the labor parties huge stuff ups.
@wilbur1884 Says:
Before you send your KID'S Bock to school make ALL teacher's in AUSSIE'Land surrender your CELLPHONES 📱 FIRST THING IN THE MORNING AND PICK THEM UP WHEN WALKING OUT THE DOOR then maybe one day YALL can START being TEACHER'S again 🤔🧐🤨🥱😴💤🤣
@travstar5447 Says:
Cost of living is bonkers nutz under The Socialist Albanese Government. Its embarrassing, knowing 30% of Australians used their Primary vote on this woke, delusional, Socialist, ideologically floored, incompetent progressive muppett show. The Economy is being destroyed! Our Energy Sector is being sunk by Albo & his far left climate activist spuds! Who cares about the Divisive & Racist Voice to nowhere. Its just a woke Bureaucratic crank fest of nothing. It will cost heaps, it will hurt the Economy, its racist against the 270 plus ethnicities that are not Aboriginal. We have a constitution, for all. The Voice gives special treatment to a minority group. Pathetic.
@stevepearson6173 Says:
He is the one with miss information they were not here first DNA gives that crown to Chinese/Malay at least 30,000yrs before aboriginal DNA appears
@paulkerr782 Says:
What a W*NKER ! We really are in serious trouble with this idiot at the helm.
@ronniexx9743 Says:
Albo, just like all before him, are just NWO/WEF puppets. Paid, bribed or blackmailed to betray every citizen in this country. !!!
@Grace17893 Says:
I love how the government defines progress lol whatever that means
@atillathehungry3145 Says:
Your just realizing the government pits groups of lower class citizens against one another so that they don't collectively realize the government is a big part of the problem.
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
I wonder who Albo will blame when the voice fails to get up? Can't wait to see his press conference. I reckon that's when Penny will knife him.
@theonlinechristianminister Says:
Hey Everybody life is precious please take this moment and receive God in your life pray to God everyday for his help in life situations, read the holy bible everyday, believe in God more than you believe in anything else, Trust God more than you trust anyone else, praise God more than you praise anything else, love God more than you love anything else and remember with God help all good things are possible all you have to do is never give up also a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way
@Will_Smith_Slapping_Xi_Jinping Says:
Like CCP influence over Parliament
@GrandpaVince Says:
Using vince as a distraction will keep all the Sheilas distracted so Albanian can infiltrate our beloved Australia
@politicz1973 Says:
It’s the “failing up” model of the Catholic templated 4th Reich of a “Harlots Progress” (William Hogarth) of creating an activist cause with one hand while robbing with the other. This is the Catholic and Khazar Ashkenazi Jewish neo-Norman administrative state and their doomsday books of dispossession as their minions organise a Constitutional Coup in Ukraine. Albanese is the new Catholic clergy (lawyers and politicians) of abusers like those who told the altar boys that what was happening was true human affection. It’s the loving thing to do. We have seen this before…especially with the Irish Catholics.

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