People have to 'get used to' higher interest rates

People have to 'get used to' higher interest rates


Canstar's Financial Services Chief Executive Steve Mickenbecker says people 'do have to get used to' higher interest rates. 'Once we get through the transition, we will find that we can afford higher interest rates,' he told Sky News Australia.




@jimmywhat1448 Says:
People complaining about 4% cash rate is to high?. Maybe the RBA should raise it up to 10% then drop it back to 5%. Then people probably think 5% is low.
@johnnybgood3909 Says:
Slow and steady to 18%
@pacnbeans Says:
What would happen if all Australian's stopped spending money on everything and saved all their earnings ?
@adamsangels9874 Says:
The guest speaker doesn’t sound like he personally has any sort of mortgage
@adamsangels9874 Says:
Any other move up now is a moot point the only reason for further rises is so the rba can reverse the rates to a point to where they are today kinda like when shops raise prices only to give a immediate discount therefore intentionally fooling the customers into thinking there getting a good deal
@scottj5585 Says:
no they dont
@ricky6864 Says:
Inflation has been artificially created by puppets in governments.. all goes back to what they have done with fuel and energy prices
@tamaveirene Says:
"Where to from there..?", Tom? One word...Revolution!
@ricky6864 Says:
The wef will push the rates higher... Just bbq bugs for us minions in the future
@Joshdyisdifh Says:
@sean13h74 Says:
These 'experts' have as much of an idea as Joe public. Making financial decisions based on their thoughts is crazy. Low interest rates was a time to reduce your debts not to borrow cheap cash.
@philleach6271 Says:
We need an incentive for people to be able to make smart decisions. Somewhere around 6 % would make you think about your financial decisions.
@HMASJervisBay Says:
Retirees want interest rates to skyrocket. To recover all our stolen money.
@adrianjohn. Says:
Apparently ccp is very angery about the U.S shooting down a spy balloon??🤔🧐
@delladog Says:
25 bps achieves nothing, inflation is going to get out of control then the RBA will need to create a recession, we need 50bps minimum
@jakelyu1600 Says:
please go another 0.5% at least… or 0.75 please
@Dbhiosanjz Says:
@markb7898 Says:
Interest rates are the RBA reflection on the economic and the confidence in the government. Clearly nil confidence in the current inept government. Albo spruiking his wishful thinking does not give any one confidence. He seems more interested in the voice to parliament than actually helping the hard working tax payers. It will be interesting to see what happens when it reaches double digits. As mentioned in the comments live within your means and expect and accept a lower standard of living and reduce or eliminate your debts. Government terms are only 3 years.
@bdawg3942 Says:
They weren’t think that , when sitting at home sipping lattes when watching Netflix for 2 years 🤲🤦‍♂️
@jordywatson7829 Says:
It's so good that Australia is part of the WEF globalist agenda that will crush society and ensure the people are nothing more than slaves to the elite and governments
@vivrowe2763 Says:
Tom lives at home with Mummy and Daddy!
...and the Aussie $ continues it's rise
@robstone4537 Says:
Let this be a life lesson: when the government tells you something, do the opposite. When the RBA said "no rate rise for the next two years" I ran like the wind to fix my rate at 1.9% for three years.
@tilapiadave3234 Says:
LOVE it ,, house prices dropping FAST ,,,, i have my cash just wanting to POUNCE
@tomjones5338 Says:
Skynews telling u it's ur fault for high inflation
@Undies790 Says:
2030 you will own nothing and be happy. WEF is controlling all of this.
@brucewayne3633 Says:
Need more unemployment to pin down wages... Reduce the size of Government... too many public serpents creating red/green tape to stop building... 8% on accounts encourages investing in bank interest and creates more stability... Ponzi house prices are unproductive...
@ianlister245 Says:
....ausies have to get used to homelessness.
@Prognosis__ Says:
I would like to go into a time machine to prediction of what I see now, the WEF would have cemented itself firmly and will be intertwined in all our lives
@Design_no Says:
If people think we have high interest rates now then that demonstrates their lack of life experience.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Live within your means!!!
@G.er9 Says:
@LightLivingEst80 Says:
Good grief

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