Monsoon brings heavy rain and damaging winds

Monsoon brings heavy rain and damaging winds


Darwin has avoided a cyclone but a monsoon trough has brought wet and windy weather to the Top End. It comes after the city recorded its coldest Christmas Day since 1932 � with a top of 27.3 degrees Celsius. The wet and windy conditions are expected to clear up over the coming days as the system tracks east.




@MidCoastAdventures Says:
More nothing news from sKy 🙄
@gemthetics8084 Says:
"Call on the Lord in the day of trouble, and He will deliver you. "       - Psalm 50 : 15
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Sent to Darwin, courtesy of the WA weather modification system. 🌧⚡❄🌩🌨🌪⛈
@tomcat3070 Says:
its like reporting - the sun came up at sunrise and OMG it was bright
@matthewchild7927 Says:
Name a time in history when the climate hasn't changed
@tonybennett638 Says:
Fancy that wet and windy weather in the top end this time of year ... never heard of before.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
It's hard to believe... but some people still believe the Earth is Flat.
@AlanTimms Says:
Do Sky News presenters have to go to idiot school before they appear on TV?
@paulfaigl8329 Says:
The nature is in agreement with the mess and storms in human affairs. It is an unholy mess. Keep praying.
@notafreespeechplatform4201 Says:
Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko inserted by the DS is being tried for treason. Talk about that
@15cuhonda6 Says:
It's rumoured covid carn't swim
@juanfepenarivera2013 Says:
the world government of the antichrist is near the doors but believing in Jesus Christ we have salvation and eternal life .. believing by faith. believe where you are. physical temples or people, money, religions, beliefs, images, pictures, objects or anything else does not save only Jesus Christ read in the holy bible ... Romans 10: 9 and 10, John 14: 6, John 11:25, John 1:12, John 3:15 to 18, Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2: 8 and 9, Acts 2:21 .... ....
@alansweeney7012 Says:
Global warming strikes again 🙄 or was it climate change 🤔🤣
@keensoundguy6637 Says:
"Monsoon brings heavy rain and damaging winds" -- sounds like a tautology to me.
@22ab8 Says:
Aw Geez....I'm waiting till the Willy Willy shows up, followed by The Fremantle Doctor
@22ab8 Says:
Unbelievable...... changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with annual latitudinal oscillation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone between its limits to the north and south of the equator. Hey Honey, its Raining!.... Aw Shut's just a Monsoon!!... Rain and Strong Winds from a Monsoon
@serendipityme9371 Says:
Rain during a monsoon, who'da thunk it 🙄
@kruptwilson6257 Says:
Gee who would have thought that would happen in the wet tropics, only been happening for millions of years
@gravity9702 Says:
A poisonous seed has been planted in the people from the politicians that needs to be pulled out
@adrianjohn. Says:
Did clouds  jyst happen?
@22ab8 Says:
BREAKING NEWS....... DARWIN had its COLDEST XMAS DAY WITH JUST...27Deg... Meanwhile, Perth HAD A HEAT WAVE with Temperatures of 41 Deg.... Go figure!!!
@fidelty2427 Says:
No global warming? Oh right "climate change" now

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