Sydney University Vice-Chancellor 'finally' acknowledges antisemitism on campus
Sydney University Vice-Chancellor 'finally' acknowledges antisemitism on campus



@isopowered5004 Says:
Arabs are semites too. How does this work?
@trickyboy1517 Says:
You're going to need a better push up bra, Carol. ;)
@user-sm8cg9cr7v Says:
Freedom of speech is allowed in Australia? I actually like Israel. Dont care about Ukrajne. Rather have good relations with China
@millerbiz Says:
Thanks for your apology now please remove yourself
@KookaburraAU9908 Says:
Albanese has allowed this anti-Semitism to fester in Australia together with Marxist ideology.
@chromechrome-kq3nu Says:
does anyone know if mehreen faruqi condemned the hizbollah indiscriminat barrage of missiles which killed 15 innocent druze children playing soccer in israel? yet mehreen is super quick to comment on targetted literally pin point assainations of hizbullah terrorists!
@politicz1973 Says:
How is that "other side of the wind" "Still Small Voice" going that follows you everywhere from disaster to disaster Mark Scott? You know as opposed to that of the Spirit of God...the relational cause that is above and through all other causes.
@johnhoughton-ed9ue Says:
He can’t even apologise without having to read his notes. He is allegedly a very smart man but where is his commonsense. I am sure many of the students at the University don’t really understand what is going on here in the staff of the this university.
@johnsmith2046 Says:
Same exact thing happening here in the USA! Why can't they get a hold on this and stop it?
@annettebanks6022 Says:
Sorry is not good enough. He should be sacked.
@johnmancini4700 Says:
No shit Sherlock and how long did it take? Those students endured unnecessary racial discrimination. Pathetic leadership! Resign!
@tonyperkins7485 Says:
Looks like he wonts to keep his job
@keithmcwilliams7424 Says:
Scot an old lefty.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
We need more reports to be read by Caroline.👍
@yowten8994 Says:
Absolutely sensational caroline keep up the good work.
@chronicdiseasecrusher9486 Says:
He should resign
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
8., 8!
@punk46664 Says:
If any of us said about muslims, what they've said about Jews, we'd be charged. These "protesters" have been given freedoms far beyond what we would call the "Australian norm," because of the fear/terror that they instill in the public.
@robertbarron3116 Says:
it's time for Australia government shows us list.Which politicians are getting paid $ for lobbying zionist in parliament .Election soon voters have right to know before election .Its time to stop propaganda small community .Back to history The Haavara agrement with Hitler 1933. Bernard-Lazare: Antisemitism and the Problem of Jewish He was an early analyst of antisemitism and in later years an ardent Zionist whose outspoken views provoked much controversy
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Sky nazi news gone even more rogue more fascist, gone pro Israhell's terrorism, you should be shut down & held accountable
@GraceSeniorCarePL-gm6jv Says:
Why can't we have attire protocols for newscasters?
@bookertee3057 Says:
No more government money to universities who did nothing to stop antisemitic rhetoric.
@hannacook859 Says:
An appeaser is a man who feeds the crocodile hoping he will be eaten last
@peaceplease2793 Says:
Kamala. The same person who has CONTROLLED our Borders for 4 Years !! Now claiming she will protect USA from known terrorists and Drug Traffickers she’s paying 2,400 taxpayers dollars a Month to swarm our cities and murder a 1/4 MILLION Americans since she became VP ! After she gets your vote she will simply continue working for Drug Cartels just like she has for 4 Years. Her actions speak volumes her political lies to get elected can’t fool anyone anymore !
@WalkiTalki Says:
Oh look another foreign national leading a college that was gifted citizenship that went on to foster antisemitism. That is the case for nearly all colleges. It is 100% the case of every college that supported Palestinian occupations. Mark maybe the only one that has previous experience in education. This is no coincidence.
@64fargo Says:
That person Bell believes students that show HATRED towards others is acceptable - you can see where this is going . These Evil small minded anti community Uni employees are just barnacles on society.
@KzenTV Says:
Those students they're really going to school to study and learn? Or just protesting? 🤣😂 So sad. They really use a kid WTH! 🤣😂 DEPORT THEM!
@alexspielberg4090 Says:
he has to be KICKED OUT of his job
@BenPatterson-fkU Says:
Did anyone else search for this chick on pornhub?
@hannahmondry4678 Says:
Thank you, Caroline, for this wonderful monologue.
@oasis042 Says:
Bro is worried his pager is gonna blow up lol
@ZzZzZzZahava Says:
Psychotic what’s happening to Jews and Israelis. This Palestinian scam needs to end now. I’m sick of these terror simps
@hannahmondry4678 Says:
Words are cheap, Scott, when damage has already been done. Disgusting worthless traitor of education and morality. Sack him now!!
@richardsoane6192 Says:
No backbone
@JusticeforLiberty Says:
Criticism of a terrorist country is not antisemitism.
@aheat3036 Says:
Anytime you hear the left or anyone else playing both the sides flash the race card, the homophobic card, the anti-semitism card, etc., you can automatically assume that they are trying to sweep the truth under the rug!
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
Any wonder Australian education standards have dropped.
@robertfitchett-o6n Says:
The Filth.
@matthewbulic Says:
Bring More Migrants in so we can have Sharia Law sooner
@mallachsteve Says:
Words are easy. What's he actually going to do about it? My bet is nothing of consequence, just the usual "commited to diversity" nonsense.
@billycorgi6342 Says:
Mark Scott - too little too late. He acts like a licker of terrorists' anus
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
I wonder what gave it away, was it the weeks and weeks of blockades by leftists students upset that Israel was defending itself against invasion by Hamas? When the vice chancellor only occasionally looks outside his office window.
@martinepstein3332 Says:
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
He SHOULD BE FIRED > No Place for any Antisemitism on Campus > F/STOP. < Our Sydney University is for > EDUCATION < Nothing ELSE > F/STOP <
@Prognosis__ Says:
More likely the chancellor has got the message that the Jewish business won’t support his university
@Awakenotwoke-lf3ej Says:
His weak sorry means nothing 😠
@raymondparnell439 Says:
He should be arrested as the nszi he is
@chairmandan1794 Says:
It's not illegal to have free thought, the encampment on the other hand. The AHRC is a joke!!
@peter_peter_pumpkin_eater Says:
He eventually pulled his head out of his arse then.
@Annette_Grainger Says:
There has never been such a beautiful video😁😁😁

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