Labor's latest attack on nuclear comes from 'concern about the polls'
Labor's latest attack on nuclear comes from 'concern about the polls'



@Curious-i5m Says:
Not much changes 0:22'33
@Tikka300- Says:
Ohhh shut up wanker!!!Bowen ya are a tard
@marksmart9754 Says:
Labor has been totally ignoring Australia since they came to power. Lying mob of no hopers. Hold an election so we can kick you out.
@davidjohn6466 Says:
Blackout bowen, this clown has no idea, so far his ( labors) renewables crap has cost the Australian tax payers " billions" to date so far but this clown wont put a cost upfront or eventual cost to Australian people, but he is all about attacking the nuclear concept,!!! Tells you something eh!!!
@steverogers9507 Says:
Why give his complete fool any airtime . Bowen is a failure at everything he has touched, yet his "leader" gives him the energy portfolio to stuff Australia both financially and energy wise. What a complete failure of government.
@johnwilliamleaford5296 Says:
All by design for nwo I'm sure the rest of the west are suffering similar BS destroy the economy and the environment and lib will do the same..
@vensimo4293 Says:
Labor hasn’t even shown us the cost of going green 😂
@hellenicspartan4458 Says:
BOWEN is a W⚓
@debramoore1428 Says:
From America, if I may. You cannot catch the wind or the sun and bend them to your will. The cost is too high between the manufacture to disposal. Ignore that pollution, and you doom us to slavery of "clean energy."
@Jedi1993 Says:
I challenge them all to a dozen sessions of psychedelics, they wouldn't be having these idiotic debates.
@vindenis9049 Says:
Show us the costings of renewables
@ngaugefouroaksstreetstatio6932 Says:
Bowen is a proven fool
@kellyco4139 Says:
Bowen has Zero credibility he’s dismally failed every portfolio he ever had and he’s doing it again !!!
@gavwilson3413 Says:
The party treating us like mugs are Labor. With their lies about renewable energy, their litany of broken promises, their string of lies and endless incompetence, Albanese’s Labor government is already at least as bad as the Rudd-Gillard government was. And look likely to be even worse by the time we get a chance to vote them out of office.
@ricky6864 Says:
Misinformation bill needed for these liars in government
@ricky6864 Says:
Bowen a clown and proven liar
@murraymclean9072 Says:
Tell Bowan that all Australians will save $275 on their power bills. My bill has increased by 33%.. Australia can't survive this pipe dream..they talk about emissions, no emissions with nuclear.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Mr Bowen, please show us a real three-eyed fish👁️👁️👁️🐠
@eb2505 Says:
Maybe Halvies needs to change his dress, like cackles. Perhaps Bill Clinton can help with the colour.
@Leonardo555ZZZ Says:
Japan has bipartisan support to increase nuclear power. USA to re start three mile island nuclear plant to power microsoft AI. Only Labor wants to keep Australia lagging behind all the clever countries.
@dazzazdrift5835 Says:
Show the Australian people (us) Albanese & Bowen how much your windmills and solar panels is costing US as my power bill is now a $1000
@peter12488 Says:
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Bowen = biggest arrogant cretin of all times full of misinformation
@3RAV4s Says:
Show us your "off the books" costings for renewables, Bowen.
@darrylmccarthy4591 Says:
This clown isn’t smart enough to be labeled a mug. He is an absolute tool. He has fucked up every portfolio he has touched.
@davidtewhakaara6660 Says:
Brain-dead bowen
@craiggrocott7559 Says:
Albo and Bowen are Labors best and brightest
@jeffsmart7674 Says:
Bowen, boozo through and out. This coming from a politician who F ups everything he touches, and for him to say show us the detail. Bowen has told the Australian people what the total price of his Wet Dream, what an arrogant dick
@paulmulready1760 Says:
yes Mr Commercial in confidence 🤣
@evil17 Says:
Why haven’t Labor been booted already? Everything they touch they F**K!
@mattigower1479 Says:
How refreshing??, yes Chris Bowen, you are treating the Australian people like mugs, arrogantly, how about you show us the modelling, show us the plans show us the details. You hypocritical arrogant loser. After 3 years you have never once shown any details of modelling, costings or the details, while energy prices have gone into orbit. Now you have the brazen hide to demand that others, much with better plans, present all their details. You, are even more stupid and arrogant than you look. Oh we are so looking forward to the Federal elections.
@micko.g3258 Says:
Well you, Mr Bowen, have lied for the last three years about renewables , is it because they might just have the truth about you shit choices up against nuclear power , your costs and ongoing cost to use your shit intermittent renewables compaired to endless nuclear power you dork , nobody needs to tell you anything ... love to see a nerd ass dweeb like you squirm like the worm you are ...
@rodhowellnetwork28 Says:
You bloody iignorant fool Bowen.
@Dieu_regne Says:
Nuclear power is for mature countries only. It shouldn't be used with juveniles in power.
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
I was listening to a UK Nuclear Physcisist and he said it TAKES 7 YEARS to BUILD NUCLEAR.
@joscreemers4360 Says:
Why are you talking about net zero? Ohh, I forgot. Liberals and Labor are both paid by the establishment 😂
@imeagleeye1 Says:
Labour at least show wisdom as they understand the long-term dangers of Radioactive power generation and not being able to ever treat or safely dispose of the Forever untreatable Highly toxic Radioactive waste.
@joscreemers4360 Says:
You would not be able to understand them Chris. You are a failure in every portfolio you have managed. Go back to preschool, then enrolled in primary school, and this time, pay attention mate 😂😂😂
@CraigBarron-z4f Says:
What a hypocrite this cockhead is.....We want you and your corrupt divisive Marxist government out, and our country to return to the Australia of old!!
@userjoe4321 Says:
Every time Bowen talks the Labor party loses 1000 votes 😮
@johnknowles4665 Says:
Get rid of Labour and move on. Australia needs cheaper and sustainable energy. Renewable energy alone not the final energy solution.  Go Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Aboriginal communities need income and jobs generated from mining projects to advance and integrate their people into the Australian way of life. Policticans interference, post planning approvals and Aborigninal concurranve is unwarranted.
@ShaneLong-nk5cy Says:
Was he talking into a mirror. What a specimen
@tomjones5338 Says:
Shut up Bowen
@pxbvic Says:
Black out Bowen is a retard, idiot and Luddite...
@99bevo Says:
Yeh you show us your plan costings the real all up cost to supply all the power Australia requires now & into the future ....
@smartgoku9048 Says:
gotta love how labor is turning every aussie against them. the aussies with a brain at least anyway.
@owenroberts1168 Says:
Can someone give this dickhead Bowen some toilet paper because he keeps talking shit. He needs to go
@jameseddy5309 Says:
Show the cost of Solar Farms and Wind Turbines LITTLE BOWEN you bloody WANKER….NUCLEAR IS THE FUTURE…😡😡
@williamchristenson5487 Says:
He is a lying price of shit people have had a gust full of lying labor
@AdrianAdrian-sg2tj Says:
Bowen is a snake mouth and collar is way too tight —- what a total moron - fail up specialist

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