Liberal MP discusses when the Coalition will release nuclear policy costings
Liberal MP discusses when the Coalition will release nuclear policy costings



@bigearz255 Says:
Everyone knows the Con-alition can't deliver on infrastructure. This policy has more holes than swiss cheese. Come clean with the public, potato-head.
@ricky6864 Says:
How about the costing for albos expensive, unreliable useless green energy
@ricky6864 Says:
Australia's current power generation and resources are owned and controlled by corporations foreign and domestic and we are being rorted with our own resources.
@Chad.H. Says:
Were it not for Dutton,albo would be a goner. Dutton stand up or leave, let sussan ley lead librals to a guaranteed victory 🎉
@dogzdigital Says:
The LNP is never going to release their costings, as their nuclear plan is just a cover story to keep burning coal and gas. Plenty of costings have been done on nuclear in Australia and they all point to it not being a viable option.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Did Albo ever release the costings for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in expensive unreliable intermittent green energy. Or the billions of taxpayer dollars lost with Albo's support of failed green hydrogen projects?
@Annette_Grainger Says:
Thanks for the mega interesting topic !🌹🌹🌹
@lorrainelavin764 Says:
Video >The horrific effects of nuclear power in India on its civilians > CHANNEL > True Lives
@Berserker978 Says:
When are they going to realise there can never be Net Zero.😆
@Prognosis__ Says:
Australia can’t continue to be a wealthy country without cheap, reliable and stable energy production that doesn’t rely on the CCP

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