'Need to be careful': Leftie journalists cautioned about anti-Trump rhetoric
'Need to be careful': Leftie journalists cautioned about anti-Trump rhetoric



@sungod1968 Says:
I hope Trump wins if for no other reason just to rub the medias face in it ! another thing i have noticed -all the war mongers responsible for the fake weapons of mass destruction claims that led to the war against Iraq like Dick Cheney George Bush Junior and now our own John Howard have come out against Trump after Trump said he awnts to stop the Wars .
@kellykiley Says:
Media is nothing Communist propaganda it's what Hitler did offered 2 radio stations that broadcasted information only to his approval
Now who is happy about those attempts? Secretly gleeful? Certainly not Republican supporters.
@conniedan5761 Says:
Can't wait for Killarys arrest!
@conniedan5761 Says:
We do not despise the Legacy Media enough! Damn Them all!
@pattymcconnell1765 Says:
They can't handle how he points out the fact that dems are polluting the US.
@gman1003 Says:
The US media has just become a wholly owned subsiderary of the DNC. Every story about someone trying to kill Trump is converted into an advertisement for Kamala Harris.
@garyK.45ACP Says:
NO, you need to be _responsible._ Not "careful".
@geraldhull5241 Says:
Jabba the Hillary has spoken. Pay her no attention.
@Some_who_call_me_Tiim Says:
Why would they tone down their rhetoric, it's getting the results they're after.
@terryhall5481 Says:
Hillary should be in jail, to say the least.
@User-32kjjzz34 Says:
Nobody trying shoot Trump or he be gone by now all set up. Trump saying audiences was going crazy for me at debate what audience Old man. Lol last week he was asked to pray but couldn't i thought Trump was Christian now according to his cult
@ZoidbergMustache Says:
As an American it's refreshing to hear some common sense and reason from the media. Thanks Sky News!
@EL_Duderino68 Says:
The people who tried to assassinate were mentally ill people who both somehow managed to get hold of AR-15s. Woah, how could that happen?
@oscarlamonte3148 Says:
These LEFTIES are extremely MENTALLY ILL!! TRUMP didn't make PAUL PELOSI go out a find dangerous MALE PROSTITUTES that almost killed him! TDS is a real illness!! We on the RIGHT are NOT VIOLENT!!👎💥🤬
@Xfloridaman Says:
So Paul Pelosi getting beat with a hammer during a quarrel with his gay lover was Trump's fault ? 😂😂😂
@nancykrull2151 Says:
I will no longer listen to Lester Holt, I always thought he was a good man that spoke the truth, boy was I wrong.
@moralobjection4836 Says:
Funny that MSNBC who openly refuses to cover Trump. Had shown up in butler to film, and then this time when he is shot at, MSNBC magically showed up to film him on the golf course that day. For no reason at all. Only news agency to show up. Time to start putting these people in CIA black sites and getting some information.
@davidnichol6282 Says:
Who pays the wages for the partisan journalists and the aggression the show to Mr Trump. Do they not realise there hostility is encouraging violence against Mr Trump.
@malp78 Says:
It seems that assassination attempts push up the MSM's TDS up a few more notches.
@samT1227 Says:
Harris won the debate, at one point Trump started rambling incoherently about foreigners eating peoples pets in Springfield......he's delusional
@ralphpeirson8475 Says:
It should be entirely obvious that both the Democrat politicians and the media are intentionally projecting hate toward Trump with the hope that some weak minded individual would carry out an assassination!
@paulspodsandmarineornament7183 Says:
If there were “threats” where are the arrests, then? They’ve arrested an Alaskan lefty for 495 threats on the Supreme Court and others….finally.
@jshricks Says:
Exposed? Its been our faces since 2016, right out in the open.
@timeames2509 Says:
Main stream media has become a joke. I only want to hear facts not opinions.
@Brendan-ow6bi Says:
How many jokes does Diaper Don make about Nancy husband nearly being killed? Just F of Caleb you tosser!
@Super_Mario128 Says:
@user-de5nr7ho3n Says:
He could have more time for golf without being shot at i hope hes ok ... without crazies trying to do this crazy stuff
@marklooper722 Says:
How do they keep getting away with spewing this kind of crap? They are never held to account, and will never stop till that happens
@marklooper722 Says:
Trump has absolutely no responsibility for any of those things, that lays entirely on the dims and the leftist media
@josephriley8346 Says:
6:18 sit down, or shut up, or get out of the way you old giezer!
@HyperVaccinated Says:
Trump the savior of billions of lives around the globe deserves to win! Trump 2024 MAGA!
@josephriley8346 Says:
3:42 but there is heaps of evidence to support the need for everyone to tone down negative stereotypes
@MTx485 Says:
So somehow he is responsible for threats against Paul Pelosi and Dr. Fauci but they are not responsible for threats against him? You truly can’t make this stuff up.
@Xfloridaman Says:
I am voting for Trump but I was hoping for both sides to tone it down and try to unify Americans . Trump can win on policy alone . We know Harris will not close the border or secure it . We know that Harris is the one that cast the final vote to reopen the border and stop construction of the wall along with reversing everything Trump did in our own interest as a country SO what makes anyone think that she has a new way forward ?
@debaston7158 Says:
From the moment Trump came down the elevator in 2015 the left have been accusing him of everything they themselves are guilty of !!  Make America Safe Again ! Trump/Vance 2024
@Nix-qq5je Says:
does congress have oversight power on the FBI and Secret Service?
@gregscott7365 Says:
Crazy governor DeWine debunked all the bombs threats, all came from abroad
@CatsandJP Says:
TIME TO SIT UP …WAKE UP …AND TAKE NOTICE……Part of an open letter (available on newspaper and media outlets) signed by over 111 Former GOP LEADERS..including congress members..defence secretaries ….”As President he promoted daily chaos in government….praised our enemy….undermined our allies…polarised the military…disparaged our veterans…prioritised his own personal interests…above American interests…betrayed our values…democracy….and this country’s documents” ……and this is the person America wants a President.
@Mrbullet1952 Says:
What do you expect from the leftist media.
@trickyboy1517 Says:
So, it's okay for Convicted Felon Trump to spew lies and threaten violence against political opponents but "leftie journalists" mustn't report on it. Is that about right, Soph? Not surprising coming from right wing, non journalist, fascist propagandist. ;)
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
Paul Pelosi was attacked by his boyfriend 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@debbyfazfphotography Says:
They WANT him dead!!! They are a HUGE part of the establishment!!!
@SuperDean1957 Says:
The "presence in cheif" of the USA has said that President Trump is the "biggest danger to America," how many times?
@johnfox1580 Says:
Trump as the leader of, shall we say "misleading" statements. This is a bit rich. Are any trump supporters capable of logical and objective thinking?
@melizadevore239 Says:
@LanceFulbright Says:
media is claiming so call threats on trump spring field claim threats came from other country,s the media claim dr faulcie got threats but we do not see it we can not just take word of fake media and fake news media his the most hate speech of them all when it comes to lying about trump
@RBRCbashem Says:
Random person posts a meme and possibly gets arrested. The news brainwashes and lies to people every fkn day and NOTHING. Hold the mainstream media accountable!!! 🙌🏼
@whatthe5952 Says:
Dems are TRYING to get him illed. Its their only option.
@LucienCanon Says:
About time.

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