Israel's attack on Hezbollah was about 'recreating security' for its citizens
Israel's attack on Hezbollah was about 'recreating security' for its citizens



@captainjack3746 Says:
Arab countries stop selling oil to America and Israel then game over for war criminals
@caterpillar1936 Says:
They love to mention the attack on drews children because it sounds like jewish and half of people will misunderstand. They werent israelis.
@barkingmoonranch7836 Says:
Are we supposed to watch the news or wait and see if her boobs pop out of her dress ? Buy the woman a proper dress and cover up....
@againstunlimited Says:
The world's worst terrorists are all in the White House.
@ThePastaManCan Says:
Never did I think after 9/11 anyone would be stupid enough to stand on the side of terrorists yet today we have hordes of them IMPORTED
@Alteringrealitystudios Says:
Yeah feeling outraged by these actions is simply inane. All is fair in love and what war. Amazing how all the bad guys these days want special provisions to win by default isn't it.
@louisemarshall9301 Says:
Iran should cease.funding, arming and training these terrorists
@SimpleQuietLife Says:
Love Sky, but can't watch with family if this lady keeps showing her breasts. Sorry.
@Shimonayani Says:
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Listen to yourselves, Re-creating Ok mate 👌 This is mainstream?
@theimperialist2686 Says:
What a load of bs propaganda.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Israhell's terrorist attacks will never bring them peace & security, fix your title Sky terrorist nazi news

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