Chris Bowen is 'destroying' the energy portfolio
Chris Bowen is 'destroying' the energy portfolio



@glennpassmore8441 Says:
I live in Thailand. I see a sign (yes, billboard) net zero. This place is moredoor. Does any Australian really believe that 0 point 1 percent of all emissions will make a difference. F off.
@bernie9150 Says:
That's what Labor does destroy everything ! Australia, Australian's, business, mining, migration! The list goes on and on. There's no end to there talent!
@lispyDribbler Says:
Let me fix your video title. Bowen HAS destroyed the energy portfolio. 1:59 And it's not just energy cost causing business to go bust. It's their rent as well.
@kipster67 Says:
A totally uneducated KNOB, has never worked a day in generation, transmission or distribution in his life. A treasonous government deserves to fall.
@drcolster Says:
@lesliecarter4295 Says:
Bowen and Miliband (uk) are the zealots that will destroy their countries…?
@timcoller177 Says:
Bowen is at the helm of a sinking ship - his renewable dream is going down the drain
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
Bowen epitomises the core Labor values. STUPIDITY 😅
@dommargboffa3261 Says:
WTF Don't Libs ask Bowen & Albo ,in your Nett Zero by 2050,Why have you and CSIRO Gen Cost report Does NOT include Billl$$$ Cost ,Envoirnrntal Impact of replacing EVERY Solat Panel,Wind Turbine ,and Batteries . How will you dispose of 10scof Millions of Tonnes of Non Recyclable Dead RE !!!
@Ds-lq3tc Says:
Why should Bowen be any different from the rest of Scambo and his ministers they are intent of destroying Australia . And they are doing a excellent job...
@paddleboatman3767 Says:
Keep talking, Chris, talk yourself straight into opposition.
@Ernst12 Says:
Whenever Labor is in power, it is wasting taxpayers' money, making crap policies that head the country in the wrong direction and for what? Just to satisfy Labor self-aggrandizing ego, its warped ideology and it's pursuit create an autocratic government where freedom of speech and our democracy will be destroyed.
@oldtimers6460 Says:
The so-called manmade climate change BS is making things worse for the average person but many mega millionaires/ billionaires. Labor/Liberals are puppets for outside Australian masters.
@SurvivethePoleShift Says:
Chris 'no chin' Boboy says NUCLEAR!!!????...NOT BY THE HAIR OF MY CHINNY, CHIN, CHIN!!! oh wait I don't have a chin I don't have a Policy either.... BARHARHARHARHAR marxist australians are sooooo predictable
@Macca980 Says:
This bloke is a complete moron can only hope they get booted out next election..
@richardsoane6192 Says:
Agree, when will labour announce the 'real' cost of their renewables ? Do not forget Bowen couldn't run a chook raffle let alone provide accurate estimates of energy costings as we have found out. Clearly this is a major project and something like half baked modeling such as Labour claimed to use will not cut it. A number of journos and not just Sky are happy to want answers for everything now but the Liberals appear to have more sense than to just pull figures out of the air.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
That is good as Australia only needs solar and wind farms and battery storage power stations.
@markrolly5486 Says:
All That is True But Normal People are wrong Labour is always for Union Greed
@DavidSmith-vx1gp Says:
Please Casanova Bowen retire from politics, everything you’ve done in government with portfolios has failed or is failing currently.
@mikldude9376 Says:
The question on how much will nuclear cost is a loaded question, because it’s unknowable until all plans and dates are set in in concrete, and even then it would be at best a rough guideline. What gets me is No one asks how much renewables will cost , Labor gives pie in the sky figures with zero detail. Ask the question, Labor wants to install 20,000 plus wind turbines , every one of those turbines has to have land cleared to run power lines , to install the wind turbines and have masses of roads cut for the heavy equipment needed to install them and keep them maintained, not to mention due to the huge distances some of these wind farms are to city’s , they will need substations , and the massive battery power banks to store energy for those times when the wind does not blow ! Not one single detailed report I’m aware of has been shown by the Labor party . For unbiased journalism you need to ask Labor the same questions.
@keithladd2365 Says:
This clown is quite happy at the moment because he is extracting his revenge on voters for not voting him and Bill Shorten in when Scott Morrison and the Libs took power. He is a foolish elitist who has never worked a day in his life. It will be sooooo good when his party loses power, and that wont come quick enough.
@steventurner8428 Says:
What is the point of Australia reaching net zero by 2050 when even iran produces more Co2 ( 1.130 bn tons ) than Australia (465.9 million tons ) and how does that compare to chyna at 14bn tons. The whole concept is absurd left idealism.
@naimshahidi2829 Says:
10 terrifying word .I'm from government and I'm here to help you😂😂
@bluey9371 Says:
Renewables and the NDIS will be Australia’s downfall
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
Bowen is physically repulsive. He's always been a loser and continues to be so. No matter what he says about nuclear (and I'm still good for coal) it won't interest me - I just want Bowen gone.
@Prognosis__ Says:
Sweeeeet Caroline 🥰
@BenPatterson-fkU Says:
Especially that blonde chick, super energy 😉
@markheyman7333 Says:
Arm the crazy ants
@BenPatterson-fkU Says:
You cant destroy energy everything is energy,
@aussievike3819 Says:
By the Look on his face those platform shoes must be killing him 😖
@Maya_Harris Says:
Thank you for this comprehensive video, I can't imagine how much effort it took for you to do it😍😍

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