Nigel Farage criticised over comments on Russia-Ukraine war
Nigel Farage criticised over comments on Russia-Ukraine war



The squint eyes moslem in Britain can no longer see properly
@macakucizmama831 Says:
West brought the world to the red line of a ww3 and a nuclear disaster, hello? What about Nato crimes since ww2? What about listening Russia and try to find solutions? No ego is more important πŸ˜…πŸ˜… huh Russia will not invade Poland, but Nato is a treat to Russia, wake up free people. These elders are insane in the west
@macakucizmama831 Says:
Criticized, really? I thought in democracy there is a freedom of speech ??? You pathetic propaganosts are ridiculous, and everyone who tells the truth that Ukraine is not a innocent country is criticized lol Well someone has to tell the truth. And Ukraine is uncoruptes democracy as Hitler was humanitarian. There are two sides or more of the story, and everyone should check neutral media not a Deep state propaganda
@maltezz Says:
if you attack the cubs of a mama bear, is it her fault that you were eaten alive? yes, but did you ask for it? also yes.
@johnchristmas7522 Says:
Brit here, what you all dont realise, is that Ukraine doesn't have the time or the manpower to run F16"s or the Storm Shadow missiles.The F16's take about 100 ground personnel to run them- that means the UK and USA have personnel doing it for them. Russia knows this. We are sleep walking into a WW3. Nigel Farage is completely right. The two main parties know this but for some reason dont want to tell the British public, that WW3 is very likely. Over the last 30 years the EU and NATO have consistently moved closer and closer to Russia's borders, to the point where Russia is surrounded by NATO Forces. This over and above the treaty with Russia not to do this. Russia was also refused entry into the EU by the EU! So Ukraine became the point where Russia said enough is enough. Just like America did over Cuba. The real danger is if NATO moves Nuclear arms into Ukraine, that to Russia is an act of war.
@AUS65 Says:
Farage Who is He!
@Dianaroyal2007 Says:
Nigel Farage is disgusting piece of work in British politics! Now he defends Putun and "justify" his invasion in Ukraine giving Russian propaganda more power..
@marcusdosh408 Says:
Like it or not Farage is right about NATO and Ukraine.....
@JohnDoe-iq9bz Says:
Facts don't care about your feelings. Nigel Farage is right. Of course the west provoked this war a long time ago.
@shannonbertram5513 Says:
He’s 100% right lol we been saying that since the start you idiots
@torturedsoul8066 Says:
His comments are true. U.S. led NATO has moved towards Russia each time Democrats are in office. They signed a non proliferation agreement and then created a loophole to violate that agreement. In 2014 the then President of Ukraine decided not to join the E.U. fearing a conflict with Russia. They then over threw the Ukrainian government. The president went to Russia or be killed. He was from Donetsk which immediately left Ukraine and began hostilities that lased until today. So 10 years they have ben fighting. Putin is not a good person. But that does not mean he isn't right from time to time. The I.C. should create a civil court. Russia should be granted Donetsk and Luhansk. Mariupol to Kherson should be Ukraine as Russia controls Crimea they have secured the entrance to the Sea of Azov and removes the national security interest in occupying's Mariupol to Kherson. I think they simply waited too long to address the Crimea issue. But Russian control of the area removes the national security interest Russia has in that area. Then you all can kiss and make up. As for amassing troops from NATO countries I agree but the U.S. must withdraw from NATO. Look at where the countries are located. Some do not even touch the North Atlantic. The only reason why its called that is so the U.S. can be a part. The U.S. should not be a part but can still perform the same tasks they perform now. They need to go through a basic training. I assume they all know English or a common language so they can train together. So US drops out. They change the name to something more suitable. Ukraine joins new alliance. The Russia is not dealing with the US but with the eastern bloc directly.
@tristanlee8912 Says:
Vote Reform πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
@robertcalleja2348 Says:
Its not ate fight we have enough shit on are own door steep
@robertcalleja2348 Says:
He is πŸ‘
@alessiog2034 Says:
Farage is 100% right
@gez3345 Says:
The essence of Nigel's personality is a wank in a sock.
@Speetzer Says:
Sunak to go to bake naan
@wendyholland2339 Says:
@abcddef2112 Says:
I might not like Nigel, but it seems he is consistent. He was and is correct.
@jasonhaynes4461 Says:
He is right.
@johnhehir508 Says:
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί he's correct we're just financing another American proxy war
@jackdanielsamarreto Says:
No doubt the next stage will be Russia got reform into politics 😱😱😱 and the gullible will lap it up.
@eugeniozanda7230 Says:
Farage hit the nail on the head...!
@vaskodimoski5690 Says:
Look at the comments wow 90% know Nigel is telling the truth . Why would you believe the big political parties just like when they told us about WMD
@vaskodimoski5690 Says:
Nigel speaking the truth
@scottrobinson3281 Says:
It all started in 1990 when then Sec. of State, James Baker III, told Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not "move one inch eastwards" following the unification of Germany. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved at the beginning of 1991, a year before the break up of the USSR. As we know, NATO has now expanded to practically surround Russia. The Maidan coup of 2014, supported by the Obama Administration, in the person of the despicable Victoria Nuland, was the actual start of the war. This was the opinion of a Ukrainian expat from Melitopol that I know. The many Russian speaking ethnic Ukrainians and Russians in the eastern and south eastern regions wanted nothing to do with the insurrectionists and post-Maidan Ukraine.
@joshuafry5694 Says:
Ever since laid eyes in Nigel ive respected and carefully listened to him
@joshuafry5694 Says:
Hes 100 correct
@insanogeddon Says:
Purchasing Power Parity top 4 economies are China, the USA, India, and Russia. THREE of those are against western interference now the west has become a parody of what it preaches thanks to "personal is political" ideologues. 16 years of NATO and US military exercises on the borders of Russia. ~212 years Russia HAS been invaded by the West 4x. France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, the US are the ones who had MULTIPLE colonies in Africa and South America, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Asia before they were kicked out when the locals got something better than muskets et al. Putin is often on stage for many hours answering contemporaneous questions in detail about places from Bolivia to Zimbabe .. imagine Biden trying that! He knows NOTHING about those people because those "victims" and "oppressed" rich white 'superior' people pat them on the head and look at them as a little to short, dark, swarthy, assuming they bother noticing and knowing things about them while blaming others for being "racist". The westerners with unfulfilled parental needs SHOW their truth when they don't respect others enough to let them determine their own fate and way forward. Meanwhile Ukrainians are getting 15 days of training and not even with the weapons they will be using on the front. As out of touch as Hitler was at the end of WW2 moving imaginary forces around a board. The working men are brave, stubborn, strong but poor leaders are throwing their lives away with idiotic choices as like most management nowadays they ain't shi+
@ZhekaRusCan Says:
If arrogant Elites take time to respond to someone they don’t agree with and want public to know means that person is 100% right. Nigel is right. Trump 2024 to end all wars.
@SeemoreDunkan Says:
What a tool that Nigel is..
@reductio1000 Says:
Well, farage is right on this one and yes, he predicted it. The US has been provoking Russia into proxy wars since the USSR ceased to exist. And the UK has been a good obedient dog to the US lords.
@Jacob-sz3ho Says:
If Nigel wins which i believe he will, SUNAK WILL BE SICK!! ha ha Farrage for PM
@nirajshrestha5621 Says:
sunak talking about security while in Bar. how shameless can you be.
@chirpywiggins5796 Says:
Despite being correct.
@Hunter_Bidens_Crackpipe_ Says:
Russia said it will attack Ukraine if they join Nato. On 2021 dec ursula said ukraine will join Nato. No politician in the UK has an IQ above 80.
@Hunter_Bidens_Crackpipe_ Says:
Criticised over common sense by the Uniparty
@geovitalacademyuk4937 Says:
I see the World Economic Forum puppets are attacking the truthful words from Farage. Research the truth, because you will not get the truth from main stream media.
@alexbel4453 Says:
Dear politicians, bloggers, other brain surgeons, war sports commentators, here is an alternative perspective on the Ukrainian conflict we should be discussing RIGHT NOW. It is a golden opportunity for you to make a difference and even have your name decorating the most beautiful and prominent building in all human history! At least it will pop your European audience numbers through the roof, as this line of thoughts relates not only to Ukraine, but also to the very heart of Europe. Here it is. Belgium Scenario. The miracle turnaround from the biggest and deadliest battlefield of Europe into the biggest European parliament. Can it be applied to Ukraine on the World scale? Belgium was referred "battlefield of Europe" because for many years and many armies fighting on its soil (says Wiki). By the same standards, Ukraine is now the "battlefield of the world". Both, Belgium and Ukraine's populations are heavily divided according to the language spoken and identity. Belgium has French and Dutch sides, as Ukraine - pro-Western and pro-Eastern. This is where similarities end. Unlike the new "Ukrainian state language", there is no "Belgium" language for a good reason: Belgians don’t want to step into the Ukrainian trap: Just imagine, that someone in Belgium, be it on the French or the Dutch side revolts, takes over the government, media, business, constitution and labels the opposite side β€œthe occupants”. Those "occupants" get banned their language, their vote, basic rights... physically isolated, targeted by artillery fire, 8 years in a row. Belgium becomes Ukraine. It attracts an "interest" of allied forces, hosts the secret bio-labs, military training facilities, weaponizes itself, establishes France or Netherlands as their constitutional enemy no 1. etc etc down the Ukrainian path. Instead, Belgium has nicely recovered from Europe's biggest nightmare into Europe's very posh meeting and negotiation point, establishing several state languages, incl French and Dutch dialects, even German... to respect its citizens. The same will turn Ukraine from the World's fighting arena into the World's negotiation room. To follow the Belgium Scenario, Ukraine has to build The World'ean Union Parliament and go back to a multi-lingual and multi-cultural system (as it was in 1993). The world authorities will build their own offices in there to coordinate and regulate, run joint projects between East and West. Belgium did this for Europe, Ukraine can do this for the world. Shouldn’t we worry and make a breakthrough in medicine, climate, humanity…  Wouldn't it be nice for Ukrainians to host it... Don't they deserve it? It is a decent β€œway out” for all: Isn't it what Mr Putin would want in exchange for occupied by him Eastern Ukraine? Isn't it what Mr Trump would want in exchange for occupied by NATO Western Ukraine? Isn't it what we ALL want in exchange for WW3. Can we start negotiating on these terms? Just talking about the war is not going to win anything, TALKING ABOUT PEACE WILL DO, you war maggots.
@esioanniannaho5939 Says:
For once I agree with him ???? The West was warned umpteen times there were verb agreements going back to the cold war. Just listen please to American analysts Jeffrey Sachs and Prof. John Mearsheimer and retired Col Douglas MacGregor. Clown Zelensky was elected on a platform of peace. Now he is unelected. The Istanbul Peace Accord agreed by both parties in 2022 was blocked by NATO and the West. The visit to Cuba of the warships basically gave the hint. Now Russia has split the West forces by the agreement with N Korea. More moves to follow from this master chessplayer.
@kathleenmorgan4331 Says:
@johnmknox Says:
At no point did Nigel Farage praise or justify what Putin did. He simply said the truth that NATO and EU expansion are part of the reason as to why they invaded Georgia and Ukraine. The war started and persists due to Joe Biden’s and Rishi Sunak's weak leadership, and Bill Clinton’s disarmament of Ukraine in 1994. Had Ukraine kept its nukes, Russia would not have invaded, and countless lives would be saved. Today we have weak leadership in Washington, London and Brussels. Under Trump, no such conflicts occurred, and the economy was stable without today’s rampant inflation from government spending. We all see through these attempts by the establishment to smear Farage. Mark Rutte’s potential leadership of NATO is concerning his aggressive policies in the Netherlands against his own people and the farmers, reflect a dangerous, war hawk mentality, akin to Tony Blair’s who is mentoring Keir Starmer. This is what should concern us all. I am with Farage on this. It is pathetic the way the media and other political leaders are desperately attempting to smear him. He is correct in everything he said.
@momogo828 Says:
Farage is 10000% right
@not2longnow Says:
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story eh...
@SAS-vx1jk Says:
Nigel is correct. He's been saying this for years. Our UK MSM twist it as they want to smear Nigel. It doesn't make undecided voters think twice! People are fed up with the politicians lies and they don't like the truth from Nigel. Nigel is a Patriot which the others are not. Just look at the history for the facts
@pszalewski2012 Says:
Do you see all the Russian trolls commenting on this video?
@pszalewski2012 Says:
That pro Russian guy already started his vision to destroy the UK
@morrigan1368 Says:
He is absolutely right. One only has to look at NATO’s eastward progress in its last few years on a map to see that. And all this despite the promises of the West.
@OliverCampbell-f6x Says:
What about funding and orchestrating the overthrow of the democratically elected legitimate government in coup d'Γ©tat in 2016?

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