RBA has 'asserted authority' in its messaging to hold interest rates
RBA has 'asserted authority' in its messaging to hold interest rates



@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
same thing they said in canada it's the goverment spending but they didn't want to hear that
@CalciumHat Says:
Black Sabbath - War Pigs was an excellent song.
@John-ul4hv Says:
Michael Sukkar (25.09.24) is correct, Labor is going to tax mum & dad investors so much they will sell, then comes 'Build to Rent' policy, RBA Reform Bill, WEF international Corporations can come into Australia, Digital ID Bill, Identity Identification Bill, then TAX the individual home owners (deeds are forcefully kept by state, theft) so much they'll be forced to sell so the WEF corporation billionaires can have a field day on 'rent forever, be happy' it's all happening people & if you complain you will be fined imprisoned Lbr Misinformation Bill Submission close 30th September, please write your Submissions people
@foff3379 Says:
They are all out guilty of treason and nothing more then white collar crims
@pietro4772 Says:
Morons running the government and DEI Karens that look like dudes running the rest. My advice to young people: save your money then buy a home in Europe.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Israel has been at war since it's founding this will never change you would think, especially as the balance of power is rapidly shifting in the region.
@theseersays Says:
Shut up you stooped cants.. Your ignorance is defined by the cliches your rhetoric spits like vomit
@downtoearth1950 Says:
Should have asserted Authority over 12 months ago and put rates up
@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas Says:
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ https://youtu.be/0KCWqnldEag πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ πŸͺ…
@PJC005 Says:
Its all sounding sus.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ **Trend baby Trend** 🀣🀣🀣As if the RBA would lower interest rates IMMEDIATELY after Labor reduced inflation to it's target band. Two more months of low inflation and it's CHRISTMAS πŸŽ„βœ¨for business and mortgage holders.
@shanesehm3550 Says:
Off topic... Could Labour's new MaD legislation be directed to organisations such as the RBA in situations as these now? Just wondering.
@iamasmurf1122 Says:
Australian government should be offering military transport out of the middle east ... once again Australian government not doing enough to get people out of foreign countries to protect as written on ones Australian passport
@davidarter6271 Says:
Where would we be without the RBA with this appalling and incompetent Federal and State labor governments
@gusman37 Says:
Yet Australian family's suffering 😒 ... Bullshit Nothing
Nothing says AFL is a man's game like a Katie Perry concert
@spinem4u Says:
This commentator is a big lefty Pro Labor Please be impartial ffs
@Bud-m1e Says:
RBA transgender
@MichaelMeilech Says:
Go Governer go keep to your sticksπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
@kurjan1 Says:
When a people ignore or do not oppose atrocities they are complicit in those atrocities. Silence is consent!
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Dan Andrews Memorial Urinal. Feel free to piss on it
@graceg2716 Says:
At last someone stopping this corrupt government.
@BenPatterson-b4n Says:
So if I had Two cats and those cats had two kittens and I added two street cats and divided them into two individual groups of 3 cats and turned two cats into common house cats how many cats would I have?
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
How to transform the words the script into moving picture like moving video is movie so promotional videos is professionals motional videos. The word became flesh refers to bible script the word became flesh is movie is moving video required honest man spirit write movie script like word of God wrote bible book scriptures and movie 🎬 director is movie 🎬 producer has eyes for talented kids can lie effectively is actors and actresses so I can get job description complete is save superman flesh live and never die physically in my movie script is superman John Williams theme song. The powers πŸ”‹ of superman and the evil character of myself the movie script writer seeks great movie 🎬 director like Benjamin Netanyahu wears yellow ribbon πŸŽ— reads puritan bible book called geneva bible book πŸ“– is movie 🎬 producer seeks actors and actresses. The script is genius so the word the script the word became flesh so the script became flesh superman seeks movie 🎬 director seeks talented actors and actresses to play supporting cast. Superman πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ John Williams theme song the movie 🎬 script is word became flesh superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire makes Judgement in rightness. How can superman live and never taste physical death on Japan death camp unit number 731 and graves and tombs and cemeteries worldwide 🌐 and cremation oven consuming fire πŸ”₯ at 1600 degrees Celsius destroys humans cells so wicked are like chaff blown into the wind so gone with the wind. My movie script has to be brought into material world so the word became flesh superman live and never taste physical death. Where can the movie 🎬 director find such a actor playing superman? Henry cavill is actor playing superman πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ? My plan is not public movie screening for idiots paid money but my plan is private movie 🎬 is above top secret like usa NASA scientists medical school doctors testify under oath not to reveal the private movie until superman is ready to show the world that man Is made in image of God is immortal human and humans are mortal gods said apostle Paul called Hermes chief speaker of the Gods in bible book so do not pray for their spirits shall surely taste physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died so Abraham children spirt said now they know jesus christ has demon is chief demon Beelzebub so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so man is made in image of God is immortal human and humans are mortal gods said apostle Paul called Hermes chief speaker of the Gods in bible book chapter genesis verse 3-22 Yale university USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ chapter322 skull and bones chapter 3-22 bible book chapter genesis verse 3-22 so the movie 🎬 is private movie for NASA scientists and medical school doctors under oath the movie 🎬 is not to be revealed to the public people because they are mere mortals afraid of immortal human the only one law giver and judge who can both save flesh or murder flesh so they are mere mortals surely fear him the immortal human said John Luke Matthew
@Prognosis__ Says:
Interest rates where higher when I bought my first home around 18 years ago. The homes where 60% less to purchase…that was the difference
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
I eat crayons πŸ–
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
I just had a massive dump the size of king kongs middle with all blood in the poo and no I didn't wash my hands afterwards I just pulled up a boxers and walked away 😳

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