Israel's 'upper hand' is at the cost of 'large numbers' of civilian lives in Lebanon
Israel's 'upper hand' is at the cost of 'large numbers' of civilian lives in Lebanon



@rosshitchen-ij6en Says:
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Some where in Argentina, an Austrian man with a funny moustache is laughing...
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
Benjamin nathanyahu wears yellow ribbon 🎗 has an apprentice a young Israel 🇮🇱 man who is given the secret hidden coordinates to find the mysterious room called mystery school or magical mystery bus 🚌 like Alexander the great has secret cave to meet Aristotle is connected to Socrates is connected to Oracle of Delphi the fake prophet woman rides scarlet beast is red dragon apollo the God of prophecy .....I want something and what do you apollo the God of prophecy want in return? Moses found something in the wilderness so Jesus christ sent angel Is mighty angel has fiery pillars for legs is burning bush by night and bright pillar cloud by day so do we have a deal. I want something and what do you Satan chief demon Beelzebub want in exchange? Tree of life in garden of Eden to not die for 1000 years....I cannot let you live forever but I can cut you a deal is extend your lifespan to 1000 years so do we have a deal ? Superman lives and never taste physical death in exchange for you Satan not die physically for 1000 years only so I decided your lifespans.
@ineverfilledthisin Says:
you cant comment only if you support Israel
@annviolet4727 Says:
Netanyahu, the war criminal, bombing his way back up in the polls!
@Littlebigbot Says:
Stop demonizing Israel for exercising its right to defend itself.
@peripheralparadox4218 Says:
The West: hey Israel, stop winning!
@Dovopp Says:
Don’t hide missiles in your basement! It’s not good for your health..😂
@filop Says:
Always Casualties in War.
@truthmachine1192 Says:
Muslims are not civilians. "Muslim" is a spiritual ethnicity. They are all to one degree or another fundamentalists. They can rely on each other for support and dare not show signs of apostasy because of the death penalty. This is why you get hysteria. The rest of the world knows a lot more about how Islam works. I am not pro-Israel. I am anti-tyranny.
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
In America " human shield ' has been exposed as a propaganda word.
@theklienfour Says:
The mainstream media will soon be describing the late Hassan as a paragon peace loving gentle terrorist and demand an inquiry to see if killing your enemy is a war crime. The UN clown Gutteres will back this inquiry he being appalled by this senseless act.Come on UN Rapporteur on Israel Francesca Albanese, you'll find a way to hold Israel to account for the killing of this peaceful prelate.
@hanancho Says:
Why you are not showing the celebrations in Syria, why are you sad?
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Praying for peace
@bluelineheroshero Says:
Anyone else afraid to buy a pager or flush the toilet?
@Suuyi-o2z Says:
Do civ ilans visit terr...ori st organ isatio ns? While all liv es matter, should the bl, ood thirs ty roam freee?
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
🇮🇱🐭🐁🐀... St.Thomas
@leroylindblom2513 Says:
Don't lie...
@NouveauView Says:
Here's the thing, fighting a protracted war is worse than a fast one. A fast war is brutal but a slow war drags on and at best ends in a stalemate where the losing side has lots of time to regroup and reorganize. Israel should ignore the calls for ceasefire out of common sense.
@celestine007 Says:
Blame it on the so-called Lebanese Government 😅
@TzvookT Says:
*Israel is fighting THE FREE WORLD FIGHT - in a seven-front war* : 1. Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza 2. Hezbollah in Lebanon 3. the Houthis in Yemen 4. various Iran-backed militias in Iraq 5. various Iran-backed militias in Syria 6. "Palestinian" militants in the West Bank 7. Iran itself *Add to this* - *Propaganda war* against: Islamists, Russia, China, U.S Left, U.S. Media, U.S. Woke lunatics, BBC, MSNBC, TRT, RT, DW news, CNN, Al Jazeera, and the rest of the toxic "Western media" ... Israeli Leftie Media, most of Europe who turned into Europisan ( boycotts from the U.K, Germany, France etc' ...) - *Cyber war* the Russians, Chinese and Islamists manage on regular basis against Israel ... - *The U.N* that turned into a criminal terror-supporting organization which needs to be Defunded and deported from any western country ! *The Western world turned into a bunch of fools who don't even know who is their real enemy* *Israel is indeed the last hope - "light unto nations" , as was written 3500 years ago - Flame of the west* ! *Westerners forgot how to fight for their future, they stopped having kids, let their cultured forgotten, let their wives and daughters being raped by Jihadi Islamists, let their politicians be bought by Jihadi money and Islamists votes ... pathetic* !!!
@kevinwells5812 Says:
Yes, casualties happen when terrorists pay people to store rockets in their homes … When you neglect the Geneva Convention, the people suffer … Not Israel’s fault the people who want them dead are worse than Nazis …
@HyperVaccinated Says:
There are no civilians in Lebanon, Only combatants! As the civilians left weeks ago.
@abigailkannai484 Says:
The tables have been turned
@outback109 Says:
He's introducing himself to 72 goats.
@bastionglory6684 Says:
Lebanon is suffering because of Hezoballah currently as well as all the years prior since Iran and it took over..
@westkaintuck6482 Says:
Sky needs to be before the ICJ.
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Those who are valued in life seek peace ☮️
@edwardireson6901 Says:
If your country is full of terrorists and you haven’t done anything about it then you are gonna pay if you provoke your neighbor.
@Firestarter-AU Says:
Civilians are SUPPORTER'S and ADVOCATES of HEZBOLLAH .. these are the populated areas within Hezbollah's Lebanese jurisdiction which means the elected members are in their political positions through elections and those who backed Hezbollah - so no I cannot agree to 'innocent civilians '- GUILTY!
@westkaintuck6482 Says:
Comment removal team at Sky is on the ball.
@billnyethesciencedenier1516 Says:
You know who rules you when you can't criticize them
@koelbird4608 Says:
Message to Hamas , Hezbollah and their supporters. Do not start a war that you might lose!!
@billnyethesciencedenier1516 Says:
George Soros, Jeffery Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, James Franco, Rick Rubin... Anyone notice a pattern?
@dvoristoler5177 Says:
Nassrala killed many Israeli civilians innocent and innocent Lebanese that were against this terror organization
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Stop killing innocent civilians dirty jevvs.
@gibsonlespaul3695 Says:
The IDF needs to realize the enemy is always behind them and never in front of them.
@downtoearth1950 Says:
Ceasefires never ever work❗only a fool does the same thing over & over again..expecting a different result❗❗
@adammwalch Says:
Anyone else having their seemingly innocuous comments deleted?
@lonesomecricket7721 Says:
Cowards hide behind innocent people.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Professor you are a partisan hack!!!
@susanongong5977 Says:
Blame Obama, Biden/Kamala administration for funding the Iranian regime and it's proxies. All blood on Obama, Biden and Kamala administration. Antisemitism is absolutely SATANIC
@TheAtheist22 Says:
Israel does not target Civilians. They have been asked to leave, repeatedly. Only Bad journalists target Israel disregarding facts. 🇮🇱 ❤
@lisamareepritchard6375 Says:
It’s terrible that Hezbollah store weapons in a residential area !
@RichardGraham-nj6lf Says:
The zionists want to rule the world
Lebanese christians hate Hezzbollah just as much as jews. Just ask them
@kondwankamanga Says:
Israel isn't playing chess; they're flipping the whole table. 🎯 When your existence is on the line, diplomacy is overrated. 💪🇮🇱
@RUTHLESSambition5 Says:
This has made me reapect the fake j e w s alot more. They called out Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas and taking it to them. The Persians are a joke
@nickmatthews604 Says:
Hezbollah supporters are militants not citizens. It is tragic that they have embedded themselves like parasites amongst innocent Lebanese citizens
@DoronAvramov-gk2zp Says:
Dark days for leftists around the world

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