Families to pay less in childcare costs
Families to pay less in childcare costs



@mrfourtwenty8506 Says:
This is the only skyAU thing I’ve seen where they talk about there own problems
@frednirks3718 Says:
National debt is completely out of control, so what does the ALP do? Throw more petrol on the fire at taxpayers expense. I'm beginning to think they already know their done at the next election so their just burning the village as they retreat, and leave an irrevocable mess for the LNP to try and fix/salvage.
@ronanrogers4127 Says:
Why should I pay to take care of someone else’s children? They, I assume, chose to have them. Maybe they could skip the 60” flat screen TV. Public education is entirely different - there’s a social benefit from educating children whereas as the benefits from public childcare accrue to the individual families. When it became commonplace from the late 70s for women to work full time the argument was of the economic benefits of female participation in the labour force - personally I can’t imagine a world in which women did NOT choose to work full time. But they never talked about who would raise the children, how convenient was that. Now, by stealth, we have taxpayers paying for child rearing which is absurd. If people choose to have children, as I did, that’s wonderful, but if you can’t afford to do it you don’t have a right to effectively take other’s money to raise them. Australians are avaricious nowadays, they all want a house, 2 cars, a holiday house, and if they can’t afford a holiday house they want a caravan. If you can afford that you can afford to pay the majority of your childcare.
@myday2704 Says:
How about creating a world where less families need daycare because 1 income is enough while kids are little?
paid by single tax payers
@jamesaustralian9829 Says:
For all us childless people - fmilies should subsidise our fuel bill for our 8 cylinder weekend burnout machines
@alexdrake5048 Says:
@bestestusername Says:
umm, taxes and charges are going up to cover childcare costs.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
People with kids should pay the FULL cost of someone looking after them. Asking other taxpayers to subside the cost of their kids is obscene.
@adunbar Says:
What a load of garbage, our childcare costs have gone up and the 5% that is witheld "in case" just gets taken. We actually had an email saying we had been over oversubsidised, when nothing in our situation had change. This is just another lie perpetuated by an absolutely useless government. To those that say the CCS is a waste of tax money, or how the reporter, by the tone in her voice, says "costing 5 billion" etc, dont even grasp the ramifications of not having the sibsidy at all. The biggest ramification is at least one parent would have to leave and be on centrelink payments as it would be more financially viable. In this day and age, when both parents need to work to provide a decent standard of living for children, why dont we have public daycare, similar to public schooling?
@IbrahimKone-ix4qi Says:
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@CalciumHat Says:
Free money!! Wheee!!!! It's not mine? I get paid either way? AND a promotion after? Plus my fam and friends have networks?? I don't regret keeping my spine and soul :)
@konanninja Says:
Invest in paying less childcare cost is smart. Long term benefit. Perhaps people wanna have more kids.
@CalciumHat Says:
Pay rise though? Pretty sure families are paying for "it" one way or another....
@Caleb-lbj Says:
We have public schools, so why not public childcare
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Albo doing anything he can to beat Scomos national debt record 🤣

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