Israel wants to push Hezbollah back from the Israeli border to the Litani River
Israel wants to push Hezbollah back from the Israeli border to the Litani River



@timwilson4684 Says:
Who's side is Prof Greg Barton on?
@Tati8796 Says:
You do realize that Netanyahu lured hezbos to the bunker to watch his speech in the UN by that talk about "ceasefire", don't you?
@rickradix7464 Says:
From the sea to the river. Ha
@andrewcumming6319 Says:
No ceasefire until hostages are free
@odyssey37 Says:
Do you remember resolution 1701?
@werner_s Says:
40 years ago I was a tourist in Nahariya. Israel had invaded southern Lebanon. It was obvious to me even then that Israel will never keep peace.
@Sonofaguninmo Says:
Who can blame them?
@VK6AB- Says:
LOL, The UN was meant to make sure this never happened. This academic doesn't know what he's talking about - The Lebanese state was to have full sovereignty over its south. Meanwhile, up to 15,000 U.N. peacekeepers would help to maintain calm, return displaced Lebanese and secure the area alongside the Lebanese military. What did the UN do, nothing and it actively aided Hezbollah and the Iranian Government.
@iqrasshortvideos Says:
Its not hamas (its Palestinian military) It's not Israel (it's Palestine) It's not Nazareth (it's Al Nasra) It's not Acre (it's Akka) It's not Beit She' an (it's Bisan) It's not Tel Aviv Yafo (it's Yaffa) It's not Jaffa, (it's Yaffa) It's not Hebron (it's Al Khalil) It's not Jerusalem (it's Al Quds) It's not Jericho (it's Arecha) It's not Lod (it's al-Lydd) It's not Bethlehem (it's Bayt Lahm) It's not the Negev (it's al-Naqab) It's not Beer Sheva, (it's Bir As-Saba') It's not Tiberias, (it's Tabariyya) It's not Gush Halav, (its Al-Jish)
@Darkbluedevil Says:
Israel thinks it can kill innocent children, women, without impunity. Israel has always been the terrorist ! Netanyahu deserves to burn in hell!
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Praying for peace
@islandking245 Says:
Get a real Middle Eastern expert, not some white dude, spreading false narratives
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
The jevvs want to 'settle’ Lebanon too?
@AbednegoBedinkonim-sd8cc Says:
Did the US ceased fire in Iraq and Afghanistan? Has Russia ceased fire? Has Turkey stopped bombing the Kurds? I will be glad to have an answer.
@Mrcookiemonster515 Says:
The almighty Lord has give us this message and warning. Jesus Christ are lord and savior and son of god is returning at any hour now to take us home. he will come in shout of the archangel saying your name and to come up here, with the trumpet blowing all across earth that can make a world wide earthquake. dead and alive will change to body like christ an rise to meet to lord to heaven, an being rapture ready simple an easy. 1. believe that Jesus died on the cross and spilled his own blood for your sins (past, present, and future), was buried and rose on the third day from the dead in glory. 2. admit your a sinner and your need him to save you. 3. you pray to him on part 1 and 2 an repent your sins on him and his blood and in faith and trust and believe in him to save you. also try in these last days to walk like christ, if you messed up or sin, don panic for your sins are payed by his blood. past, present, and future sins. his morals and ways are greater then are own and i asks you seek not sinning as possible to show god you care about him. his blood cleans you and forgives you of sins. Because as Scripture say. "throw faith and grace you are save not by your own works yet anyone can boast". if reading this part you been left behind to face gods wraith and face the mark of the beast. were a person will have it on there right hand or forehead. it will be the only way to buy and sell anything. taking this mark is a unforgivable sin and forever dam to the second death. So if you stay behind don’t take the mark stay in faith to Jesus and resist cause they will chop your head off, let it happen if captured. For this time will be hell on earth. Lucifer/antichrist will force you to take it. Do not accept it choose death. i pray you and many get saved and my fellow christians spread the word. Jesus loves us and nothing can separate us from him and faith and grace gets us saved. salvation and eternal life is a free gift from god nothing we earned or gained. Please it is important to spread this message to many. Jesus is your only way to avoid it. the signs are showing, more disasters and wars and suffering has increase dramatically. i pray to all see the true and believe.this is serious we may go any day now. ask an he will help you. An keep your bibles safe they will guide you in grand tribulation and Lucifer will try to destroy them. once we leave there be ww3, attacks on Israel and must of major powers destroyed. For there be 21 wraiths on this earth 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowels. that will make earth be hell on earth and most of the population would be dead so preparers you will not survived nor win against Lucifer. also there be two witnesses who will preach the news for the first half of the tribulation, kill by Lucifer and resurrected on the third day and rise back to heaven. there be disasters and plagues like rivers an oceans to blood, water turning bitter/poisonous and leads to some to death by wormwood astroid, scorpion with human like face and crowns will give those who have not accepted christ agonizing pain an people wont die when this plague happen for five months. scorch earth on the sun burns up earth, earthquakes tsunamis, will come on the earth and you be a hellish time to those left behind. an people who take the mark with have the worst punishing in the tribulation. At the end of the 7 year tribulation jesus turns to earth with is saints not during the tribultaion. Jesus on his white horse wearing a white robes with garment in red saying lord of lords, king of kings and his saints (us christian who died and raptured) will charge and defeat Lucifer, his followers and unbelievers and he will be cast back to the pit and Jesus will rule us for 1000 year. then Lucifer will try again and god will stop him for good and he and his follower and people who are not in the lambs book will be cast into lake of fire/second death. then the new Jerusalem, earth, and heaven will come and god will dwell in us forever with no sin, pain, evil, suffer are all gone. if you get behund do not faer, cry or be dismay. you can still be save just have to martyer for christ. you die but it be quick an temproaly pain. the wars with russia, china, iran, iserial, ulkraine, and taiwan are all time high and about to break out world war 3 soon. spread the word far and wide. man rule on earth coming to an end.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
We shall not stop until Greater Israel is achieved! We need Trumps help to make this happen! Trump 2024 MAGA!
@John-i2i6b Says:
The people who hate the jews chanted to the river to the sea....Israel said....western world...hold my Torah.
@creationdotcomfan Says:
WRONG, Lefty side of Sky News. They WILL…. 🙏 I wish I was a Lefty Christian, so I can also read my Bible upside down.
@Tshep-wc5dy Says:
Is the far right the opposite of you which is the far left,what is the far right anyway it’s just the regular folks !
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
In short... Murdoch cashing in on war....🤑
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
I saw a peeping Tom in my next-door neighbours garden but I warned ⚠️ him this is my patch
@PJC005 Says:
The world has gone to shit since the demise of Blockbuster videos.
Happening in UK after israelis campaign yesterday. Israel employs a variety of tools and strategies to shape public opinion and garner support for its actions during conflicts. Here are some key methods: Social Media Campaigns: Israel uses platforms like X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, and Facebook to disseminate its messages. These campaigns often include paid advertisements featuring emotional and graphic content to evoke strong reactions and support. Disinformation and Narrative Control: The Israeli government and military produce and spread disinformation to justify their actions. This includes portraying Palestinian resistance groups as using civilians as human shields, thereby legitimizing attacks on civilian infrastructure. Hasbara: This is a long-standing strategy involving public diplomacy and information dissemination to improve Israel’s image abroad. It includes engaging with international media, organizing speaking tours, and leveraging diaspora communities to advocate for Israel. Digital Activism: Israel engages in digital activism to counter narratives from groups like Hamas. This involves using open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and collaborating with journalists and analysts to amplify their messages. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to influence international perception and maintain support from key allies. posing a referendum on continued embassy with Israel would be the most accurate way to conclude the state of our future relationship with them. Mandating that a future re-establishment of Embassy with Israel would require a subsequent reelection. * UK * progressing towards this goal may help the public feel more included as a whole with politics in general. particularly that it is a horror each and every day that content is broadcast from their region. with emotions high I would say making sure Britain accurately represents the public's feelings on Israel at this point in time is absolutely crucial for strategy moving forward.
@BenPatterson-b4n Says:
And after the win they will have all this sand to make glass so their starving children have something to throw stones at.
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
Sometimes I buy a dirty book and a pack of scampi fries crisps, then play scratch and sniff until i glue the middle pages shut 😊
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
Sometimes I fart in my hands hands hands them warm
@matinzainal6437 Says:
Wthout US, Australia helping Israel with their soldiers, Israel had long destroyed and died

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