'Cannot win the argument': Labor failing to blame safety for anti-nuclear policies
'Cannot win the argument': Labor failing to blame safety for anti-nuclear policies



@RobertJinnette Says:
Why have that Labour lover Joe on the show he is a DICK HEAD
@whatdoesitallmean7515 Says:
Excuses excuses muppets
@landcruiser11rum Says:
Lift the ban & let’s get on with it, nuclear is clearly the way of our future needs. I like the orange tree analogy, 10-15 years to construct a reliable, robust, energy dense system for 80-100+ years makes much more sense than a frail bushfire starting & environment destroying system that needs constant maintenance & replacing at a high cost and no recycling plan.
@bushmagpie3312 Says:
I don’t understand the argument with nuclear and the waste, there is nuclear powered items in every house, the fire/smoke detectors have radiation source. 50% of population have had X-rays, a they’re all radiation sources. We have all have nuclear sources already in our life you just don’t realise they are there.
@geoffreyfulton-ko1fu Says:
Albo hasn't lost the plot. He never had a plot!
@dominicgalante7501 Says:
@dalewalters9023 Says:
Joe take your corn husk head out of your arse cos it's full of shit💩
@actualfacts1055 Says:
AEMO says that the East Coast will need 26 diesel powered gas power stations because there is a shortage of gas on the East Coast after Labor destroyed incentive to invest in gas extraction with price caps.
@GeoffTrevenen Says:
Arsehole Albanese is excellent at counting his own money and increasing it at every turn. BULLSHIT Blackout Bowen should be tarred and feathered😅 for constant bullshitting on a great scale!. If bullshit was music the labour got would be a philharmonic orchestra.
@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr Says:
Diversity, diversity, diversity.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Joe, dont you feel dirty working with these SKY gooses. How em barassing.
@edwindavis1818 Says:
Too right! Sky news selling fake reactor news. Don't you just love the comments. Every time a Sky News post goes up on You Tube, the same readers post their loving comments. Lets not blame Sky. If a Liberal member shot someone in the street, Sky would blame the pedestrian walking.
@adamizett3169 Says:
SKY LNP Propaganda network is hilarious drivel! Sooo embarrassing!
@raymusic5840 Says:
Prison planet induction training (poison depopulation market test - acceptng next drug trade - genetically modified humans) and normalising global enslavement. False flags and planned wars. Globalist cult Illegal replacement migration. (Overun) Humanity Is Transcending The New World Order
@alancotterell9207 Says:
DEFINE THE WORD - 'SAFE' ! - I know that is totally beyond Murdoch's idiots. If they cannot define it, they have zero credibility. None of them have ever done anything which is really hazardous, because in Australia, those things are always inside a guarded fence where the media cannot go without a security clearance.
@SheridanMellor Says:
Liberal has just lost votes pushing this Nuclear crap. Be honest skynews which Rich person is behind the Nuclear push? Who is going to benefit? Remember we would have been set up years ago on renewable if Tony Abbott didn't do a scare campaign. Move on. If your going to attack Labor ask them about the Koala habitat they were suppose to get done.
@Peekaboo-Kitty Says:
Without Nuclear, Australia will be left behind on the World scene. Solar and Wind will NEVER generate the power we need. Everything that comes out of Labor's mouth has been a lie so far and will continue to be a lie.
@ScottGriffiths-o3l Says:
What a bunch of muppets running this country.They approve nuclear submarines but not nuclear power stations😮Look at SA with renewables.??? Ask them how many times a year they have blackouts.
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
How many wind turbines would it take to equal the energy output of one typical nuclear reactor? Nearly 800 of today’s average-sized, land-based wind turbines—or, put another way, roughly 8.5 million solar panels.
@jimmartin9704 Says:
For fuck sake it is not a policy, No information on cost , funding, realistic time frame, where is all the water coming from to run these nuclear plants. Typical dutton just words and his bum boys at sky follow along without any realistic questions. You so called jurnos in the media are just as bad as or politicians
@rogertull8888 Says:
@michaelrobinson9643 Says:
AnAl is behaving like ScoMo did… like a child with no emotional reasoning. He’s resorting to dishonesty in advertising instead of honest engagement
@bheemasena2383 Says:
Australia used to be a world leader in space pioneering... but then we just gave up. Now, we have realised too late that we are at a critical disadvantage and risk by not having a space program. That program and more will be dependent on our nuclear industry. I guarantee, if we opt out of nuclear, there will come a time where our defence, medical and space industry advancements will come to a complete standstill and we will be forced to adopt a nuclear program in the eleventh hour... when even now is already far too late. No one on the left has any foresight in what technologies will become pivotal in the future. It's not just about powerbills.
@michaelrobinson9643 Says:
Nuclear will sit on the existing grid. Expansion is easier than creating new split out to desolate locations. The arguments are inane
@michaelrobinson9643 Says:
Why force artificial timeframes that enforce sub optimal outcomes generationally? Utter foolishness.
@michaelrobinson9643 Says:
Remove the laws impeding interest in making actual nuclear economic proposals. CSIRO and the gen report and other atrociously modelled reports need to be pulled and removed from public debate until responsible, correct modelling is done.
@michaelrobinson9643 Says:
Remove the laws impeding interest in making actual nuclear economic proposals. CSIRO and the gen report and other atrociously modelled reports need to be pulled and removed from public debate until responsible, correct modelling is done.
@scorp2011hd Says:
Useless lying Labor clowns🤥🤡
@Nathan-ry3yu Says:
I went to Ethiopia for a holiday with my wife 10 years ago. I remember the power would go out for ateast 3 days out of 7. I believe Albos renewables will give us power from 8am to 7pm then lights out. Thats Australia renewable future..will have to get a wood fire going if you want to stay warm in winter
@caltravels9454 Says:
Net Zero is a farce, why is nobody talking about aviation, shipping, trains, trucks and rockets?
@caltravels9454 Says:
Name one steel production plant that runs on just solar or wind.
@caltravels9454 Says:
Their is no such thing as "zero emissions' lets get that straight, if it's man made, it comes at a cost, everything has to be mined and refined to be used, get your heads out of your arses.
@ryuoki1 Says:
It would be extremely beneficial for you to build nuclear as an alternative to fossil fuel power plants. Just learn from Japans mistake and not build them in seismically active areas.
@PaulSmith-ss6zm Says:
Labor won't get back in 😂
@gjamieson1956 Says:
We are one remember that when we want change ,history is always with us Grow up, passed or future ,i don't trap rabbits any more but i use to and make money and help feed the family in the 50s-60s
@sallydouglas2249 Says:
You’re all talking over the top of each other! How do you expect the viewer to follow what is being said. Talk one at a time! You want to make a point, make it! At present, your segment is just a competition on who can talk over the top of who the loudest!
@YvonneCrean Says:
Every time he's in trouble you can bet a quid the next day out in the hard hat and yellow vest pretending he's working for the country. 😅
@peterjames174 Says:
solar needs to be replaced regularly, manufactured using coal lots of coal, renewable is going to do Jake shit,
@MrGellion Says:
Joe! Grow a brain.
@jamesmclean9091 Says:
Shout out to Natural Gas..it's cheap, we have abundant of it, cheaper an cleaner than coal!!😂😂😂
@peterkirgan2921 Says:
Albo wears a hard hat for 2 reasons! A show is authority! B to hide the circumcision marks!!!!!
@justjimbeam Says:
@benjaminfalzon4622 Says:
If Albo doesn't like nuclear, then Nuclear must be very good. We know that Albo likes wind and Solar, but now we know, wind and Solar are expensive, unreliable, and are no good.
@peterschaefer2946 Says:
as a S.A. guy the premier is hanging on buy thread its a really shit show here
@Nutta1 Says:
Build 20 of them fully focus on first one to be online in under 10 years yes it can be done. Then plan one every 2 years from then until the entire power network runs on nuclear. And remove all renewables as the jobs done. No new power lines and windmills killing wildlife or solar panels ruining our land. This can be completed in 20 years and sets us up for the next 100. Then plan building massive Dams to pick up water and flows from Qld down though NSW too secure power and water and let the Australian ingenuity fire up again.
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Joe Hildebrand is Albos love child ,,,send him back to channel 10,,,,
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Elmer Fudd wanting to waste more money while Australian's are going. cold over winter afraid to use their heaters because of electricity prices,,, and he gives the new Governor General a $200 000 pay rise before she even starts her job,,,, Albo is a wasteful fool at the taxpayers expense it's disgraceful!
@frednerk3477 Says:
Hildebrand is just noise. Never any real comprehension or reasoning. Save your money Sky and get rid of him.
@Kwesekara1672 Says:
Just shows how myopic & hidebound Labor is.
@cheesecracker1543 Says:
No Nuclear in Australia yet, how did Albo get his forked tongue???

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