Revealed Labor newsletter slams Coalition's nuclear policies
Revealed Labor newsletter slams Coalition's nuclear policies



@alancotterell9207 Says:
Sky News hosts are an example of the reason we should not have nuclear power generation in Australia. If our energy companies had not been privatised by the LNP, energy might be cheaper. Inflation is an effect of greed and tax-dodging.
@Lowlife-w3u Says:
Whats the purpose of comments on YouTube? all are going to solve the worlds problems with texts.
@imeagleeye1 Says:
Spent nuclear fuel stays a radiation hazard for extended periods of time with half-lifes as high as 24,000 years. For example 10 years after removal from a reactor, the surface dose rate for a typical spent fuel assembly still exceeds 10,000 rem/hour—far greater than the fatal whole-body dose for humans of about 500 rem received all at once.
@tangels Says:
They getting quotes from different countries so don't get your knickers in a knot Joe.
@glennashcroft4341 Says:
Joe H is so out of touch! So often a complete waste of space.
@edwardbec9844 Says:
wow joe you lefties always pick that one never another Nations like UAE 4 APR 1400 Total 5.6 GW completed on time and Budget 12 years .. Total $AUD 35 Billion but you picked this one it suits the Leftist narrative bs the UK nuclear Power cost blow out .. lets analyze That .. firstly the approval was given in 2017 .. what followed is the usual Environmental Protests usual suspects and Environmental Lawfare Backed as Usual by Renewables Billionaires same as Here always aimed at Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Projects Never a Case brought against Wind Solar Installations .. .. Union Strikes for Increased Pay Rates then COVID .. supply delays and Materials Shortages and increased Costs and even with that Hinkley C although late it will be Operational supplying Clean emissions Free Continuity of Power Supply and Security 2030 a 3.2 Giga Watt Power Plant that will last up to 5 Decades longer than your Wind Solar a Return on Investment well into the Future ..Economies of Scale Longevity and land Mass Footprint.. GW's per Sq Mile .. and as for your Statement that the $1.5 Trillion was for the Whole System Wrong .. its only the Tip of the Expenditure Ice Berg .. Like that which hit the Titanic . Try $ 6- 8 Trillion Dollars . till 2050 2060 . this is why COP27 saw nations embrace Nuclear as a Means of achieving true Emissions reductions and Ensuring a Continuity of Energy Supply Security and Longevity of the Nuclear System some 60 - 80 years Where as your Toy Renewables Renewed every 10 - 15 years and also are Causing the Ecological Destruction of Australia's Unique Natural heritage ..Solar Panels Wind Turbines and Battery systems (which have never been brought into The Grid Plan Not) all are Under the Control of Billionaires and China Using Uighur Muslim Slave Labor I don't know about you but Didn't Scott Morrison Speak up On China's Human Rights abuse
@jamesgowing3856 Says:
The High Flux Australian Reactor (HIFAR) was Australia's first nuclear reactor. It was built at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (later ANSTO) Research Establishment at Lucas Heights, Sydney. The reactor was in operation between 1958 and 2007, when it was superseded by the Open-pool Australian lightwater reactor, also in Lucas Heights. Both facilities have operated without incident. We should go down the nuclear path
@Gregpriestley-q4e Says:
ALP show citizens of 🇦🇺 Australia that you will put the GREENS last on the ballot and let ALL Australians decide
@joelG1272 Says:
I am not sure if people have noticed what is going on in other countries right now, but many counties are preparing for small scale nuclear conflict in Europe. I asked Chat GTP 4 what would the effect of that on solar power generation and this is what He/She/ Its or other told me. Nuclear Winter: A nuclear war, even on a small scale, would release large amounts of soot and particulate matter into the atmosphere. These particles could block sunlight, leading to a phenomenon known as "nuclear winter." Studies suggest that a regional nuclear conflict could inject 5-15 million tons of soot into the stratosphere, reducing solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface by 10-20% or more. This reduction in sunlight would significantly decrease the effectiveness of solar panels for an extended period, potentially lasting several months to years . Climate Change: The injection of soot and aerosols into the atmosphere would not only block sunlight but also alter weather patterns. This could lead to cooling of the surface temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, further affecting solar power generation by increasing cloud cover and reducing sunlight . Physical and Environmental Damage Infrastructure Damage: Direct impacts of nuclear explosions could damage solar power infrastructure. This includes physical destruction of solar panels, inverters, and grid connections. Radioactive fallout could contaminate large areas, making maintenance and repair of solar installations hazardous and challenging . Long-Term Environmental Impact: Contamination from radioactive fallout could render large regions uninhabitable and unsuitable for the deployment of solar panels for decades. Soil and water contamination could further affect the structural integrity and efficiency of solar panels . Economic and Societal Impacts Supply Chain Disruptions: A nuclear conflict could severely disrupt the global supply chains for solar panel manufacturing, including the mining and processing of raw materials, production of solar cells, and transportation of finished products. Economic instability and potential trade embargoes or sanctions could further hinder the production and deployment of solar technology. Lets consider that if the USA goes to war with it largest adversary, China, which is looking very likely in the future. Australia would have to decide which side we want to be on. I think that the fact we could not defend ourselves from an attack from China, Iran or North Korea all of which have or will have intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, that a similar fate awaits our solar electricity generation capacity. Even a high altitude EMP would wipe out solar farms leading to wide scale black outs and societal chaos. China is producing 90% of the worlds green tech hardware yet they have 56 nuclear reactors and are building another 25 with more to come. They are perfecting the construction of SMR reactors, because they know where the future lies, and are most likely going to be the suppliers of the worlds energy tech long after solar has reached its peak.
@alastairgair7504 Says:
There's only one scam here! That is Labors disasterious energy policy! And its way more expensive than Nuclear! Trillions for Labors plan, and only Billion's for Nuclear! Which is cheaper now !! A
@NGP14 Says:
Labour has botched every portfolio thus far causing chaos in this country ! Along with the greens and the teals who ever they are !!need to go !! Australia deserves better.
@trevorbyrne-pp6lc Says:
DUTTON has The liar ALBANESE rattled ALBANESE is very childish and stupid say no more
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Labor just digging their grave one spade full at a time
@coldandugly9251 Says:
A nuclear power plant will not be built in Australia for at best 50 years, let it go people it ain’t happening
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
Blackout Bowen refuses to release costings of his renewable dream.
@ch33psk8 Says:
A Nuclear industry in a country with 1/3 of the worlds uranium is a no brainer. Intermittent, unreliable renewables that have failed in EU, cost 1.5 trillion -- is OK But 100 billion for 7 reactors of baseload, zero emission power is somehow outrageous?
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Labor newsletter. Dear Comrades. I Albo, formerly of public housing, have to have speaks with you about the many three eyed monsters in my very own electorate of Marrickville. I never noticed them before. But as that dastardly Dutton started talking more and more about an affordable, reliable, nuclear baseload power solution to Blackout Bowen, the three eyed beasts seemed to multiply overnight. We need your donations, and of course continued taxation, to pay our merchant bank friends for large scale solar and wind. We will have green energy and no energy as our WEF endorsed policy of lowering the living standards of all Australians. Under my watch, no Australian child will live full time with electricity.
@Prognosis__ Says:
It’s like every labor politician has never traveled to a country that uses nuclear as source of electricity. Australia is located in one of the safest zones for these powers plants to operate
@PhiL_Ly201 Says:
Hard to believe how divided our country has become. Either way in the short-term, we are going to be paying for it through both nostrils.
@LouMinarty420 Says:
Labor being petulant and unprofessional as always. They're just children dressed up and if they didn't exist your country wouldn't have any of the problems it does.
@Super_Mario128 Says:
This is damning!
@Cricket-xv8pt Says:

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