'Dangerous and toxic': Keith Pitt and David Shoebridge debate nuclear energy
'Dangerous and toxic': Keith Pitt and David Shoebridge debate nuclear energy



@jasonhopkins7120 Says:
The LNP have left themselves exposed by not having professional costings and Financial Analysis. People like the green will refer to worst cases, projects that had problems and bad financial analysis until the respected quotes and analysis are on the table. Even using the CSIRO Gencost data on page 91 you can determine the APR1400 reactor would make money in the worst case scenario in the East Coast market. The CSIRO GenCosts financial analysis is useless but their data on page 91 etc could be part of a winning debate for nuclear.
@tonyheron3228 Says:
Another one of the Cult dibbling bs
@grantmcphail9042 Says:
Sky news is a toxic news service just as toxic as nuclear power is
@madddevil1 Says:
It is known fact ....Solar panels are classified as toxic waste when disposed of in landfills. You cannot recycle the full solar panel, and it is very cost prohibitive. Solar panels are a huge problem now due to the illegal dumping of end of life solar panels
@Philip-hv2kc Says:
Hmm a polly named shoebridge who resembles a shoebill . But I'll work it all out later .
@Philip-hv2kc Says:
Everything is toxic that we rely upon in our modern civilization and often wr ate only one degree of separation from direct contact. Lead batteries in our vehicles, the gases in our refrigerators , the organic electrolyte in EV batteries , the fuel for our vehicles....... actually even water is toxic if we consume too much . Anybody remember when nickel cadmium batteries were everywhere?
@Philip-hv2kc Says:
The waste is successfully disposed of in the fast breeders in France. However it isn't currently economical to do so as a means to provide electricity at the cheap rates that nuclear countries enjoy .
@michaelfardell8239 Says:
What is the government plan for waste for AUKUS? What does the government say to US generals that they are anti nuclear ? ☢️ the government IS pro nuclear already. They are for nuclear. They are nuclear supporters !
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
@ronheinrich3954 Says:
The Greens are showing there true colours and its not Green
@davidferry548 Says:
What a goose that Shoebridge is. You cannt run a full time country on part time power The total amount of waste from ALL US reactors since the 1950s would fill a foot ball field to a depth of 10 meters that is all and most of it is low grade waste, hysterics are not facts
@d1skel452 Says:
Notice how he avoids the discussion on the impact on nature. Funny how the greens are happy to tear up our nature
@andrewmarie9747 Says:
Mr Shoebridge should be selling icy poles at the school canteen😮 then again that would still be to difficult for this spud SACK THEM ALL and get some actual intelligent people into parliament ffs
@pilchard2000 Says:
Where did these Greens come from ? F**k
@peterbarnhoorn7879 Says:
Shoebridge knows everything just ask him...ffs sooo embarrassing..😮
@drdoug007 Says:
'Renewables' are not renewable, cheap, and non-toxic
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Renewables are Dangerous and Highly Toxic .. they release those Chemicals and Gases into the Atmosphere and waterway .. from the raw materials processing to Installation and in operation ,, Wind Turbines Spewing BPA onto the Landscape once in the Food chain this is Known to affect the Reproductive processes of All Plants Animals and Humans .. which may account for the extremely low birth rates in Europe . your solar panels each panel gives off 50 grams of CO2 per Kwh so what level of CO2 is acceptable to the Greens ? plus if damaged release Cadmium Telluride known to cause Cancer are these items just buried in Landfill sites like the local tip? and leach a Toxic Chemical Cocktail into the Ground Water What are the Recycling and Disposal Management for these Items that are just as if not more deadly than Asbestos so far I see No Waste Management Plan for these Not So Clean Green Energy Systems The world wide Nuclear Industry is Regulated radioactive waste spent fuel from Nuclear Reactors and must Comply with set safety storage Containment Guidelines,
@charlesschulz8416 Says:
In 2023 according to the stats there were 599 windmill towers in Australia in total average age of 15yrs old and lets say another 5 to 10 yrs will need replacing I wonder how much that will cost per unit?
@markspin4596 Says:
If it so dangerous and toxic, why do our closest allies use it then?
@WendyOakley-lw1uq Says:
Politics is the toxic part of this world, to hell with the general populace, they just want the their pockets lined.
@darcymackenzie7654 Says:
The most toxic things in PORT KEMBLA is the residents... bogan central
@adrianw7011 Says:
David Shoebridge is a prime example of everything wrong with the communist party, sorry, I mean the greens. Poorly informed or just too damned lazy to fact check wit the result he has no idea what he is talking about. Solar panels and Wind turbine blades are more toxic than nuclear waste when they are thrown into landfill after 10 or so years. This idiot is an absolute joke and talking absolute rubbish.
@GregMoylan-pn6sr Says:
Labor and the ABC are caught within a self-reinforcing bubble of BS... that's sure to go POP! at the next election.
@JMurfet Says:
Shoebridge is an absolute clown, anti everything and no substance or facts to back up anything he says
@chriskostopoulos8142 Says:
I would really like to smack that clown Shoebridge in the mouth. Just a wanker. Like all the Greens and labor.
@GregMoylan-pn6sr Says:
Greens have shown their true colours in actively promoting the destruction of thousands of hectares of forest and farmland for the installation of industrial scale silicon-panel solar and wind turbine plants... not to mention their support for destruction of the offshore seascape with more industrial scale wind turbine installations. The space The Greens take up in parliament could be put to more effective use as a wombat refuge.
@GregMoylan-pn6sr Says:
Does David Shoebridge know the difference between his front side and rear?
@GregMoylan-pn6sr Says:
Labor and the ABC are caught within a self-reinforcing Bubble of Bullsh#t... which is sure to go POP! at the next federal election.
@junyuandu3338 Says:
In Chinese we describe the greens as a duck people- only the mouth is hard Two questions here for everyone to think 1 if in 10-20 yrs most of the rest of world all covered by nuclear power, what is the point to be the only one green nation? The whole bloody planet is polluted 2. All the indigenous people are the most green races from Australia to America everywhere you name it. What happened to them in the last 400 yrs? History has nothing new. History is a circle. Humans just repeat history.
@MeerkatAUS Says:
There are atoms bigger than the greens brains.
@MeerkatAUS Says:
Greens nob sticking to the script. Absolute flog.
@marktanska6331 Says:
Greens are all morons, not just their leader
@mattlawson4727 Says:
airplanes at first, were the riskiest mode of transportation, now over time, they are safest. Nuclear technology is constantly evolving better, safer, and are the only feasible, practical, reliable alternative to fossil fuels, and solving climate change causes
@Vampires.Incorporated Says:
Kieth Pitt and the LNP suggesting Lithgow in the Sydney Water Catchment area, will actually house a Nuclear Power station. You could make up this foolishness. What a fool.
@Vampires.Incorporated Says:
Carbon fibre is recyclable. Kieth Pitt is a lying embarrassment
@marcbra5074 Says:
You think nuke reactors are dangerous? Think about the toxic leakage into waterways & soil every 15-20 years when replacing old mega blade turbines, cement & solar seas - NOT RENEWABLE IF THEY ARE REPLACED.
@haroldguenther3317 Says:
What about the toxic renewables waste, you morron
@desking8065 Says:
Take no notice of Lucas Heights that was placed there a long time back. Regulations forbids that now. there has to be an exclusion zone of 20 km's and an evacuation zone of 50 km's. Look it up your self. 5 References [1] Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 25 February 1991. [2] European Commission Recommendation (1999/829/Euratom) on the Application of Article 37 of EURATOM Treaty. [3] Protective measures for radiation situations - planning and communicating, Ministry of the Interior, SM 1/97. [4] Instructions for action in a radiation accident situation, Ministry of the Interior, A:57, 10/011/98, 16 April 1998. [5] IAEA Safety Series 50-C-S, Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Siting, 1988. [6] International Nuclear Safety Convention (Decree 725/1996).
@desking8065 Says:
The prospects of nuclear in the chosen areas are slimmer than just skinny. There are towns within the exclusion zone. 5 References [1] Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 25 February 1991. [2] European Commission Recommendation (1999/829/Euratom) on the Application of Article 37 of EURATOM Treaty. [3] Protective measures for radiation situations - planning and communicating, Ministry of the Interior, SM 1/97. [4] Instructions for action in a radiation accident situation, Ministry of the Interior, A:57, 10/011/98, 16 April 1998. [5] IAEA Safety Series 50-C-S, Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Siting, 1988. [6] International Nuclear Safety Convention (Decree 725/1996).
@acemanev964 Says:
Acres and acres of habitable land is demolished for solar farms, the most absurd imo. Starve life forms in order go produce electricity to power up an EV car.. Also David to come up with Chernobyl as the only example considering more than 32 nations globally are using nuclear energy as part of their energy consumption. Typical of the greens , uninformed, uneducated and just talk BS, and push extreme left propaganda ideology.
@patrickstewart8052 Says:
This shoe ridge is a complete ass.
@philiprachtman1217 Says:
I heard they are giving our male Olympians silver foil to wrap around their testicles to protect their fertility from France nuclear power
@timwilson4684 Says:
What a joke - this was not a genuine debate - Keith Pitt 100% correct and David Shoebridge might as well not been involved. What empty headed person in our great country votes for the Greens - Shoebridge is right about one thing we should be having a debate about making renewable energy work - because we can't and neither can anywhere else in the World - vote Labor , the Greens and the TEALS out at the next election so we don't have to listen to this rubbish again.
@Glenrok Says:
Typical hysterical ignorance from the Greens……..🤦‍♂️
@kriztov265 Says:
We have been fed a LIE for decades about nuclear energy. They all love to bring up the only two serious events in a lifetime to induce fear in the ignorant. Renewable isnt cheap it isnt abundant and it isnt environmentally friendly to produce. If the opposition is serious about it start a campaign showing what it takes to produce the snake oil rubbish LABOR are BUYING from OVERSEAS at OUR expense. SKY do us a favor stop giving the GREENS a platform they are a minority of idiots who are hypocrites to a word.
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
Omg! Get this greens idiot off please. They’re so desperate .
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
David the raving luni
@alastairgair7504 Says:
The Greens are a very dangerous political party, more far left than Labor! We must boot these Mobs out at the next election!! A
@harrycopeland8322 Says:
The real debate is on how do the Greens keep on getting votes. David Shoebridges arguments are full of holes. Keith Pitt certainly showed that
@peterforsythe3643 Says:
I live in Hong Kong. We have a nuclear reactor in our backyard — 30 km from our front door. Has been in operation for 30 years. Gives us safe, clean, reliable electricity. Shoebridge is lying (or plain ignorant): Chernobyl and Fukushima only showed how safe nuclear is, for even with these accidents, <100 direct deaths. Fukushima deaths = zero. Waste HAS been solved. Shoebridge needs to get up to date.

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