Coalition proposing legislation targeting supermarkets who break competition laws
Coalition proposing legislation targeting supermarkets who break competition laws



@jjsc4396 Says:
They will NEVER actually do it. Never. Not in a million years. This is the Coalition big business stooges we’re talking about here. Hollowmen words.
@lispyDribbler Says:
What about stopping them putting up the cost of renting their shelf space which forces manufacturers to shrink their products to make a profit.
@rosshitchen-ij6en Says:
All the while, getting paid by supermarket lobby groups.
@TheRoark85 Says:
Like how in Victoria they both stopped serving (free) plastic bags in the same week? What are the odds of that coincidence?
@hollysmith1347 Says:
Why didn't they do it, in all the years they were in power?
@user-mc5ze3dg2q Says:
They just lost my vote nobody forces anybody to shop there and farmers have been price taker’s for 2000 yrs
@dangermouse496 Says:
too little too late…
@simonmurphy4012 Says:
Albo the rambling dong beater
@Dismas2503 Says:
So pay farmers more and the prices go down in the supermarkets? 🤔
@Dismas2503 Says:
It's funny they don't talk about farmers price gouging. Like the farmers who take advantage of shortages of olive oil, bananas, or whatever crop when supplies are short and smartly quadruple their prices.
@Dismas2503 Says:
The Coalition goes commie. No longer the party of the free market? 🥔🤣
@Dismas2503 Says:
Obviously poor old Dutto hasn't heard about economy of scale. Breaking up Woolies and Coles will mean even higher prices at the tills.
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
they join forces when kaufland came to Australia so coles and wolies run it out of the country before it opend its stores
@user-vr7pl4zt9o Says:
Great video Ross
@robinwood590 Says:
Albaneses to communist activist they are as bad as each other these two system parties working behind the scences to distroy Auatraliansnd citizens.
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Yeah just think on it for another 5 years Labor and Liberals, Australia knows you are Dictated to by WEF And Blackrock. It's ok 👍
@Elvin_Prestley Says:
Holy Oligopolies, Batman! Do you mean to tell me that the Liberal party have finally actually devised some kind of sensible policy at long last?
@Conky769 Says:
This sounds like the politicians are organising price RISES for the consumers... by closing supermarkets.
@deanhays6115 Says:
Black Rock and Vanguard at their best Owning both Coles and Woolworths Havent shopped at either for 4 years
@ricky6864 Says:
Woolies and cole not helping Australian produces.. most of their products are packed in nz from china
@anglosaxonmike8325 Says:
So nothing in the MSM this morning about a top BBC presenter tweeting that Biden should have Trump murdered. I find that rather odd, it's on youtube. Is there a cover up?
@gigglesmcgee2052 Says:
Buy local as much as possible!
@LuciferBlack-y7c Says:
Lol... Duttons toast... Lot's of complaints Lots of promises And all Australia got was a photo of Tom Dutton promoting the use of drugs...😵
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:
Need more boosters imo
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:
Me and my 25 yo wife had a child via ivf and it came out disabled with a pfizer flag sticking out its head.

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