Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney
Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney



@eggsbacon1538 Says:
Let’s talk about all the sane and wonderful libs calling for Trumps murder. Y’all are the real fascists
@donfutura1 Says:
TRUMP Wins? The Greatest Show on Earth
@donfutura1 Says:
TRUMP is still the better of 2 Evils
@donfutura1 Says:
BIDEN doesn't have Charisma? He has Dementia No doubt!
@donfutura1 Says:
As Crazy as TRUMP is Liz Cheney is Off her Rocker
@InsideThaJackalsHead Says:
BIDEN lies, and is mentally ill and you keep trying to lie about TRUMP? lol CNN = Communist News Network
@donfutura1 Says:
If TRUMP Wins does his former Attorney Micheal Cohen go back to the Slammer
@areanem Says:
🤣🤣🤣 OMG I love watching these scared little snowflakes panic their heads off 😂😂😂
@Siacourage Says:
"Retribution"? That means they did something wrong in the first place. Otherwise you, the media, would use a different term. So, yes, it's completely warranted. Why should anyone who harms another go scot-free? They should be brought to book!
@swepower3597 Says:
CNN, This is not ”troubling”, It’s f ing outrageous! Why is this not called out, not just reported on?
@jasonhinson3812 Says:
Go Trump go!!!!!! I also hope he goes after our fake ass media🎉 Its time to set things right and hold people accountable.
@LeahandBlair Says:
Time for the UAPs cover up to be unleashed!!!!!!!!!
@asdfasdfasdf4746 Says:
Trump 2024 🎉
@asdfasdfasdf4746 Says:
I hope Trump wins. It's waaaay past time to end this shit. He played nice during his term. He didn't go after any of THEM. 8 years of this propaganda from the left is ENOUGH !!
@3bleek7 Says:
Mainstream media has done a poor job of continuing to educate the public about foreign and domestic dis/misinformation. Revisit Cambridge Analytica! Stop chasing behind every sociopathic statement and idea donald trump cannot change his sick brain. His diagnosis has long since been understood. The primary focus should be placed on HOW he has been enabled and WHO has been enabling the agenda.
@carlosjusto5032 Says:
Now ask yourself why is his popularity keep rising 🤔
@brooklynnchick Says:
I think this is okay, Biden can now send in the FBI to arrest Trump for potential incitement to violence before the election. We all know he’s going to call out his snaggle tooth army to get vengeance, Biden has an obligation to protect the Constitution and the American people and to prevent violence; Trump is an absolute threat, as valid as Bin Laden and we need to treat him the same way.
@dritzzdarkwood4727 Says:
Supreme Court just converted the US from a republic to a kingdom with absolute authoritarianism... Welcome to 1933!
@MrsSmith-pm8sp Says:
He was just caught wiretapping. When are they going to end his crap once and for all.
@deliciouslyme74 Says:
We will be looking at a dictator. This idiot don't understand what the ruling mean
@sherrimccartymcmillen5124 Says:
Biden will go down in history. Has a hero. Trumptard a ZERO
@sherrimccartymcmillen5124 Says:
Well y'all catered to him in debate!! Y'all need more stories on Project 2025
@user-qt3yx4yv6n Says:
Trump is making a list and checking it twice.. not gonna be
@god1swatchingu204 Says:
@user-qt3yx4yv6n Says:
Cry me a river... Trump will be your next president so get used to it...
@user-ep7ki6uv3o Says:
@joebullwinkle5099 Says:
How long as a society do we allow this individual Donald Trump to continually raise the bar in terms of his threats to his political opponents. It is a fools errand to think that this guy and all his thuggish enablers will not at some stage start to follow through on these threats when he is in a suitable position to do so. My grandfather told me that when he first saw Hitler in the mid 1920s he thought he was just a clown, and the Nazis with their brown shirt thugs, court jesters. However, once he came into power, people quickly realized that everything he said he would do once in power was now going to be put into effect. Trump must not be ignored, and he must be held accountable for his verbal threats of violence and incarceration of those who speak out against him.
@MrAbelone Says:
Guys I fear all of this has already happened. If so I don’t know if I should fear the prospect, cuz if a bunch of the upper officials have been already tried and it’s set to be released later as real time, what in the world could they have actually been up to warrant arrests and trials!?! I mean I to k we can all agree that they are all corrupt to some point, and if the military has been or will be involved while Trump was out of office it could be something really bad. I dunno, I do know the last 4 years something has been off. U pleasant feelings.
@markkountz3353 Says:
The American people need to have a tribunal, focused on the Unconstitutional actions of Donald Trump.
@samuellong2000 Says:
And we thought November 22 1963 changed our country Trump will destroy it revolution started on January 6th Supreme Court Justices in his pocket do as he wishes with little to no consequences
@cecilianduguta8241 Says:
Go Trump! Tables turning 😅
@Ruben-vn8qb Says:
King Donald 1st like George 3rd beaten by Americans who believe in why Republicans decided to be monarchist? Oxymoron...
@Chavez58677 Says:
It’s not retribution , its justice
@movieman2960 Says:
Yes! I want a military tribunal to prosecute Donald J. Trump!
@KullieKennedydrbogo Says:
If after all this time you are still grappling with takin trump literally, there is no wonder that your viewership is falling.
@TontonMacoute Says:
This is exactly what the SCOTUS majority has incubated. They really are the bottom of the barrel in inspiring and then promulgating this chaos. Make democracy chaotic and then watch with a smirk at the coming dictatorship. Presumably the Golden One’s goons will either electrocute the liberal justices or throw them to a nearby shark?
@glendamott6420 Says:
Why aren’t you talking more about this and everyone else he’s threatening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@user-ef4kk1no2u Says:
Trump's oxygen is lying and his God is money and power. Trump is a candidate of chaos, frightening possibilities, autocracy, and Maga extremists. He will turn the country into the United States of Suppression. Research his PROJECT 2025 plan. Wake up America.
@andrestamour9110 Says:
Wants wrong with you's American, Trump not even your President and he make threat's to the Present President Biden and no one take's action. to arrest him , your justice dept completely corrupted including your judges, wake up America.and why does CNN continues to entertain this criminal . Vote Biden and Blue all the way don't the line in 2024 save your country
@user-ef4kk1no2u Says:
It takes a woman to have balls unlike the men in the Republican party. If they can't stand up to one man how can they stand up for the people of the country.
@ramosamomothibi8796 Says:
CNN is so funny 😂 trying to put a spin on it! Biden criticizes the Supreme Court Judgement it is fine however when Trump criticizes Merchan it is not respecting the judicial processes. No serious person can take such crazy bias seriously. CNN journalists are hurting so bad from the Supreme Court Judgement they have gone into overdrive of misinformation and fake speculative allegations.
@julesdigga Says:
he is such a moron and the media facilitates his crap
@Mikeandleah Says:
The media are a bunch of gaslighting scum
@artsawyer9001 Says:
How do you get bone spurs to do anything good for anyone including our country or military, Called Sen John McCain a looser because he got caught and beaten and did not give up America You will give America and Ukraine to your BFF Vlad .You Thru your arrogance and ignorance , YOU caused the death of American People ,all for your sick power grab disgusting.History will tell the tale of a wannbe Adolf and his minions that p!ssed on our Constitution,in a coup on Jan 6
@miguelgonzalezgonzalez8166 Says:
Hey tit for tat . Wouldn't you go after people that tried to destroy you and your family if you were given a chance . Its called the real world . Or better still LIFE !
@kennethmcmillan5715 Says:
Evidently Diaper Don has forgotten who her father is and what he is capable of!
@JD-zm6ot Says:
I’m already signed up for a Televised Tribunal The Level Headed, Defending Leaders of OUR Country, NEED to REJECT the Dangerous Destructive Decisions, being made, by an out of control, caught red handed now panicked: SUPREME COURT CRIME JUSTIFYING LIEING PURGERS! JUSTIFIABLY, Do not recognize, these purging, “self” empowered freedom bandits! They have gone very bad, this Six Pack Gang. These VI Court Jesters are in a very MAGA big hurry, to push through as many Agendas, as they can. They have already received their Kickbacks for them! The pressure is on, they know the walls are closing in on them! They’re trying hard to salvage the power, that they don’t even have, they have gone off the rails! We the people, need to reject the self serving decisions they are making. Most of all, Presidential Immunity for Donald Trumps 35+ Felony charges and his convictions! This act, is an act of desperation! Those who understand what this means knows how unhinged, these 6 Court Jesters must be. They are accomplices now to all of the crimes that Donald Trump, will not be responsible for. They will all be erased his actions, they were all good, just like the perfect phone calls that we all heard. To win Georgia, Trump asked “can you give me a break fellas, all I need, is 11,780 Votes!” He had every right to ask for those votes, he was only trying to win the election! Nothing at all was wrong with that, he was just trying to do what was best for the country! If he had only had Immunity back then, we wouldn’t even be talking about this right now! Come on 🤷🏽
@beany530 Says:
CNN should NOT be highlighting trump’s horrendous statements and threats! This network is off my list!!!
@bellabella9181 Says:
This theocratic fascist court just gave trump the powers of a KING with absolutely no guard rails. HE IS TELLING YOU WHAT HE WANTS TO DO. BELIEVE HIM.
@ScottPalangi Says:
I wish Mr.Trump would simply acknowledge that President Biden is a better Palestinian than he gave him credit for during the debate. Next time, Dana, Jake, please defend our current president with fairness, highlighting the many occasions where he's palestined the best he could, under the current circumstances.

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