Reporter asks Karine Jean-Pierre if Biden has Alzheimer's disease or dementia
Reporter asks Karine Jean-Pierre if Biden has Alzheimer's disease or dementia



@freylisbileck6010 Says:
The Emperor has no clothes!
@user-smart3 Says:
This press conference is non sens fake news
@tonet6601 Says:
Think about it, asking a non American a question about American politics....wakanda forever
@AM-zo9sg Says:
Her whole demeanor while the question was being asked just oozed “this is ridiculous”. It’s NOT ridiculous. The entire American public saw the president clearly unable to perform on a cognitive level in a very public setting. She has some nerve to pretend like it’s not even happening
@glueguygreen420 Says:
The United States Of LIES!!
@jilllytton915 Says:
No wonder she keeps lying, her head is unraveling.
@Notakebacks-sy6ji Says:
She’s not a very good liar when she’s mad
@Kriegmann45 Says:
We get it , he's just stupid
@Jonathan-Sund Says:
She's right about one thing, the Democratic party is certainly "different" 😱
@YemojaG Says:
@Nolaman70 Says:
She will be perfect for MSNBC
@joelanderson4303 Says:
She lying
@ramegreeawalt11 Says:
First tell of a lier is stuttering.
@AndrooUK Says:
Trump keeps taking cognitive tests that are clear, but she hopes that the reporter will ask him the same question? Nice. At least she's not walking off the stage: it means she's lying when she's stood at the lectern, and doesn't have a prepared lie if she storms off or refuses to answer.
@HOHLfmly Says:
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, adding that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.”
@bestlife9409 Says:
Biden had Demetria for years and I've been saying this for years.
@susanr5967 Says:
Liar Liar Liar! And it’s been going on for a LONG time! Get off the stage now liars!
@johnchambers427 Says:
You'll never get an honest answer out of that stupid heifer 🙉💩👹🔥
@madhupachimala2379 Says:
She is a great liar. Not Trump.
@kissbela4936 Says:
Its like are you black? Yes or no. That's not a question, it's a fact.
@darrenporter1850 Says:
He does. It's not funny anymore. This is sick.
@goelnuma6527 Says:
Fox viewers, your US politics is boring I'd rather have my hands chop off rather listen to either Biden or Trump ... please nominate Count Binface to make your politics more enjoyable
@blackdragon8505 Says:
Its a no! As in, will you get covid if you get jabbed, no. Can you give covid to others if you get jabbed, no. Has biden weaponized the doj, no. Has the biden presidency the greatest threat to america, no. Is the border unsecure, no. Is bidens cabinet full of unqualified peopleand put in for identity politics, no. LOL
@anonperson4597 Says:
10am to 4pm Google sun downing.
@thespankdmonkey Says:
Uh. Uh Uh. Starting to sound like Joe and his ding dong Kamala. Uh, Uh. Uh. This is what we get. Jesus Christ. Folks we need to take back this Country. This has gone on to long. Uh,Uh,Uh.
@dougwhite2695 Says:
She is one delusional piece of work. Starts to grow every time she talks
@Strasnilo Says:
they just lie. He looks people in the eye and lies. Incredibly. Biden experienced a collapse in the duel with Trump, and then Russia, China, North Korea, etc. are to blame for it. There is a long list of American enemies. That's a great excuse, and many Americans believe it.
@chrisincremona1876 Says:
The democrats themselves are trying to remove joe as a candidate in the race because they know he’s unfit for the presidency. So she just basically confirmed she’s a liar. Not a good look for the dems.
@MaverickLee11 Says:
Krusty the clown needs to be investigated and held accountable
@drfiberglass Says:
Why do they even have these sessions if all we as Americans are going to get gaslighted all the time. The truth is obvious.
@ericaflorescontreras7844 Says:
So its trumps fault that Biden is sick
@jeffinjohnson17 Says:
Behaves like a kid this KJP.
@yammybolo222 Says:
She is just the worst person ever
@IAmTheMayhem Says:
Why she have so much attitude as a spokesperson of the White House. Tf!??
@70picker Says:
Biden is perfectly normal from a democrat standpoint..they are all like that
@philCTO Says:
Shes a joke
@andyaustintx7488 Says:
@andyaustintx7488 Says:
Who’s gets the OSCAR for best supporting actor!!! Her!!! Which is better TRUMPS VICTORY, or KJP COVERUP
@wheelman1232 Says:
A NO lie doesnt count as a lie if her legs are crossed.
@jolenegall5545 Says:
Buckwheat is a lying traitor. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe how i feel about that despicable being.
@melindakathriner4148 Says:
Unfortunately, Alzheimers can only be definitively diagnosed by an autopsy. They need to do a cognition test like they did to "the other guy" who willingly did so TWICE.
@Barn_D-Boy Says:
@stephenbeevers2565 Says:
The problem here is not Biden and his ramblings, they are not interested in him at all, all their focus is on the PARTY. When will the public wake up and understand they are the bottom of a very large pecking order and the Party is at the top. You need a party or a president that puts the country and the public first and stuffs the party politics.
@lourawls-nl9ch Says:
Imagine 4 more years of Raggedy Ann's non-answers and flat out lies. Repulsive.
@SmooveBee1 Says:
@JCL1023 Says:
Keep lying. We see you for who you really are more now than ever.
@elizabethstratton6173 Says:
Elderly people on Medicare have to take a cognitive test every year as part of their physical. Biden should have to take one as well.
@GerrySmith-s9k Says:
I don't know why they even bother waisting their time asking questions. Nothing but lies every time.
@raymonmejia2643 Says:
Reminds me of the alcolytes
@user-bf6fk6bq5t Says:
Robert Hur did not charge back in February because basically senile.

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