'Enduring peace' between Israel and Palestine 'won't be achieved' by stunts by Greens
'Enduring peace' between Israel and Palestine 'won't be achieved' by stunts by Greens



@tonik1014 Says:
@tonik1014 Says:
i guess the greens are little behind about ICC AND UN 😢😢😢😂😂😂
@jamesparker1071 Says:
Bibi will never let there be peace. He will never stop as long as he is alive.
@NGP14 Says:
You are so Un Australian it’s a disgrace !!
@AmandaHudson-m4r Says:
Save Australia 🇦🇺 vote Labor and greens out 2025
@ironmaidens6663 Says:
‘Enduring peace’ between Israel and Palestine ‘won’t be achieved unless their is a serious commitment from both sides and that doesn't look that's going to happen.
@amirbechor4299 Says:
Albo is not the sharpest tool in the shed
@millerbiz Says:
Adam Bandt is the example of an irrelevant politician trying his best to remain in the game using the Jews. My question is at what point do his values converge with Hamas
@dannyberardi5746 Says:
would you expect anything else for a neo-Nazi fascist racist Communist pig, the green leader, Adam Bandt another traitor to our country another terrorist to our country, endorsing the destruction of our war, memorial hunt, this animal down. Let him know how you feel, and don’t let up defend democracy and freedoms, and certainly respect our love ones that have paid the ultimate sacrifice For the freedoms that Neo Nazi Mr Bandt has today in the Australian parliament , God bless 🇦🇺Australia and its people and my God help them wake up to these animals that are traitors to our country the greens, the teals and the Labour Party Wake up Australia before it’s too late 🤔🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺🗳️🇦🇺
@mattmacca3990 Says:
Greens are a pack of radical clowns.. like they would have any impact on Israel’s domestic policies.. It’s only Labor who listen..
@ChichigalCheen Says:
We should all start now, to campaign against GREENS. and show your support to ONE NATION
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
Inner city nose ring wearing Alternatives just love Adam Bandt. He abides in Rainbow Central
@antonmiles8167 Says:
An enduring peace is not achievable at all. Has elbow not been listening to the chants.
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
Brandt is related to hitler
@edmurks236 Says:
"invaded?" what an sr..hole! so Israel just has to sit an be attacked by barbaric terrorists and killed raped, murdered, beheaded, massacred? thats OK is it Greens? you are a disgrace.Israel should wait till its done again and again? and if that happened in Australia would we/YOU sit and say thats ok just suck it up!
@Dismas2503 Says:
Green stunts rhymes with Green .....?
@samuelwright1129 Says:
Just Waffle Waffle and never says anything! Bandt is a disgrace!
@richardtravers8772 Says:
What Australia Needs is a new Competent Government instead of these Clown.
@stevewiles7132 Says:
Has Herr Bandt not read the Hamas manifesto declaring their unwavering aim is to eliminate Israel, no mater how long it takes?
@stuartnoble7895 Says:
Bandt has to be the most anti semetic hypocritical bastard i have ever seen
@Canada4Israel Says:
No such thing as Palestine. Egyptians, Jordanians....go home! ‭Joel 3 The Lord roars from Zion And utters His voice from Jerusalem, And the heavens and the earth tremble. But the Lord is a refuge for His people And a stronghold to the sons of Israel. ‭Psalms 2:1-12 [1] Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing? [2] The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, [3] “Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!” [4] He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. [5] Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, saying, [6] “But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.” [7] “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. [8] Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. [9] You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.’ ” [10] Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. [11] Worship the Lord with reverence And rejoice with trembling. [12] Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him! Bless Israel and stay blessed. Curse Israel and stay cursed Signed,  GOD Genesis 12 ‭ 🙏🇮🇱🇨🇦❤❤🇨🇦🇮🇱🙏 Stay blessed Many in the valley of decision. Joel 3 Numbers 24 Romans 11 Read your Bible. It'll save your life Isaiah 53
@christopherharrold3045 Says:
and yet LABOR still funds HAMAS through UNRWA to keep the WAR going .
@EL_Duderino68 Says:
Labor is going to end up in a minority government with the Greens and Teals. Liberals have been a minority government for decades.
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
World people babies make simulation of reality real world like Mark Zuckerberg vision metaverse is 3D television live metaverse by Mark Zuckerberg Facebook meta Inc Real physics such as gravity is input by India 🇮🇳 software engineers know c plus plus and Java and HTML and python and basic programming languages. Chemistry periodic table elements input into Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse real estate prices More expensive periodic table elements insure higher construction costs in Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse The objective of metaverse is proof jesus christ had already entered Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse real estate so too John baptist said testing the spirits is life and resserection jesus christ flesh had already entered world. The video game 🎮 explores how superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so Abraham died in Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse real estate and all the prophets died inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse is proof whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse real estate world is proof life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is here or jesus christ is there and do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is coming because son of man jesus christ had already entered world so Jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh true vine gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ. Artificial intelligence is Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse can calculates movements of Israel 🇮🇱 soldiers in real world 🌎 transfer to Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse real estate world so too Russia 🇷🇺 government Vladimir putin and Ukraine 🇺🇦 war can also be transferred to Mark Zuckerberg vision like metaverse has live battle grounds so war lords can battle commodities prices and negotiate political parties Jacob ladder 🪜 inside video game 🎮 software simulation inside Mark Zuckerberg vision like metaverse world has Jacob ladder 🪜 is secret meetings societies angels descend down Jacob ladder 🪜 and angels ascend up Jacob ladder 🪜 shall be head never tail and lend to many nations people kingdoms at high interest rates but borrow from none. Sell the video game 🎮 🕹. World people buy video game 🎮 word of Jesus? So whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so superman the movie has you shall believe whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world has video game 🎮 superman spirit is word of Jesus christ Simulation physics and chemistry and biology experiments inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ said how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire 🔥? Flesh without spirit is dead flesh so too faith without deeds is dead faith inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world so King of Babylon said 4th man superman has appearance son of Gods inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world. Video game studios 🎙. Eminem sings shazam let get down to business shazam the video game Angels can enter mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world to interact with world people babies want to meet real angels in Mark Zuckerberg vision like metaverse world. World people babies and news stories journalists want to meet fake prophet woman made merchants rich thru sorcery of trading inside Mark Zuckerberg vision like metaverse world is reality bible book translation into artificial intelligence chatgtp database quantum computer hardware architecture of Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse world has dragon open mouth to spew rainwater floods in Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse and look at results in real world as match box 20 sings real world is about the rainmaker so snake 🐍 dragon at bottom of Jacob ladder 🪜 open mouth to spew flood rainwater inside Mark Zuckerberg vision of metaverse so match box 20 sings real world
@stephangriessel3550 Says:
What a joke Obviously he is a career politician When is he going to answer the question posted to him… brabeling ….
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
Taking sides is the work of Satan regardless of what side that you are on. Fear and Hate comes from Satan Where are the Peace Keepers
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Get Bandt off the parliament floor, he's a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@raymondparnell439 Says:
Time is ticking . Your days are numbered !
@kidsoxoxox Says:
Putin now considering arming Houthis with Cruise missiles thus shutting down the Red Sea to Western shipping and a direct threat to USN carriers.
@mollynorth5627 Says:
Your position is beyond clear mr corrupt kneebo. Just like your imports you have so much hate for what was once a great country.... then you slimed your way in .... 😡
@santino9346 Says:
Your All Full of S@HITE
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
Why is Sky giving the Greens air time. The Greens do nothing but divide this country. They are dangerous.

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