'Economic nonsense': Greens announce 'fantasy' tax proposal
'Economic nonsense': Greens announce 'fantasy' tax proposal



@SamLukie Says:
Greens hate successful people but are happy to have wealth for themselves. Voted in by the misinformed.
@stevewiles7132 Says:
What next, a birthday tax, Doubling each year after the age of 65?
@littletony1764 Says:
The left are now depending on the useful idiots for votes. You would have to be a useful idiot to vote for these divisive, racist, hateful people that do not have Australia's interests at heart.
@BrettSanzSantini-m7v Says:
Julian Hill another one of Albo's Handbag crew!
@BrettSanzSantini-m7v Says:
All Labor Politicians are Grubby!
@hagar6359 Says:
the scary thing is that so many people vote for these idiots along with their cousins in the teals. No clue
@vumba1331 Says:
These bl00dy labour and green people are just tax and waste idiots, it's waste and not spend because everything they touch turns into an odiferous mess which leads to huge government and inflation. There are more bureaucrats than ever before in local and central government costing the aversge taxpayer billions and in case you hadn't noticed the cities have not got any better, in fact all the basic services of water, sewerage and roading appear to be collapsing! Meanwhile their direct pay is now well over private employment levels and that's before all of the other gold plated perks they get.
@tagiscom Says:
I knew the idiot Greens would show their true demented colors eventually.
@robertfleming2654 Says:
Bant has a dream brain tax companyโ€™s like Coleโ€™s and Woolworths at a higher rate you can bet everybody will be paying more for groceries heโ€™s a fool of a politician if you can call him that
@YouShouldThink4Yourself Says:
"How much are Nuclear reactors costing?" FAR FAR FAR LESS then UNRELIABLE Renewables. And they take UNDER 10 years to build 6-8 years is the Global average (REF: Sustainability by numbers and others)
@smokiebandet Says:
Who ever votes for greens has shit for brains
@YouShouldThink4Yourself Says:
When will these idiots understand, businesses DO NOT PAY TAX. They collect it from consumers, that's YOU and hand it over to the government. EVERY cent of costs, INCLUDING ALL TAXES and compliance costs goes into the price you pay for the goods and services. Greens and their dirty counterparts (Teals) are simply the Far Left faction of Labor.
@williamchristenson5487 Says:
Green and labor should be thrown out of parliament lmp all they do is less taxs for the rich and it is the worker that pays more tax all politicians are the same
@kkcw6668 Says:
He still wants a Youth Green Army outside of regulation. Following the Hitler Youth template. He has the same dietary intake as Hitler did, so starving his brain of protein
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Doesn't matter... ONE NATION on 5% will be the NEW MAGAGA Gubberment of Astraya. You wait and see ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@davidtewhakaara6660 Says:
And that's all the greens are just fantasy
@michelleturner8558 Says:
Increase in taxes is the way all governments are heading for, in the USA also. Tax on unearned gains unbelievable. Insanity taxation never brings wealth just broke
@garrysecuramot Says:
Everybody knows Labor and the Greens are in each others pockets
@LynMurray-j1z Says:
Out with Labor Greens and Teals they have achieved nothing they have destroyed Australia and Australian values
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
The greens know labor - are on the way out. And the greens are now desperate. And the greens - once again - are making the case - why they are really - the ultimate - liars in Australian politics. Who are over supported - by voters. The greens - have disproportionate support - from voters. The greens - are lazy lying politicians. They know - that living in our inner cities - is just to expensive. And they would rather - just make that lifestyle - even more - unaffordable. Then put their little - fragile minds - to actual - good - economic - housing - job creation policies. All the greens will do - is send small business broke - and the big companies - will pass on new taxes as a COST OF LIVING TAX. In other words - any new taxes - just get to the bottom of any goods or services - you pay for. Or they go broke. There is no hidden money here. Business - does everything based - on the cost of everything it costs - to make something to sell. The greens - want to impose - higher inflation - higher cost of living - with more new taxes. There's no get out of jail free card here. An new tax = higher inflation = higher cost of living. Voters need to realise - the greens - think you are idiots.
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Lay off the breakfast bongs Bandt
@davinsustak4398 Says:
You know what... AZAZEL...Pass it through that's my will so mote it be..๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ–•โœ…
@TheBigmongrel Says:
This is Comedy Corner with another Labor Lunatic unable to answer straight questions.
@StevenMilne-sm4fk Says:
Go away commies.๐Ÿ‘น
@BritniJarossss Says:
Si nous nous amusions autant chaque soir, nous ne dormirions jamais assez, mais nous serions toujours heureux๐Ÿ’ž

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