Tim Ayres takes aim at 'bludging' senators denying Aussies property market help
Tim Ayres takes aim at 'bludging' senators denying Aussies property market help



@ThomasThurbon Says:
The truth is Labor has no idea. You broke the housing industry And want to throw taxpayers money at it to try and fix it. 😮
@TeannCoffee Says:
The biggest bludger and flog talking about bludging with his vast experience
@peteee1067 Says:
Why are you suggesting a draconian method of shutting diwn protests....instead of actually questioning the validity of the bill? 40k people, is that it? Skynews usually doea well... this is thr most pathetic interview... Laura needs some professional development or perhaps a different role Reas the parliamentary property report, the bill actually results in further increases to property prices.. and some sensible suggestions like not allowing companies to invest in residential real estate, are a better fix. Read the sugestions in the report thrn interview senators
@gw5436 Says:
Yeah, another Labor peanut not worth spitting on... just what we need, the incompetent government owning 40% of your house and telling you to take in refugees
@richardsoane6192 Says:
Future made in Australia what a load of rubbish ! How many actual houses do we need ? Who voted these fools is ?
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Victoria....full of imagination....Labor has stopped the Aussie dream ....vote Labor out
@DieterZimmermann-yf4le Says:
Another one of Albos Vacuum Brain's.
@chrisnicholson-on5zp Says:
disinformation will he be censored ?
@Factoverfiction3 Says:
This Labor senator is one of the most moronic people I have ever seen in parliament. He lies through his teeth on extensive long winded rants and accuses others of exactly what he does himself. Total hypocrite. Vote One Nation.
@flurryX Says:
Whatttttt ..... I'm so confused ... our council takes 5 years to approve a shopping trolley
@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary Says:
low income discount card for overtaxed taxpayers will be Quick solution to GovKey means test mega n dams is eighty thousand dollars year and Low income overtaxed taxpayers don't earn half that AND superannuation act needs to change stop Age discrimination Social status discrimination low income discrimination preventing low inc ppl superannuation refunds until Age eighty or ninety Don't forget low income taxpayers are victims they've been robbed and should be given GovKey recognition victims sex discrimination act punters victims of family court family assets children's inheritance and working mother's superannuation Ppl out there don't believe in government corruption the Princess attendance pensioners party li Beral's party
@oasis042 Says:
Ayres is one of the worst senators in the government. A hopeless excuse for an Australian man. I watched him block a first reading for senator hansons bill to protect Australian men and womens biological rights. To think, that he cannot bring himself to acknowledge biological sex. And he thinks, he can solve housing. If you can't agree that men and women are different on a biological level without attempting to make it political, your chances of fixing housing are zero. Laura despises him. Pretty clear from her body language. He called the internet a "cess pool". He clearly hates criticism. It's easy to avoid criticism. Just do your job. Represent the best interests of Australians. Not globalists. Something Mr Ayres will likely never understand.

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