Where the Secret Service went wrong with Trump assassination attempts
Where the Secret Service went wrong with Trump assassination attempts



@alfagtv9164 Says:
it was obvious that some agencies and ukraine are trying to kill trump from the first one . they don't want to end the wars especially the funding to ukraine.
@dwightlooi Says:
The Secret Service CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Along with the DOJ, the FBI, and the entire Federal Bureaucracy, it has lost the trust and confidence of the American People. Any candidate that stands with the People should fire the Secret Service, excommunicate the DOJ, treat them all as adversaries, rely on MAGA loyalists, and hire private mercenaries if needed for their protection.
@sailorichiban Says:
@beautifulseattle Says:
That guy was working with the Zelensky government and the U.S. State Department. 😮
@shadowwater1 Says:
Smelly orange always gets the attention much
@Super_Mario128 Says:
Trump is winning in all polls!
@sabaha4637 Says:
Where’s the military ✨🦾✨🎊💛💌
@seandelap8587 Says:
They're not trustworthy and Trump needs those that he can rely on as his security
@coal_man Says:
Where they went wrong? They missed!

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