New Zealand's economy moving backward amid fresh GDP figures
New Zealand's economy moving backward amid fresh GDP figures



@robstone4537 Says:
You can only spend other people’s money for so long before it runs out and things crash and burn. Labor spent like drunken sailors and when the citizens finally woke up and voted them out it was too late. It will take years to recover and then when things pick up labour will start promising people free stuff again and they will have forgotten what they learnt five years before and vote them back in. That is how the cycle works. Australia is heading towards this same cliff.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Another great conservative government..
@nikkster01 Says:
where is nu zeeyeleinde? and I find your story insulting considering how much of our dosh goes to Aussie bank shareholders please stick to supporting genociders and democracy trashers
@stevep9041 Says:
If it’s not planned right across the western nations, they need to stop doing what makes it look like it is.

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