'Woefully unprepared': Whistleblowers bombshell claim over Trump's assassination attempt
'Woefully unprepared': Whistleblowers bombshell claim over Trump's assassination attempt



@rmoutzen Says:
Total Bull Shit! They were untrained Homeland Security, NOT Secret Service! Someone in government wanted Trump to die!
@sol1120 Says:
Well it’s nice to finally hear what I actually figured out for myself with in the first hour of when it happened
@deanbrunner261 Says:
All the two and three letter government agency's needs to be investigated and audited
@a2rhino Says:
This explains why they were telling what do we do, what do we do when they were covering Trump! Absolutely disgusting! I’m sure Mayorkas sent his best people that day. 🤦‍♂️
@tripledelight8104 Says:
Look at this way. They have never wanted to protect Trump anyway. Congress even tried to remove protection from Trump from the beginning.
@BlairMiles-xb4fy Says:
The assassin is inclined with big tech woke mob cancel culture of filipino communist ccp npa Joseph bryan bulatao and mike pompeo .. The same group of people un coercion with fay kenyan muslim obama in hawaii and ferdinand marcos in hawaii and the simi valley filipino community intel scientologist ties to zionist facebook ceo mark Zuckerberg and google ALPHABETH pornhub secret cowrcion of san francisco immigration wesr covina behund rhe Filipino in tondo manila and Quiapo black nazarene cults to apollo quiboloy sexcults arrested vt fbi but released and by onel de gizman creator if i love you email trojan virus and filipino CCP NPA COMMUNIST...FOR MARXISM
@Averageperson0007 Says:
The FBI gained him access to the rooftop.
@Averageperson0007 Says:
A deliberate plan by having most of them have no experience in training to try and have Trump Murdered.
@juergenblessingen599 Says:
BS!BS!BS!BS! Everywhere you look!
@hotcold9690 Says:
All was just intentional malice. 100%
@paulaswaim8434 Says:
I know who the whistleblower is now. It's the chubby gal who hid behind President Trump and couldn't get her pistol back in the holster. She's making excuses for her failures. 🤡
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@MatyasArby Says:
@kate2create738 Says:
Our federal government needs to go. Don’t care where, but they need to get away from the power they have abused for too long recklessly. And our supposed allies wonder why Americans want to take a step back from the global stage, we are in a crisis mode here.
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
The suspicious part is they quickly cremated the assassin's body before doing a thorough investigation. Hmmmm
@allendyer5359 Says:
Update for SS webinar... don't text & do spotter duty for your snipper friends. Just wondering is there any place that tells employees to keep their cell phone in the break room or at home anymore? I'm beginning to think the military lets troops stand guard with them. Ya know replacement for lighting up a ciggy to give your location away.
@dylanandrew1122 Says:
When will they say who organized the assignation
@ilguitaro Says:
It's easy to tell what the truth is and what the lies are. Any comments that don't get deleted and agree with the news story, they're the lies. The truth is in the comments that get removed, which of course, you never get to see.
@Genesis-007 Says:
It's so obvious this incident was an inside job, there's litteraly no hiding it.
@coryjohnson2486 Says:
A very obvious inside job
@graemedalgleish8944 Says:
Trump and harris should swap secret service details.
@fabiennemitchell2371 Says:
One has to wonder if this was excellently planned incompetence.
@tedpiusienski8736 Says:
This had to be intentional
@justincastilloux8051 Says:
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
@jaybman2700 Says:
That was a set up, attempted assassination by our own government
@SpideyVids Says:
It all stinks to high heaven!
@blackfish4147 Says:
All I can hear is our corrupt uniparty peddling the incompetence narrative and I see people buying it. The only thing that they were "unprepared" for was the kid missing all 8 shots after they intentionally let him get on a roof 150 yards away from Trump with an AR15. They add layer after layer of bullshit to convince us that it was a mistake. Take a look back and look at the facts. I'll bet that, unlike others, this whistleblower will not see the consequences that others have seen because he/she is carrying water for the government, not exposing them. Please tell me again that there is no footage of who left the coke in the white house and no prints or DNA on the baggie. That's a great one, I laugh every time I think about it. For the love of God, think for yourselves!!!!!
@navajojohn9448 Says:
If not for whistle blowers we have no idea of the crap the government is doing to us..
@DimitriosChannel Says:
Well atleast they didn't use cup and string to communicate.
@leonharrison800 Says:
When does the Trump fool matter?? A has been. 😆😆🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
This was staged as and I loath the dems
@RodgerCumbee Says:
It's pretty bad when Homeland Security Agents pose as Secret Service Agents and don't have a clue what they are doing!!! Sounds to me like FJB was part of this attempted assassination to keep DJT from being reelected by killing him
@XrayMike17plus1 Says:
Prove to us that the Chinese spies now known to have been working for10 years in the New York governor's office haven't affected administrative policy in the secret service, fbi, and homeland security.
@navajojohn9448 Says:
Deep state doing everything it can to help Trump never get elected or live. Amazing the day untrained make believe SS agents on the job a 20 year old nobody able to shoot Trump.
@Opinionsrnotfacts574 Says:
Why does the Trump assassination attempt get so much publicity when the real horror and tragedy today is the shooting at a Georgia School where 4 people were killed?
@david-mccoy1978 Says:
There is a fine line between negligence and intentional malice
@WalterHildahl Says:
It was a conspiracy to murder Trump. Too many coincidents.
@navajojohn9448 Says:
Biden just told the press today the SS won't let him near crowds because it is too dangerous. Is it true which is humiliating for the SS and means citizens are in danger or just his broken brain making his lips move?
@sportscastercanada Says:
Kamala just sold me a Big Arch 🍔 😂
@iankearns774 Says:
I dont want to sound misogynist but women should not be leading such a serious event where the life of a Presidential candidate is at risk. Power point presentation? Give me a break, they just didnt take it serious enough. Cultural socialists have NFI.
@Psittacine-pp5yd Says:
Unprepared deliberately watch your back Donald Trump.!!
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
Criminal negligence. Or makes you think...
@Sandburn58 Says:
I guess Jill Biden did a great job trying to secure her husband' re-election. But then the Dem. party disappointed her.
@BruceWolosky Says:
That is the team for giggles and the general - transfer them now and give them a raise - especially the chick that hid - she is gold
@jayceejohnson1081 Says:
Get this, why was this small rally being broadcast live over all the networks, think about that for a sec, trumps rallies are never broadcast over all networks at the same time live but for some reason this little rally es live WTF
@jtboehler3714 Says:
Cheap labor. Politicians pocket 90% of the $$.
@nicksap4234 Says:
This was a deep state globalist assassination attempt by billionaire oligarchs and a corrupt executive branch
@ClayTomlinson Says:
I'm not paying taxes for services that don't work or are incompetent....due to left wing policies
Yes God bless AMERICA 🇺🇸
The World Loves you Mr President Donald J Trump2024 🇺🇸

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