Monash Hospital warns staff of 'early' patient discharge due to cost constraints
Monash Hospital warns staff of 'early' patient discharge due to cost constraints



@kristiankoch4517 Says:
How did this pass the do no harm law ?
@serenitynowyolo Says:
When they cut funding to public health we then become a third world state.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Have the geniuses worked out how to make saline to fix the " shortages " yet??
@johnskelton5683 Says:
In reality, hospitals are dangerous places to be! The sooner one can be discharged the better! This is more about muscling more tax dollars from the public. 🥸
@richardtravers8772 Says:
I'm sure all the Staff managed to get a pay rise, tough shitski patients we are going to work with less patients and work towatds another Labor pay increase to stop us striking or leaving.
@phishENchimps Says:
Rationing medical resources.. very socialist of them.
@Jimmy-bg5bx Says:
Not just broke, we're DEAD broke.
@lispyDribbler Says:
They keep on spending billions on non essential projects whilst begging Albozo for extra money to pay Monash health. The government obviously dosen't know what prioritising means.
@ssuwandi3240 Says:
As long as the doctors still continue the required treatment thru reliable monitoring devices and live consultation
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
Victoria is BROKE, thank Dan......
@comnandmentsdeadlysins Says:
Sure the CEO of the hospital got his annual salary raise.
@UltraPerception Says:
Sweet Wing

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