Government looking for 'anyone to blame' as a scapegoat for the cost-of-living crisis
Government looking for 'anyone to blame' as a scapegoat for the cost-of-living crisis



@pkd6369 Says:
@YvonneCrean Says:
God help us. Never fix anything just blame everyone else and spend spend. Lousy lying communist government 😡
@aerotuc Says:
It’s your spending spree charmers ,your wild mad burning of our money on your stupid schemes ,namely bs renewables and your ministers making petrol prices so high TAXing us into charmers you you disgraceful lieing bastard ,you are to blaim totally ,dumb idiot so gutless you can’t own up to your vandalism
@Brett-gb7tf Says:
Jim is a political scientist not an econimist and Labor is trying to bag the RBA so they can control the RBA much like the Governer General who is not military but a another activist who had her remuneration hugely jacked up because she didn't have a military pension this is setting a precedent and you have to wonder who she bats for as being another Labor sneaky appointment Labor is green Teals now not Labor and Albo will have all the witches of his covenant to cry sexual harassment in parliament just before election sound familiar watch and see
@davannaleah Says:
Of course! Blame is the only thing you have when you've lost credibility with everything else..Snake Chalmers is just the liar, incompetent and corrupt vote chaser that Albanese is
@stevenpresley2826 Says:
How about a Super Profits Tax on any company that makes Super Profits, whether its a bank, oil company mining company , electrical wholesaler, homegoods, supermarket chain, any company or business that makes super profits. A super profit tax. Simples.
@littletony1764 Says:
The Treasurer and his lefty incompetent bureaucrats keep taking orders from the IMF based in the US, and other unelected globalists based overseas, at the detriment of Australia's economy and prosperity. The high cost of living, the many, many small businesses closing, the increasing poverty is ALL the responsibility of the Labor government.
@rhettcorbett3346 Says:
That's the Un Australian Misinformation Disimfomation Lies Deciet way Labor work. They haven't got the guts to admit it's their fault & own up to it.
@kkcw6668 Says:
2022; Chalmer-nomics asked by D. Spears "Insiders" "Do you have a plan for private sector success?" replies "Of course wants to see private sector succeed"! Now suffering 5th qtr per captia neg growth. The P.Sector is not!
@allanhall3749 Says:
The electricity companies are making billion dollar profits yet not a word. Bank bashing is an easy target. Hard decisions need to be made to fix the economy and labor IS NOT capable. Time to go Albo.
@DavidYule-c4l Says:
Maybe its all Trumps fault.
@DavidYule-c4l Says:
The only policy Chalmers and Greasy have is playing the man, but not the ball. This government is even worse than Keating 18% was.
@user-rf2el4gh5d Says:
Labors catchphrase It's The Previous Government. Albanese and Co are the most destructive, divisive, stupid government Australia has ever elected.
@olddog-fv2ox Says:
Snakechalmers is a man who went from university to a junket job in Gillards office, then to treasurer. Hes never run a business, never had real job, never had a clue. Just another liebor party sheltered life elite
@TheBarnel Says:
a good government looks within for the cause, oh but this isnt a good goverment
@bradywyntjes7122 Says:
My name is Azazel and I've been the scapegoat since time's beginning and man's existence. They have a name for everything and an excuse that is usually worse. You are all trying to do. Just be instead of doing. Stop being gullible and no one would be bitching and whinging. Otherwise stop complaining about it like kid's who don't know who there father is. Sorry, but this along with growing up in public housing and doing it tough at times isn't a reason to bitch about mosts own stupidity. Vote the Albanese and you got nothing but the greasy. Just like he always was. Communist little cocksucker he is...😂
@peterjackson5225 Says:
Everyone knows ...Labor government has destroyed Australia
@dustdiaries9235 Says:
This trash always does ! They’ve been useless from the start ! Shame the sheeple can’t see that Says:
@lightphasermusic Says:
All signs lead to Hungary
@DC3Refom Says:
same with our leirbr marx gov
@OdinDogOfRoar2024 Says:
I’m amazed they aren’t claiming this is Scomos fault still.
@jemma_19988 Says:
Only one cause of this. Mass immigration from low wage countries
@veritasaequitas9252 Says:
Rita, please expose the story of 2011 in California. Kamala Harris hit and run people going wrong way. Teenager wheelchair ♿️ bound for life after the accident. Gary at Next News Network showed the victim speaking about this accident, very heartbreaking. People must know the truth.
Look at C.E.O.S Greed!
@davidjohn8589 Says:
Give it up Jim Chalmers your just a bloody liar
@heerkrupp64 Says:
Some people are making a nice profit with mining, I don't here anyone saying anything about them, it is easy, if you don't like banks don't borrow off them. But then, you wouldn't have your nice house, or car, or what ever else you would like to own, you can't have your cake and eat to.
@MartinaPaulinodelarosa Says:
Winner. Hase prĂĄtica brujerĂ­a bite padre robo politico

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