Peter Doocy torches Karine Jean-Pierre after she labels Donald Trump a 'threat'
Peter Doocy torches Karine Jean-Pierre after she labels Donald Trump a 'threat'



@AprilGay Says:
NO NO NO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DIED ON JAN 6TH! THE PEOPLE HAD A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BE THERE! A Veteran was KILLED by Capitol Police. How dare you compare 9/11 and Pearl Harbor to Jan 6... You don't encourage violence? Biden Pelousy Waters and More ALL have called for Violence!!
@AprilGay Says:
From from an administration who refuses to beef up president Trump's secret service detail. Family administration that fails to recognize 140 days of destruction and murder by blm. And you bet we're watching!
@deanbabcock588 Says:
@deanbabcock588 Says:
This woman is evil
@andrews.k.obryan3220 Says:
Make her dirt food please god.
@rogeliolinares9825 Says:
Fk Hilary Clinton, she belongs in jain.
@rogeliolinares9825 Says:
FU-KJP, you and your lies are FOS!!! Your administration must stop your BS and paint President TRUMP rhetoric, he's the Best choice for our future as a Country. Stop your rhetoric!!!!
@TaraConvery Says:
Has nothing to do with January 6th. Move on!! #KJPFORPRISON
@TaraConvery Says:
She’s basically telling people trump should be taken out. She’s terrible. Lies lies lies. Her and Biden should help protect all Americans including trump!
@happyforgoodkaren2411 Says:
This Sideshow Bob is completely off her chops.
@TheJohnnyWonderful Says:
I hope Trump keeps her on so she's forced to support him, back up his decisions and say nice things about him on camera. Perfect punishment for her.
@TheJohnnyWonderful Says:
Their administration condemns political violence? Yeah, just like Kellogg condemns people eating Frosted Flakes.
@andrewbeck5092 Says:
Gotta get the demons aka the democrats outta office asap. They all are deillusional and psychopaths.
@Swoledup1 Says:
She is a Tootsie Roll with braids.
@cathyvan4743 Says:
@cathyvan4743 Says:
They have said worse things than Trump ever did about them. They are so much worse than Trump even thought of being!!!
@cathyvan4743 Says:
Peter, you keep on asking the questions that we all agree with!!!
@cathyvan4743 Says:
She is the biggest liar in the world and brainwashed to boot!!!!!
If Trump said to put Kamala in a bullseye...
@JeremyMasters87 Says:
Buuuut. They called him hitler...a threat to denicracy. Needs a target on him..... trump has just said they're destroying our country...
@Jleed989 Says:
He didn’t tell anyone to “go there”
@mattgriffin1986 Says:
Gaslighting at its finest. Jan6th is all they have to argue. Trump told them to go peacefully and patriotically. Only person unalived was done so by an officer and was unarmed. Typical spin the question and point the finger somewhere else. I’m voting for the man that is willing to die for our country. Not the party that is trying to destroy it. They’ve tried to unalive him twice. There’s a reason they don’t want him here so bad they’re willing to unalive him. It’s time to find out why. We should all be anti open borders, anti “mandatory buybacks” anti ban fracking, anti “copy the other guys policies and use that as my entire campaign” and anti “if you don’t like someone else’s views, you can just unalive them.” It’s time to wake up
@aidancreager4095 Says:
KJP is a revolting piece of human filth.
@soothingwhispersrelaxation5378 Says:
BIDENS the one that said we need to put Trump in the crosshairs???
@Seer-wh2kt Says:
She is a narcissist
@soothingwhispersrelaxation5378 Says:
This bitch needs to go pound sand
@Seer-wh2kt Says:
Maybe she should get used to wearing orange the true criminal it is!
@Maranatha-2500 Says:
How evil. She's gaslighting him. We see through her.
@shedrightlight Says:
Cringe JP is not capable of being honest.
@erictaylor1958 Says:
You condemn political violence after the fact. You said put a bullseye on Donald Trump then he gets shot then you get it back on television and say well that's not what I really meant. Then you do it again Donald Trump needs to be eliminated then the second shooter happens then you don't stop there then Hakeem Jeffries gets up there and Ron Goldman and says he must be eliminated we must stop Donald Trump. And you want to talk about Republicans rhetoric. These Democrats are sociopaths look up the definition of a sociopath and this party is the epitome of that definition. If they wouldn't be behind that podium and they were not politicians they would be serial killers rapist or pedophiles.
@lofihavenai Says:
What a liar
@kevinward1312 Says:
The Devil is REAL!
@mkat4271 Says:
They arecwatchingnyou mop head
@marymott1941 Says:
@donaldrivas8872 Says:
U all a puuuta peecee,,2Faaaaccc beeeeouchhhh
@scottgust9709 Says:
shes is it legal for her to blatantly lie about jan6th??
@michaelkrolewski7406 Says:
Just shut up woman!
@ebaensey2983 Says:
Trump left office after 2020. Clinton to this day still insists she lost due to russian collusion! Why is she not s threat? There were masive protests at wsshington after 2016
@tulips3967 Says:
she inverted in classic liberal style. Disgusting.
@patcarlson9935 Says:
How does this woman sleep at night???
@HunterJomes777 Says:
Where's my cat?
@johnchristie823 Says:
She is unbelievable, how bad can anyone get, she is so far up herself she can kiss her own ass, How is it that these communist, can talk about a threat to Democracy, when they are the threat themselves...!!
@rdm8618 Says:
Ashaming speaker of the WH! They are poisonings the american people just because they are losing
@michelleheryford4592 Says:
She says it’s dangerous? Are you fucking kidding me?? WOW
@chrispalmer9952 Says:
This woman must find it difficult to look at herself in the mirror....
@brownfox4995 Says:
She is the one I want to see gone the most. She has that nasty Whoopi Goldberg way of addressing any question she is asked. They all are awful people but this woman her voice is irritating enough without even hearing the garbage spewing from it.
@michaelbenz3721 Says:
Sorry, the current administration knows exactly what they are doing. Not a good look and deflection.
@keithk8445 Says:
@optimusdude Says:
What a manipulative snake KJP is.
@spacewaver Says:
Yet another blackrock-affiliated hitman... At some point you have to stop calling it a "coincidence."

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