Kamala Harris pressed by reporters in her first solo interview
Kamala Harris pressed by reporters in her first solo interview



@seangiuliani3825 Says:
Did anyone notice the big gulp. Choked on her lies lmao
@gamble-y9r Says:
Didn't you wanna defund the police? Now you wanna fund them, you flipping!!!
@gamble-y9r Says:
She has no clue of what she's talking about.πŸ˜‚β€
@gamble-y9r Says:
Democrats assassinators never did buy their guns legally.
@seagrams5150 Says:
This isn’t her first solo interview. She did one in Philadelphia but the media is hiding it.
@markschellhammer4663 Says:
Turning a page on "Biden Harris" era that she was a coleader of and comaker of. Why would we want someone who created this mess to state they will fix this mess that they created. Word salad won't do it. Her mind must really be a mess. All of the people that don't feel safe right now have been under your care for the last four years. That's why they don't feel safe. Youve been there for 4 years and did nothing. Why say you'll do something now, if elected?
@mariamaria2751 Says:
Plus shes a lying drunk
@BC92Se7en Says:
I wonder how many blowjobs and leg spreads shes had to do to get where shes at now. She certainly didnt become vice president on merit.
@PR_GTR Says:
SHE WEARS THE BLUETOOTH EARPIECE EARRINGS EVERYWHERE. WHY IS THAT.? are the feeding for info on what to say in her speeches.
SHE WEARS THE BLUETOOTH EARPIECE EARRINGS EVERYWHERE. WHY IS THAT.? are the feeding for info on what to say in her speeches.
@julienickel3568 Says:
We don't feel safe because of your administrations actions. We don't feel safe because you label Trump supporters as racist. We don't feel safe because you will take children away from parents who want to keep their children from sick medical experiments of mutilating their body and mind. We don't feel safe when you allow boys to use girls locker rooms and physically compete with girls because boys need to get ego boost.
@beaujaymes75 Says:
Her answers are her opinions not solutions. This is terrible. I hate to say it but...word salad..
@kisswriters Says:
I thank these Black journalists for not allowing this faux Black candidate to come before the NABJ and babble… it’s horrifying to think she’ll win because if she does, Black America will, once again, be shut out of the economy, while every helping hand will go to illegals.
@cbtole1 Says:
You demoncrats are giving a banana republic a bad name. Between trying to bump off the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States, and running the most ludicrous candidate in world history, you're turning our country into a joke. It's going to cost all of us in the end, not just normal Americans, but you as well. πŸ˜‚
@freedomwarrior111 Says:
Why did she not turn a page on America for the past three and a half years? Was she drunk during the interview? Why did she not do anything about people's safety as VP?
@falseprofit4u Says:
She's more interested in enabling sanctioned murder of unborn Americans and democrat voters entering the USA illegally, with no clue on inflation, jobs, commerce, industry, living standards, military,......😊
@joycerufus1535 Says:
I think she did well in responding to the question on gun laws- why is she mocked???
@iandarichards8778 Says:
Wait a minute, isnt she and buden in power nowπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@jimwarren6283 Says:
There is background checks at gun shows just like at bass pro
@losesamasoni5122 Says:
America are in Serious threats from the illegal immigrants from her unlimited open boarder influx
@lemasa56 Says:
You're 60 something years old. How are you a new generation of leadership? And they were living productive lives before the Haitians were shipped there.
@ryanbaxter9491 Says:
Lousy like Biden, no meaning behind the words and hesitant to respond too fast in fear of outing themselves on accident
@everydayhen Says:
If you vote for that America, you're finished! Read my lips: FINISHED!!!
@cellulitehero Says:
What’s with the shit music?
@Donna-l3t Says:
@philtoth5348 Says:
Such a fake person is Kamala Harris. Spreads lies and innuendo about her political aponent is abhorrent
@pavolbiksadsky219 Says:
I'm not an American, and I'm probably what you would call a RINO, but even Democrats used to have some class acts (in terms of rhetoric) as candidates. But this, this is actually offensive to your country, to be represented by such an empty woman...
@pavolbiksadsky219 Says:
I'm not an American, and I'm probably what you would call a RINO, but even Democrats used to have some class acts (in terms of rhetoric) as candidates. But this, this is actually offensive to your country, to be represented by such an empty woman...
@Mulcahy22 Says:
Incompetent candidate in all areas. Will not win legitimately.
@strgazerlilly Says:
This is what she WILL DO TO YOU
@joannewalsh5450 Says:
There is only one question. What has Kamala Harris done for our country in the last four years? Absolutely nothing for humanity. People need to wake up and see the big picture. It is not fear mongering, it is the truth. When people show you who they are, believe them.
@Tj21415 Says:
When will real unbiased journalist start to question her and make her really answer questions!?!?
@janalmond704 Says:
Dems are the fear mongers in our country and our media. She is 100% liar. She should NEVER have a microphone again.
@iancaen2977 Says:
Was she drunk?
@wildflower434 Says:
Not only she wants to sell the Bull Sh’t that she was Middle Class. During her interview, she talk with so much authority about, Slavery. Jim Crow, Segregation, Red lining, and Discrimination. What a minute! What a Minute! 😠 I thought she is Indian and Jamaican that came from Canada? Why in the hell these Black Journalists is still trying to make this Woman Black? Why that these Black Journalists who is approaching Harris. Like they did not do any research? Allowing her to speaks on the behalf, like she is authentic African American? But Harris, had Never experienced Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation or Discrimination? What disgusts me, Black Americans still trying to grab anything trying to make themselves relevant Black? The desperate NEED for a female President. And trying to make her Black? The same approach with Obama. So desperate in making him Black, he was really Interracially mixed, not African American. Democrats tells African Americans by gaslighting, he is African American. Just to trick in voting for him, but never tell The African Americans that his Mama was really is White? No one challenged their Democratic Voting theory that Obama is really is Black? Is more like lies. Desperate to grab and take anything an identity, that looks like an African American. Any person who looks dark skinned. I am personally is fair skinned. I have a greater genealogy from Kamala and Obama being African and as American. The worst the dumb idiot from NABJ. Allowed her got away with those bigot comments. Yes, bigoted comments. Pitching herself(AGAIN) as African American as a victim, by using our History. By targeting the African American audience. This desperate racist fool does not speak for Me and The African American perspective. She is an Indian Jamaican from Canada. The closest discrimination Kamala Harris experienced, that she never came from a low Income family, but was forced to be Middle Class. Had to lie she is African American, or had an Afro, or having darker skin. Stop placing this Woman in the position to lie. She is not Black. She will never be Black. She not an authentic African American. Only a Wannabe from Canada. If this was Rachel Douzal, everyone would be outraged. Rachel Douzal is probably more black than Kamala. Stop treating she is authentic. The liar owe many African Americans an apology. Of using the African American Culture and Community for her votes. But behind close doors. She can pretend to be Jewish, or Indian from the Wealthy Community with a Mansion in DC. She is not Middle Class or Poor. She is Bull Sh’t Artist Hustler. And a good Liar. At least Donald Trump has more credibility and authenticity than Harris. He will be willing to spend his own money and sacrifice his own Rights to help advance others. Kamala wants to used people to advance only herself. All for, to be the First. The Funny! πŸ˜† After Obama. And I Pray never Kamala. Really! In history An African Americans has never been President? You allowed these fake Democratic liars to used You, your Culture, Your Race again. Just your Vote. Again. This is not coming from A racist White Man. No! A bunch of desperate, greedy, ignorant Entitled Black racist players. Which they learned so well, from White Liberals within the Democratic Party. 🀨🀑πŸ€₯πŸ€₯πŸ€₯
@nia9902 Says:
She is terrible πŸ˜‚
@bobmarten7097 Says:
Who gave her a gun??! She has the mental capacity of a 4th grader. Not one question was answered. Just more of the same work- around speach. Avoided..late term abortion question again Avoided talking about meetings with world leaders ..never mentioned them by name because she doesn't even know who they are. Never answered how she is going to get all this free money and tax rebates. No real answers for Isreal or what is going on. No responsibility for dumping all those Haitians in Springfield and how they are driving new cars with no driving skills, or how they get thousands of dollars monthly as our homeless are on the street. How can anyone vote for her???!
@suheilkaspar8885 Says:
She is the hoax !
@frankallnutt9785 Says:
Is this thing the best democrats can run wtf holy hell
@adrianilg7741 Says:
She speaks a lot but doesn't say anything substantionel
@leonamcculley3719 Says:
Why don’t they ask her if bring so many illlegals in does that make the country safe. They are asking her baby questions
@samantha-zn3bj Says:
Why don’t you stop opening up your mouth you should stupid. You are a moran
@ethanwaynebell Says:
She is so bad
@joeudvari9646 Says:
Kamala Harris: once upon a time, a scorpion wanted to cross a river. It was swollen with water and the scorpion couldn’t swim. A frog was swimming happily in the water and looked up at the scorpion, β€˜Why don’t you come in? β€˜ I can’t swim.’ replied the scorpion. The scorpion thought, maybe I can convince the frog to take me across. β€˜Hey frog, can you take me across? I could get on your back.’ β€˜I don’t know; you would sting me.’ replied the frog. β€˜If stung you, I would drown.’ Answered the scorpion. β€˜Okay, climb on.’ The scorpion climbed on the back of the frog. About halfway the scorpion stung the frog. β€˜Scorpion why did you sting me I will die and so will you because you can’t swim.’ I know.’ replied the scorpion β€œI had to it is in my nature.”
@Lea-ry2wk Says:
She said she owns a gun herself.
@Jojo-ru1rz Says:
Sweet Jesus, I pray this Kamala loses the elections. I can'r stand her voice. It makes me depressed
@TheCosmicRealm3 Says:
This use less blch is IN OFFICE NOW and has been for 4 years and she's saying she's going to fix everything? πŸ˜‚ YOU'VE HAD 4 YEARS TO FIX IT!!! You and Biden are the ones who messed everything up, so now you want us to give you 4 more years of more crap? πŸ˜‚ Yeah, right!
@1katylaoruga Says:
🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦Not going back to stupidity 🟦🟦
@Bootmahoy88 Says:
When the time is near and Trump is still lagging in the polls, there will be extreme tactics employed. I’m sure Harris’ team is aware of that.

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