Australians in 'disbelief' with government's handling of Middle East protests
Australians in 'disbelief' with government's handling of Middle East protests



@steveascension9626 Says:
When will people in the West wake-up? These protesters are simply carrying out the instructions that Osama bin Laden provided for the Islamic world in his last known speech after 9/11. The targets of this war of religious extermination are not limited to Jews. The west is a bunch of idiots! If they don't take heed.
@CodexIndia1 Says:
Send the Middle East protestors TO THE MIDDLE EAST! DEPORT DEPORT DEPORT.
@rafishalom1 Says:
God bless from Israel
@aerotuc Says:
We demand the government be dissolved either voluntarily or by force ,,the military must step in this is an international discrace and a direct threat to Australians and Israelis plusโ€™s the Us alliance is in question.Penny Wong knows full well that the 80million dollars given to so called Gaza is going totally into buying weapons for terrorists ,itโ€™s a no brained .Penny Wong must be arrested under terrorist funding charges
@Dazzasin Says:
No disbelief fools, the media and left wing government is highly funded by Islamic billionaires, wake up people it's in their doctorin that if they can't take by force they'll buy it! Qatar , Saudi Arabia are funding the left media and education and government. WAKE THE FUCK UP AUSTRALIA AND FOLLOW THE MONEY
@antonyschwarz8749 Says:
Lord Jesus open their eyes to demonic stupidity and bless Israel
@KayCarmody-u4f Says:
As an patriotic Australian I am Disgusted with what is happening to our country these protesters need to be exported maybe they change the laws so this can be done they do not deserve to be here ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ
@Salman-sc8gr Says:
This blonde's eyes remain blind to israeli war crimes a live Genocide,such a hypocrite.
@TandMroaming Says:
Well said Gemma. Spot on analysis
@gregwaghorn8496 Says:
Its happening around the world. Its part of the WEF PLAYBOOK.
Although Australia's symbol in the coat of arm is Emu and Kangaroo symbolising the country will never go back.. It is now showing that this country is going back to adjust with 6th century cult.
@Bithia65 Says:
Love their commonsense approach. Tired of Piers Morgan playing both sides as if he is ignorant of the truth.
@pikeymicky Says:
Jews have contributed more to Australia than any other minority group per head of population, whereas the muslims per head of population are the biggest beneficiaries of the social security system & the most disruptive. These are the facts, these islamic imports are a drain on the taxpayers & the most non-intergrated trouble makers in society. Why do we have to put up with this? Why don't we rebel against this imported desert death cult causing so much dissent in our country. Weak politicians, weak police. Enough is enough, we don't want this garbage. Call it what it is ---- islamic barbaric "culture" is not compatible with ours!
@margaretdavis6776 Says:
Gemma & Steve--great. ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑโœกโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑโœกโœ๏ธ
@kingcobra8840 Says:
What do you want them to do? Take away the people's right to protest?
@FaithRUs Says:
There is no place safe from the Terrorists in this world. The US and Australia are facing the same governmental follies โ€ฆ time to stop it and follow Italyโ€™s lead.
@poppykoch9085 Says:
If you stand with Israel you stand with God. If you stand against Israel, you stand against God so you stand with evil. Our flaccid government's lack of condemnation for the support of terrorists group on our streets is enabling them and emboldening them. There is trouble brewing and our government and authorities are going to keep playing their fiddles and continue to watch while our way of life burns! "If you don't stand for anything, you don't stand for anything!" ~ George W. Bush
@JamesMolyneux62 Says:
All true. Australians are fed up with this disgustingly WRONG and gutless position by our government.
@susanford1598 Says:
If Australia fails to act now, in the future women in this country will not be safe, this is not the country my grandfather fought for, they went to war so their women at home would be safe but yet our own government has opened the door to them and allowed them to take a foothold here in our own country, our government sits back and does absolutely nothing.
@michaelhughes7458 Says:
Remember they wonโ€™t the Moslem vote thatโ€™s why all socialist governments are corrupt.
@jenniferkneebone7895 Says:
I am in 100 percent agreement with Gemma. Wow so good to hear someone speaking how things really are.
@dmarshall8366 Says:
Murdoch media talks to Murdoch media. Whilst we are not anti semites many of us are disgusted by the slaughter perpetrated by Netanyahu's Government. This war is unwinnable and will just lead to further escalation.
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Right-Whingers in disbelief!! There fixed it for you!!!
@leaffyTrees Says:
We need to march in the streets.
@leanegarden6997 Says:
Australians donโ€™t seem to realize what theyโ€™re dealing with. These people hate the West and aim to spread Sharia law wherever they go. Europeโ€™s already dealing with a silent intifada, with governments downplaying the chaos to avoid looking bad for letting in illegal migrants. Itโ€™s happening in Australia too, and when it erupts, itโ€™ll be too late. Islam considers non-believers filthy and impure, banning them from places like Mecca. Ironically, some Muslim countries like Egypt and Jordan have kicked out Islamists, yet they wreak havoc in Lebanon and Israel. Australia is on the same path if it wonโ€™t take immediate preventative actions to save its democracy. One must wonder whether some politicians and media in Australia are getting perks from the Iranian regime, or Qatar, or if they simply have a built-in self-hatred toward Australia and its citizens!
@MissCiklama Says:
Thank you Gemma for always speaking truth , respect to you big time
@toddbeamer6131 Says:
Import barbarians and what do you expect? Their religion commands them to hate the west, hate democracy, hate equality, and promotes violence to non-believers, even to those of the same cult (e.g. the sunni vs shia civil war that has been going on for 1400 years).
@zzzzoogal9634 Says:
Welcome to Islamastralia. This govt has to go. Albo should be locked up along Wingwang and the rest of the Labor govt.
@greatgatsby7439 Says:
Jesus can see everything.!! Nobody can hide from him. He is the only way to Peace & true love โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ
@Hvgvhvh Says:
You people arenโ€™t stupid, there is a definite agenda happening in the western world, England, Australia and the us, same is happening. You need to find out why instead of reporting what we already know
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
No just sky news Israel
@abbeystump Says:
And donโ€™t the Greens love it.
@rebwolfe2702 Says:
Wokey government are useless at everything else and sold Australia for a minority vote!!!
@mikequinn6206 Says:
University educated? Plenty of intelligence, but no brains.
@RottieGuy1980 Says:
same as in Canada
@Drew-p7p Says:
Not sure who you sky news racist bigots are speaking for, only 10% of the people that viewed this foul propaganda report like it ๐Ÿ˜‚ seriously, I get 2nd hand embarrassment watching you guys blatantly lies and support of Zionist war crimes.. โ€œTheโ€ Sudan , ๐Ÿ˜‚ the country is called Sudan.๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™m almost convinced that sky news reporters are AI bots programmed to support the g-cide in Palestine and Lebanon. Honestly, you have the audacity to think you speak for โ€œallโ€Australians . And as for your misused โ€œantisemitismโ€ , 90% of Palestinians are Semitic, and not all Jews are Semitic lol
@rbs7919 Says:
This is the first time I have seen Gemma and I must say how very impressed I am by her. Straight talking, truthful and to the point. Everything I admire and respect and what is so desperately needed at this time.
@themusesquad8554 Says:
Who are civilians when they all support and take part in it?
@paulgearing3018 Says:
Only 7th October No one mentions when the Israeli Irgun blew up the King David Hotel killing 91 civilians in Jerusalem in 1946 and when the Brits left the Zionists have practiced aparthide ever since. AND BTW every war since the beginning of time .has said they want to vanquish the other side off the face of the earth. Are you saying there arn't moderates on both sides, who want to live together? There are far more moderates in Gaza, than in the Netanyahu administration This man is evil ,personified
@sirdudleynightshade8747 Says:
How come these lowlife minorities hold the whip handle over us? If it's not Israel it's climate "change" or the "voice" or BLM or some other falsehood that only the lefties believe in. How do we get rid of awful governments?
@magentamagenta1274 Says:
People in this country largely are appalled by this government and their inability to lead with ethics and integrity. Those that are the mouthpiece for extremism and support terrorism have not been shut down since they began their protests October 7th 2023. Anti semitism, anti Zionism, xenophobia incitement to target Australian Jewish people. This government has done its best to encourage Hamas and hezbollah supporters in Australia itโ€™s unbelievable that this is what this Country has for leadership.
@Richard-darixdax Says:
Labour has to go.
@shailevin8046 Says:
As an Australian, I Stand With Israel
@leighcolless7046 Says:
when does albo get arrested and jailed for supporting terrorism
@Suuyi-o2z Says:
Hi, Please can we follow the money? Are people at these pro test s on welfare? That is taxpayers' money. Are they being paid somehow? Because they are not working-please can we be certain that they are not taking advantage of the system, while taking to the streets? Thank you...
@vindenis9049 Says:
Those who are not citizens of Australia protesting in this manner with flags and chants, the real chants everyone heard, should be prosecuted to the max and sent back to their countries. We don't want this in our country
@danielilibman8087 Says:
You misspelled Australinistan
@johnturner1073 Says:
Being in the UK, can I just add that the BBC coverage is a disgrace, especially its insidious website. They all should be ashamed of themselves.
@jeffking3641 Says:
"What is going on?" The world is being prepared for the rapture. Then, finishing the 7 years the Jewish people did not after rejecting their Messiah. Everything is going as it is written in the Bible. Don't worry Christian God has got this.๐Ÿ˜Ž
@babayaga489 Says:
A debacle of epic proportions!

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