Liberal MP outlines why the Coalition 'couldn't support' a ceasefire in the Middle East
Liberal MP outlines why the Coalition 'couldn't support' a ceasefire in the Middle East



@gail9906 Says:
Our PM couldn't be further from Australians than he is now. He does NOT represent me! 🤬 ❤️🇦🇺🦘
@paulgearing3018 Says:
Netanyahu is a psycopath. And Dutton would lick his boots
@mljsmith4125 Says:
Do you think that Leeser has just realised that Labor is anti-western civilisation and view all of the wests achievements (even democracy) through the lens of colonialism. It would be interesting to ask Leeser if he would still support the ideology behind last year’s voice.
@timmo8909y Says:
With respect, A real friend will tell a friend when they are wrong. Zionists are so full of hatred they will not listen. Joe Biden and his administration have urged Israel to show restraint in their responses to conflict, particularly in the context of military operations that could lead to civilian casualties. Israel is not acting like a democracy. The nature of Israeli democracy is often debated, particularly regarding the status of Palestinians. Israeli Arabs (Palestinians with Israeli citizenship) have voting rights and can serve in the Knesset, but Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, territories under varying degrees of Israeli control, do not have Israeli citizenship and cannot vote in Israeli national elections. This has led some to critique Israel's democracy as incomplete or conditional, given the ongoing occupation and disputes over Palestinian rights. Additionally, debates exist within Israel regarding the balance between its identity as a Jewish state and its democratic values, especially in light of recent political changes and policies that some argue could undermine democratic institutions. Israel is no where near a democracy like Australia
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
Given Julian Leeser was so WRONG with is support for 'The Voice' (completely out of touch with the majority of Australians, and zero logic to his support for that dangerous idea) I don't think he has any credibility or wisdom on other nations affairs. The best thing Julian could do for Australian politics is stand aside for a true conservative candidate at the next election.
@politicz1973 Says:
Listen to my advice in my emails. Only path.
@bretloyd8097 Says:
Great to see the LNP for what it is. . .
@haim3sh Says:
It is encouraging to hear non-Jewish people who know to distinguish between good and evil. Thank you to all the people in Australia who support Israel and the Jewish communities around the world. You are the true righteous people.
@SherylSchrantz Says:
@SherylSchrantz Says:
@garyclark6727 Says:
molan you are so out of touch or in israel's pocket, you support a state whose ministers condone raping gazan prisoners! unlike israeli claims of rape this is there for world to see but you wont condemn that, your outrage is selective & fake, can't you find any other guests we are a multicultural land after all
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
Being ignorant and pigheaded doesn't help you to accept my warning. Do you really have any braincells that can give you the ability for the peny to drop so you can recognise me. For how long do you think that you are going to remain on this earth, and have you ever been trying to worry about what is going to happen with your souls after your departure. Pay attention. Where is civilisation before you... St.Thomas
@ElonEinstein Says:
Labor want ceasefire bcoz australian foreign minister marter wrong is chinese and china 90% of oil source from iran. Probably china & penny wong worried right now about Israel retaliation on iran
@trickyboy1517 Says:
"A ceasefire doesn't guarantee the return of the hostages"....... How many hostages were freed after the first cease fire agreement, Lesser? Are you good with IDF now targeting UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon, Lesser? Thanks for confirming that the coalition is pro genocide. :I
@lukeh321 Says:
Western civilization needs to stand up
@southernstarreview Says:
Labor have no idea! No one can negotiate with terrorists.
@pacnbeans Says:
The way the Liberals are going by supporting israel more than australians will lead to Dutton be stuck in opposition for the next 4 years !! Down with all the middle east bull crap !!
@dogzdigital Says:
These people don't seem to understand which country they are in.
@JsckSzx Says:
ridiculous support for israel lobby and usa
@ianenglish123 Says:
Because they are at the whim of Murdoch's press. The same press that claimed Iraq had WMDs. Pro right wing Israeli government.
@26steve26 Says:
The enemy that wants to kill all of us is calling for a cease fire... like he'll wipe them completely out
@kathrynanneperry4651 Says:
The whole thing is a land grab.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Well Linda Thomas-Greenfield Americas rep at the UN just addressed UNWRAs involvement in the Oct 7 attacks and her version was polar opposite of the 2 commentators on this podcast.
@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
BUT .... the argument that Hamas must be completely destroyed before peace can be established has one MAJOR flaw. Unless Israel is prepared to turn the whole of Gaza into a wasteland, and essentially rid it of the complete population then hatred of Israel and people prepared to kill and die motivated but that hatred will continue. The idea that just defeat Hamas, and then the population of Gaza will live a life of tranquility and harmony with Israel is a complete nonsense. P.S. No, I don't know the answer. But I certainly haven't heard it yet.
@lukasvonsteuben6882 Says:
Why do Australian have an opinion what happens in the world fck off in your hole
@pibetowaki1953 Says:
Labor is weak vote Labor out
@DC-lw7dj Says:
Without all parties carrying on about the middle east crisis for several months, start primarily focusing on the issues we have in Australia. That should be the first priority for Australian politicians. Australians are struggling from the cost of living and housing crisis caused by excessive/record immigration intake.
@Want0nS0up Says:
Leeser is one of the “moderate” wimps who cost his side the election last time around.
@PhillipaSilke Says:
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
In short.. The no no no party cries no no no....😭 Remember what Peter Dutton as the LNP immigration Minister imposed upon two Australian born toddlers from Biloela..... Both innocent Both incarcerated for years on an island prison 5000 klms from the only place they knew as home..... This is Peter Dutton
@PhillipaSilke Says:
ETERNAL SHAME ON LABOR. Moral depravity.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Hezbollah is not a liberal democracy and a signatory to human rights laws and is not a member of the UN we expect better behaviour from Israel.
@Design_no Says:
Why would you not support western values in a country like Australia?
@elenawalker3746 Says:
Lesser has made it very clear that they are the shadow government running Australia and don't want peace but want a piece of Lebanon; a piece of Egypt; a piece of Turkey; a piece of Syria; a piece of Iraq, a piece of Saudi Arabia, and a big piece of the eastern Mediterranean their soldiers wear a have a map of their perceived "greater Israel" but under their current PM they've been defeated. This group are the ones operate behind the scenes and who push for mass-immigration, forced multiculturalism, "diversity" quotas (Blackrock’s DIE policies), anti-white propaganda, they own the media (news, music, film) that promotes porn, rap culture, sexualized children and perverted humour, destabilise communities, destroy the nuclear family.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Israel has fired on a UN peacekeepers base in Lebanon injuring 2 UN peacekeepers this should be condemned by everyone. Israel has now gone too far.
@EL_Duderino68 Says:
How was it a terrible week for you Barbie? Was it that your dyed hair is looking worse for wear?
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
Israel is a small country... LEAVE. IT. BE. ?what's their problem with it?
@Gungho1a Says:
Good common sense, that.
@MrPerson-e7u Says:
Who is the big duck?
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
They are Non-White, pure and simple!!
@josephgee143 Says:
Please rename this news organisation AIJAC.
@MrPerson-e7u Says:
It makes you wonder, Australia claims it has no nucleus weapons while it also sell uranium and has access to all the knowledge in the world but for some reason it doesn't have nuclear weapons while it condemns its own people for tax purposes, so I ask if they're not the strongest duck in the pond why would you act like the Alfa?
@Graeme-r2f Says:
The only reason Labor want a cease fire is their side is losing.
@Barney_Rubble247 Says:
Get over it.
@IcanBePsycho Says:
No matter who’s in government, they should uphold Australia’s values and support our allies.
@josephgee143 Says:
IDF accused of war crimes for firing at UN Unifill, injuring 2, will create more hatred Brian Epstein.
@kyotoau9095 Says:
The leading cause of anti-semitism is JEWISH BEHAVIOUR.

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