NSW housing minister has 'no idea at all' after assuming rental prices
NSW housing minister has 'no idea at all' after assuming rental prices



@dino9071 Says:
A landlord would receive only half of that $200 after tax for $100 per week they would consider that insurance from damage and day to day wear and tear and not rent the unit out at all just board up the windows and leave it to appreciate in value.
@beachside9155 Says:
All out of touch. Don't know rent prices, price of bread, price of petrol and even the unemployment rate. Maybe they are all like a certain SA politician and only know the price of a gram!
@offgridjohn871 Says:
We can get such, but an 8 hour commute..
@offgridjohn871 Says:
She needs bluer hair.
@nevillegreg1 Says:
I am not convinced either, not only that, she is full of it (BS). Evidence: just listen to subsequent bit of conversation after saying $200.... "There are a couple of places you can." She really believes $200 a week is the case. Perhaps she was referring to a family sized tent with separate bedrooms pitched up in someone's back yard. They have no idea, and another example of appointing a female to the job because she is female instead of the best person for the job who knows the stuff and is actually competent. Perhaps $200 a week would be reasonable if the State gov deleted land tax and council rates were discounted by 50% for landlords and Sydney Water was required if requested to install separate water meters for existing granny flats [because they are refusing to do so] so that water usage is paid by the tenants instead of the landlord.
@johnd5953 Says:
Another clown in a massive clown show
@chrismackay6775 Says:
It would be nice if the Housing Minister actually understood the total cost of home ownership. She would then understand that the rental return is basically 50% of the money required to cover ownership. This is the main reason we have investors leaving the rental property market. No government can supply, manage and maintain enough rental properties to service Australia.
@danielbrown4133 Says:
I remember watching this imbecile on Paul Murray Live, no idea then and still clueless!
@rodneygillespie9212 Says:
Fucken hell.
@lovechineseforever9434 Says:
@SkyHeights-pc3hj Says:
Higher rents mean that Labor MPS Real Estate Portfolios continue to rise in value. They do not want to fix the problem. Albo is the perfect example of this.
@taniaschiller9823 Says:
Another quality DEI pick from your typical useless lefty government. No idea - not now, not ever.
@ЕвгенийТимошенко-е3у Says:
Well, now to get a good position what you need is just to talk, talk, talk. It is a disaster.
@drupegler7338 Says:
Whatch her on Sky previously and didn't sound real sharp then. Typical Labor moron with no idea and you wonder why we are fucked. Dumb fuck!
@Caleb-lbj Says:
She getting money under the table
@leftardtroller Says:
I wanna know what knobs she gobbled to get the position she has and why are tax payerd paying this brain dead women to do the job
@fozz351 Says:
Hey I'm paying $420 per fortnight in a caravan park... Wake up politicians!!
@ryanedwards6923 Says:
Delusional, 200$ isn't reasonable either. Between 700 and 200 would be reasonable.
@JackSht-lv2on Says:
Caught out on the wrong DEI 😂😂😂
@BrettSanzSantini-m7v Says:
pedalling backwards now!
@stephenpaxman6180 Says:
she should be sacked
@nigelmayer8061 Says:
@philplowman2251 Says:
What a liar she is hopeless
@peterhoulis1184 Says:
@dodgeboy9052 Says:
What a fool and how much is she earning ... ?????????? I don't believe this .. a typical labour Minister ,, here on the Gold Coast I know of people paying $400 just for a room I suggest she changes underwear if she dare look around .....
@huntingbeeswarmstasmania4340 Says:
The housing minister should be a renter on minimum wages .
@AdamJohnson-lj3iz Says:
Sky News taking shit out of context again to stir shit. The question was "what do you think a reasonable rent for a two bedroom flat would be?"
@mongrels9073 Says:
She needs to give up her job silly cow
@jonathanchant6655 Says:
America is having a huge cleanout of the swamp. We need a Huge cleanout of this so top heavily government That is doing a useless job
@np2917 Says:
People vote lefties... You get it 😇
@jonathanchant6655 Says:
God we need Trump!!! They have let another 390 immigrants this year so far to September. This place has gone to pack
@np2917 Says:
They get $500000 salary + lot of other benefit + few vacations, ,,, they don't know anything,,
@np2917 Says:
Still busy with woke and send money and weapons to Ukraine .
@petermurphy2167 Says:
Taxs and charges are more than $ 200.00 per week
@gailpearson9055 Says:
All politicians are in it for the money, not to help us the people who pay taxes that pay their wages 😢 FFS we are all stuffed.
@TruthWarrior1 Says:
$200 would be lucky to get you anything in the middle of bum fk let alone anywhere near Sydney.
@jakecampbell Says:
I'm not on her side but the interviewer did ask her what do you think is a reasonable price for a 2 bedroom flat not how much do you think one costs.
@TheGalah-z3k Says:
Clueless politician and she should have come onto the program prepared. Doubling down on a stupid response. Resign you fool.
@dezzodarling Says:
You can tell she is bull-shitting - her lips are moving! Hahahahah ! An Oldy but a Goody!! And we pay them ????
@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary Says:
government housing or cheap rent housing cost gst rates eleven doll'ars day and it's portable housing you qan take it with you even to Tasmania but 1951 fast trains stopped getting built on that island because of austudy pensioners using student senior discount card and qantas island hopping adventures for the religious events
@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary Says:
change the law or change the government Superannuation age should be fifty because the tax table lowest income tax payer economy is not supported by discount card gst cgt or fast train for job seeker or cheap bamboo cabin park to use discount card and csiro recommendations are not applied to tax table or poverty Line metrics so waiting for superannuation is waiting for tax refund and that's discrimination because cgt is paid with tax refunds so eighty or ninety will get dementia diagnosis and the superannuation will go to the nursing home not investment strategy and most islands build cabins not ghettos
@Strictlycardio Says:
Insufferable women.
@rennmaxbeta Says:
She ak-tually sounds like a 15-year-old
@steverogers9507 Says:
You only have to look at her body language . She hasAuktually has no idea. She is also a liar. that really shines through.
@robertschreiber6431 Says:
How to back peddle fast
@rayjohnson1945 Says:
Housing crisis and massive immigration is the UN, WEF plan to. " You will own nothing and be happy".
@leroylindblom2513 Says:
Thats the NSW housing minister, put her in JAIL.
@Chris-zx2hm Says:
She is literally gaslighting us. She doubled down when her answer was followed up with "where can you get a flat for 200 bucks"
@pisey5290 Says:
D iscriminatory E mployment I nitiative
@Leeedon Says:
Kneecaps Rose.

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