If there was a high risk of been run out of office, trust me they would get their act together. Their performance is hopeless.
@greenflea3 Says:
The biggest problem is the poor performance of the Vic Libs as they are a hopeless lot. Seriously they should win by a landslide, yet they can't even do that. This is why Labor gets away with murder and wins elections and with the current imbecile of a Lib leader, looks like Labor will win at the next election.
@richardparrott1195 Says:
And the good people of VICTORIA just voted the AROGANT LIYING HIPPACRITS
back in
@jaserogers3825 Says:
And they want a statue of the muppet while taxing us to death
@JohnCannon-ec3cj Says:
Thats it Jacinta and Dan screw the Victorians for everything they are worth, that is how you do things
@markjmaxwell9819 Says:
Victoria has been mismanaged economically and morally since Dan and Labor took the reigns. Until the Victorian Labor party is put out to pasture with some fresh management in place it will continue to be.
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
Jim DOESNT have an Economic Degree. WHY is He Treasurer? Peta explained it. FIGJAM Jim. Lol
@mandyvarsamis6494 Says:
Leaders need to become accountable personally just like a Director is in a company. Otherwise nothing will change. Victorian government is a company...start chasing and auditing the CEO'S personal assets when a company goes into bankruptcy.
@min.bootsphillips6361 Says:
Decades of money laundering to mates of pollies is the real reason and that is not bad policy decisions, it is a crime.
@josephsonnier3594 Says:
Sounds as though someone has been padding the financial book's . Example : a person makes 100 thousand per year but their house & car are valued in the millions , that's not counting the plane , boat's , vacation home . Good luck Australia
@julesmarwell8023 Says:
we got rid of the hanchback, now we have a gay for palestine hero
@julesmarwell8023 Says:
imagine if needed an ambulance in victoria,, bad luck,, you have to wait a week for it
@Matt123a Says:
New federal bill proposal - You vote in a state government that creates record debt, you can't migrate to another state until _your_ debt is repaid.
@rolback5055 Says:
What Australia needs to do is let in millions of illegals pour into the country. Diversity is your strength.
@Magaman22 Says:
Dan is the only man in the world that has to book a Golf course for himself because the rest of Humanity can't handle his Vibe.
Actual Gotham City Joker.
@ricky6864 Says:
1990's and before a couple could buy a house with 1 income.....
Now a couple with 2 incomes cannot afford a home
@ricky6864 Says:
They have done a fantastic job for china and the wef and their union friends
@Magaman22 Says:
I still can't believe after the Pandemic, Victoria actually voted for Dan ,but actually got more popular and gained seats 😂
Clown 🤡 show beyond belief
@blackorchid2180 Says:
As long as Dan got his big payouts and cushy pension that’s all that matters right 🤔 ... these Politicians can eff up the State, bring the people to their knees and still get rewarded handsomely for it 😡 ... maybe all those muppets who voted these creatures in should carry the financial burden of bailing the state out and let the rest keep their hard earned taxes !!!
@tomjones5338 Says:
Communist Labor of Victoria have run out of other people's money
@DominicPelleREAL1 Says:
Imagine being so simple that you continue to support a bad political party (Labor) because...what?...you can't tell the difference between a group of politicians and people you'd normally show loyalty to?
@kellyco4139 Says:
In the real world and the business world people responsible for debt and bad management would be held accountable and loose all they own and be jailed . But No our politicians just walk away with Zero accountability . Pay them big money but make them accountable like the rest of us are !
@lukeh321 Says:
Has anybody seen Dan, the beloved saviour?
@Pyjamarama11 Says:
perhaps Victorians should have stopped voting for communists
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Victorians worship Woke Labor government 😂
You get what voted for 🤣
@gaylesherburn6726 Says:
Corruption you mean !
@rapscallion9333 Says:
Macabre fascination in just how bankrupt Labor can make Victoria.🤔
@englishstark6100 Says:
Take a bit of Dans nose candy and everything in Victoria will look Rosy!
@Pedroaghyu Says:
The only way to survive Victorias bankruptcy is to move else where. People are leave already
@kermitthehermit9588 Says:
Fake news. I looked under a bunch of rocks and I found three bottle caps, a Lego man head and twenty cents. I didn’t see any national debt