NDIS is estimated at $36.7 billion in 2022–23 and is expected to be $41.9 billion in 2023–24 if they re organise and fix this NDIS scamming by many companies and people, it will fix the medicare and also full health system
@Discoworx Says:
Govt created this problem with massive immigration and tax policy that favours housing as an investment both of which pushes the cost of living up. They aren't changing those policies anytime soon.
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Put nursing training back into the hospitals.
@randymiller7521 Says:
The cost of living needs to come down. That’s the problem
@cruelladevil1001 Says:
Ridiculous entitlement
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Don't like it?
Then go without.
There is heaps of people who would love 15%.
@Jabberwocky_McScrugel Says:
Nope not after Covid.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Pity they didn't all stand up and protest like this back in 2021 about the " safe and effective ".
@joeybrown3583 Says:
No amount of money can change what has been done to you. It’s too late.
@shannonwilson1416 Says:
So let me get this right you can get over 200k working for the government ruining all our lives and not taking responsibility when they fuck up or you can get 80k and have lives put into your hand to save. The complete stupidness that we allowed into our once beautiful country😊
@shannonwilson1416 Says:
Albo got a 20k payrise. That's what I would be going with not a % of pay. That's a load of crap
@pennywilson823 Says:
Replace them
@YaIngaYaYa Says:
Nurses are always asking for more and more and more. They get better pay and conditions than the majority of professions. Fast track new ones in and replace them
@kkcw6668 Says:
Highest average paid the world has ever known, plus the most generous entitlements packages ever devised by any society throughout the ages of Hunan civilisation!
Its not a criticism, just observation.
@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas Says: