Labor's integrity commission call slammed after gutting watchdog 'unions don't like'

Labor's integrity commission call slammed after gutting watchdog 'unions don't like'


Labor says it wants an integrity commission yet one of its first acts in government is getting rid of an integrity watchdog the unions don't like, Sky News host Chris Kenny says. "Labor is in bed with the unions, funded by the unions, it is the political arm of the union movement," he said. "One of its first acts in government is getting rid of the building and construction commission, the building industry watchdog that keeps a check on the unions. "Perhaps the relationship between Labor and the unions should be the first item on the agenda of any integrity commission."




@mikeharrison3618 Says:
Energy POWERS every other industry.
@mikeharrison3618 Says:
ALEX EPSTEIN 's "Fossil Future" on sale now. The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. HUMAN flourishing
@richardtravers8772 Says:
The only thing missing are the painted faces and red noses.
@warwickchristian5682 Says:
Labor is always looking to blame someone else for their mismanagement. Buckle up and get ready for the ride. It will be a wild one. As far as the economy goes, brace for impact. It's coming to a screeching halt.
@jd4447 Says:
Claire O'neil, the MP who is never seen in her safe electorate. Useless politician.
@lupingyan6540 Says:
Australians : pariahs Australia: weak Australia technology: trash Australia space technology : much trash All right , what qualifies Australians to take hardline????? What qualifications are there for Australians not to be kind and friendly???????
@remoman Says:
Who cares if granny dies, WE GOT A PLANET TO SAVE!!!!
@Simon-Simon-Simon Says:
executive orders - here they come like BIDEN
@desking8065 Says:
Propaganda at it's best. Three days of parliament. Frog sh/t
@dalerahaley2328 Says:
The eliteparasites time is coming to a close
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Bwaaaaaaahahaha... on the pretence they can change the climate 😂😂NICE SPIN CHRIS 🤣🤣 Must work on some I guess... >> 🤪
@BigGen222 Says:
@ricky6864 Says:
Australia needs the Sri lankan people to more some of our corruption on
@ricky6864 Says:
What a joke, not one of them has one iota of integrity....
@haznan5324 Says:
Bring in ICAC. Yes put these corrupt coalition politicians behind bars.
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Anyone thinking of building now you will end up with shoddy work with no oversight
@justice1902 Says:
Richard Marles, the politician China could buy.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Labors blaming is doing more damage to the Country because they are too useless to fix it. Lol
@frankcoates4609 Says:
The hairless wombat strikes again.
@justice1902 Says:
Anthony Overseasy has as much integrity as Joe (aka the big guy) Biden.
@luciferblack7764 Says:
On tonight's episode of sky's groundhog Day.. Same bat time Same bat channel Same sky puppets Same complaints Same result Australians voted overwhelmingly to support clean renewable energy sources. 🌏 😆😆😆😆 🥚 not happy after his 🇺🇲 v ABC 🇦🇺 was a humiliating failure. Aussie.. Aussie.. Aussie.....💪
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
If Labor get their way, Australia will be run by THUG union bosses...very similar to how Russia was run under Stalin.
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
Alarmist nonsense - the usual Sky fare.
@andrewgraham7659 Says:
I wasn't expecting anything less than stupidity and blameshifting - so I guess I've not been disappointed. I did expect the Labor party to present themselves in a better more mature way - I suppose that's the let down. Though to claim they follow the science is garbage - given they aren't scientists.
@HMASJervisBay Says:
Remember Elbow swore to have a fed ICAC by the end of the year. It will sought out the chaff from the wheat. Can't wait.
@micromaid2187 Says:
Under new management??? Haven't we found over the past couple of years that it is the unelected bureaucrats that rule
@okaymate1079 Says:
Hello 32% primary vote Can I request a little less pressure on my throat please
@justin-case1312 Says:
*d(e.a^)th of a y(ou)ng (c*)h(.il^d)*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*to k.i(^ll) all the ki(ds)*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*to k.i(^ll) all the kids*
@jessekoch3480 Says:
@justin-case1312 Says:
*d(e.a^)th of a y(ou)ng c*h(.il^d)*
@davidhoward5392 Says:
It's always the otherside fault...
@justin-case1312 Says:
*to k.i^ll all the kids*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*The WEF now using*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*The WEF now using the d^e. a^th of a young c*^d to k.i^ll all the kids*
@theoldcrow6975 Says:
The words “government” and “integrity” went out the window with the Cobid1984 debacle… when are you going to explain all the heart failures from a certain jabby jab? Integrity 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 yous funny 😆
@justin-case1312 Says:
*The WEF now using the d^e. a^th of a young child to k.i^ll all the kids*
@kellyco4139 Says:
Labor is just doing what Labor has Always done !!!
@justin-case1312 Says:
*WEF behind every discrepancy*

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