'We will weather the storm': Treasurer warns 'perilous' economic challenges

'We will weather the storm': Treasurer warns 'perilous' economic challenges


Treasurer Jim Chalmers says Australians 'will weather the storm' as he warned of the economic challenges and the 'perilous' conditions in the global economy. Mr Chalmers said he will be talking about the combination of rising interest rates and falling global growth ahead of his state of economy address. 'The global economy is treading a pretty perilous path,' he told Sky News Australia. 'My belief is that we will weather the storm.'




@NateGfit Says:
"providing responsible cost of living relief" is inflationary mate. these people have no idea what they are doing.
@dzaz8489 Says:
Particularly if you're going to bring in laws which will choke the Australian economy and raise costs of living.
@kennethbillings614 Says:
We will weather the storm, says the rich prick on a pile of cash
@k9-unit-australia275 Says:
First opening statement. BLAME THE PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT 🤦‍♂️TYPICAL LABOUR POLICY, blame everyone else because they have no solution
@billogle4776 Says:
@L0b0ts Says:
That's coded language for, I am not doing anything about lowering inflation as I promised before the election and all you little people out there must pay for my gross incompetence as Treasurer.
@janicefoundas9163 Says:
Whos ‘we’? Are you pregnant?
@ilzitek2419 Says:
Perilous leaders.
@user-rc4nw6xy5p Says:
Jimbo Jim Bob the junior lad from back room accounting is in the da house. He is lost. The LNP didn't leave him a big budget surplus to waste - he's got inflation eating away at his party - he's got a recession on the way. However and you don't free streak knives. Climate Change is where it's at. Not the Federal Budget - inflation - global supply lines - recession closing in fast - cost of living. And all Jim Bob can say is it's the LNP's fault. No, it's not. The LNP don't control global supply lines or the global economy. Labor wants to talk about playing God and reversing climate change, which will be a complete waste of money and a waste of everyone's time. Labor only govern when everything is right for them. They normally win an election, and the LNP has left no budget deficit. This time, they won at the wrong time. And poor old Jim Bob is lost. Dear Leader wants to spend Billions on playing God. He has Chris electric Hey-Suss from faulty powers and Tanya out on her broom they are the super hero's of this train wreck. And they might well soon be the super villains.
@jessekoch3480 Says:
Blah blah blah you can't fix f*^cked
@gw5436 Says:
What do you mean "we", Jim? You will sit pretty on the taxpayers teat as always, ignoring all our pain with weasel words and living off our blood you suck from our veins.
@Stikibits Says:
Chalmers is a free-market lunatic. He has little hope of doing anything but continuing to fark up regular Australians and all of our public services to serve free-market goons in the private sector. The ALP is free-market-goons-lite, so things will get little better. I'm sure their free-market beneficiaries in the private sector will come away laughing all the way to their off-shore bank accounts, though, hey?
@allmighty736 Says:
So Jim Chalmers has a 30 billion dollar debt that HE personally owes China that is going to be wiped from Our Economy to save his neck 🤔
@gw5436 Says:
Hey Jim... Where's our cost savings you promised before the election? Yeah? Lying trash like you have lived of our taxes and suffering for how much of your lives? Stop lying to us and just give up your bullshit.
@Willowy13 Says:
we = YOU!😠
@MrBigMatt123 Says:
This 🤡 ahaha
@01p45 Says:
this blokes ears are bigger then our debt.... so it cant be that bad?
@crowsfan691 Says:
"Weather the storm" - as if it will affect him in any way.
@TheBarnel Says:
Chalmers has no idea, hundreds extra each month to live, canceling netflix wont help
@TheBarnel Says:
cancel tour netflix, that will fix it. Chalmers said so.
@Nibby12 Says:
Yes, you spoilt lazy rich pigs and elites will surely weather the storm, but what about everyone else?
@stuartproctor6642 Says:
these clowns will run this country into the ground!
@meredithisme3752 Says:
God help us with this union hack at the helm
@lj3571 Says:
But you'll keep going forward and we go backwards!!
@justin-case1312 Says:
**Historical tactic Creating f/a.m^ine to take P^o/**w.er*
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Think Chalmers will be another Wayne Swan. Swan blew the Howard surplus on an overreaction to the GFC and produced a string of budgets that drive us deeper into debt. You just know that Labor take Morrison's massive COVID debt and turn it into an IMF intervention. When you have Albanese citing a child care as his way out of recession you know they have no idea what to do. Unemployment will be his biggest problem going into 2023, not a labor shortage. And like the GFC response, billions will be poured into programs that will exacerbate problems, not fix them.
@justin-case1312 Says:
*Japan, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Germany, and UK Global Economic Collapse*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*Technocratic digital dictatorship*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*A Global Financial Coup d’État.*
@justin-case1312 Says:
*Historical tactic Creating famine to take Power*
@melaniehickey236 Says:
By tomorrow the treasury will be empty and Morrison will be all to blame. Gee, did he have to worry about Australian defenses? Now Albanese has Xi 's assurances (MacArthur got the same from the Philippine President right before the Japanese landed in the Philippines: he was told he had assurances from the Japanese) If any one mentions the word "global" in reference to economics they are outdated globalists about to sell you out. Also, the Chinese due to the "one child" policy now have 30 million excess men over women. Excess men always get exported, in this case likely to Taiwan then to Australia (Sea Peoples, American southern border, to Great Britain from Africa via France).
@michaellalanae7228 Says:
Go green and get ready to do a lot of walking in the cold .or hug a sheep just don't kiss and tell .
@paulveenings6861 Says:
The chickens are coming home to roost .
@tamaveirene Says:
Jim Chalmers, as so many of his colleagues, is highly under-qualified to be in any Governmental position. Just check out the educational qualifications of the 22-man Labor Government Cabinet for yourself. And this 32% of the Primary Vote gaggle is running (ruining) our lives yet again! Most of them never even had a decent job before spring-boarding into politics straight from university! They know nothing!
@GordonPavilion Says:
Sky News is a cancer on Australia…as are it’s disciples
@oldnutta7611 Says:
Labor knew the problem, promised relief and now it's just weather the storm. Meanwhile they're going to make electricity and food unaffordable.
@concrete7830 Says:
Plenty money for Ukrainian and pacific islands
@elimason7954 Says:
Well done Liberals. You left Australia in an economic hole.
@donotcomply665 Says:
Christine Anderson, German member of Parliament, speaking at the European Parliament: “This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history. Moreover it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.”
@jtiger2145 Says:
Politicians will get through the storm but we won't time for a revolution
@eb2505 Says:
We aren't worried about you with your fat pay cheques, super and perks. It's us.
@tlb2970 Says:
Why inflict a storm on us when the climate change does that without policies. 🤮
@peterdixon7705 Says:
What a time to take over australia.lol. Will be worse at the next election.
@dadbosworth6838 Says:
Weather the storm, vote them selves a pay rise
@donmooney21 Says:
Is the storm, what we are calling the democrat communists now??
@thomasriley4963 Says:
I love the fact you guys are in same situation we're in here in usa both have gov. And gov. Workers who suck ass
@user-gk1nt6sm2z Says:
Airbus albo will weather the storm cruising at 30000 feet. God help Australia.
@nuttydrawz Says:
2 Timothy 3:1-5 New King James Version Perilous Times and Perilous Men 3 But know this, that (A)in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 (B)traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 (C)having a form of godliness but (D)denying its power. And (E)from such people turn away!
@robertmccabe8632 Says:
"Usual, not our fault , we enherited it".
@jaqalenabrooks8499 Says:

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